Title: |
The Central Engine of Active Galactic Nuclei
Volume: |
Year: |
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Editors: |
Ho, Luis, C.; Wang, Jian-Min
Synopsis: |
The study of active galactic nuclei is undergoing a renaissance with the recognition that the growth of black holes and the accompanying release of accretion energy may have profound consequences for structure formation in general. Black holes and their manifestation as active galactic nuclei are now considered to be integral components of the life-cycle of galaxies. At the same time, the advent of a variety of state-of-the-art instrumentation, both on the ground and in space, has led to vast improvements in the quality and quantity of data being gathered across all wavelengths. The phenomenology of AGNs is richer than ever. Within this context, it is important to reexamine the physics of active galactic nuclei in a context framework. This meeting, held in Xi’an China of 16-21 October 2006, focuses on the classical components of the central engine of active galactic nuclei: the black hole, accretion disk, jet, outflow/wind, broad-line region, torus, and narrow-line region. We also highlight particularly important processes related to dust grains and star formation in the central regions of galaxies, ending with a forward-looking appraisal of new instrumental capabilities on the horizon. Whenever possible we attempt to address the physical properties of the components of the central engine, rather than on phenomenology alone. It is hoped that quantitative studies of the central engine will ultimately lead not only to a better understanding of the active galactic nucleus phenomenon but also to deeper insights into the manner in which active galactic nuclei affect their host galaxies and their larger cosmic habitat.
Paper Title |
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Authors |
Cover |
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Volume 373 Cover |
Ho, L.C.; Wang, J.-M. |
Front Matter |
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Volume 373 Front Matter |
1 |
Ho, L.C.; Wang, J.-M. |
Conference Photo |
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Volume 373 Conference Photograph |
2 |
Ho, L.C.; Wang, J.-M. |
Part 1. Black Holes |
| |
The Masses of Black Holes in Active Galactic Nuclei |
3 |
Peterson, B.M. |
Advances in Reverberation Mapping |
13 |
Kaspi, S. |
The Mass of the Black Hole in NGC 4593 Using Reverberation Mapping |
23 |
Denney, K.D.; Bentz, M.C.; Peterson, B.M.; Pogge, R.W. |
Short-term Line Profile Variations in Selected AGN |
25 |
Kollatschny, W. |
Measuring Hβ BLR Flows in NGC 5548 |
29 |
Welsh, W.F.; Martino, D.L.; Kawaguchi, G.; Kollatschny, W. |
Continuum and Emission-line Variability of High-luminosity Quasars |
31 |
Vagnetti, F.; Trevese, D.; Paris, D.; Stirpe, G.; Zitelli, V. |
The Black Hole Mass Function of Local Active Galaxies |
33 |
Green, J.E.; Ho, L.C. |
High-resolution Millimeter-VLBI Study of Sgr A* — A Supermassive Black Hole at the Galactic Center |
37 |
Shen, Z.-Q. |
Weighing Black Holes in Radio-loud AGNs |
41 |
Wu, X.-B.; Liu, F.K.; Wang, R.; Kong, M.Z.; Han, J.L. |
The Fundamental Plane Relationship of Astrophysical Black Holes |
45 |
Wang, R.; Wu, X.-B.; Kong, M.-Z. |
Adaptive Optics-assisted 3D Spectroscopic Observations for Black Hole Mass Measurements |
49 |
Pastorini, G. |
Growth of Massive Black Holes during Radiatively Inefficient Accretion Phases |
53 |
Cao, X.-W. |
Broad-line AGNs with Candidate Intermediate-mass Black Holes in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey |
57 |
Dong, X.; Wang, T.; Yuan, W.; Zhou, H.; Shan, H.; Wang, H.; Lu, H.; Zhang, K. |
SPH Simulations of Accretion Flows onto Supermassive Binary Black Holes from Circumbinary Disks |
59 |
Hayasaki, K.; Mineshige, S.; Sudou, H. |
Searching for Candidates of Binary Black Hole Systems |
61 |
Tao, J. |
Supermassive Black Holes and AGNs in Hierarchical Galaxy Formation |
64 |
Menci, N.; Cavaliere, A. |
Black Hole Masses in NLS1 Galaxies from the X-ray Excess Variance Method |
66 |
Nikolajuk, M.; Gurynowicz, P.; Czerny, B. |
The Black Hole-Bulge Relationship in Luminous Broad-line Active Galactic Nuclei and Host Galaxies |
68 |
Shen, J.; Vanden Berk, D.E.; Schneider, D.P.; Hall, P.B. |
The Black Hole–Bulge Relations in Active Galaxies |
70 |
Wandel, A. |
Part 2. Accretion Disk |
| |
Accretion Disks in AGNs |
75 |
Blaes, O. |
Supercritical Accretion Flow? |
85 |
Mineshige, S.; Ohsuga, K. |
Advection-dominated Accretion: From Sgr A* to Other Low-luminosity AGNs |
95 |
Yuan, F. |
The Near-IR Shape of the Big Blue Bump Emission from Quasars: Under the Hot Dust Emission |
105 |
Kishimoto, M.; Antonucci, R.; Blaes, O. |
Iron K Line Diagnostics in Active Galactic Nuclei |
109 |
Yaqoob, T. |
Iron Line Profiles from Relativistic Thick Accretion Disk |
119 |
Wu, S.-M.; Wang, T.-G. |
The Origin of the Soft Excess in AGN |
121 |
Done, C.; Gierlinski, M.; Sobolewska, M.; Schurch, N. |
X-ray Emission and Reprocessing in AGNs |
125 |
Matt, G. |
Effects of Neutrino Opacity in Neutrino-dominated Accretion Models |
135 |
Gu, W.-M.; Liu, T.; Lu, J.-F. |
Disk Truncation in AGN: The Influence of Viscosity |
137 |
Niu, Q.; Liu, B.F. |
The Influence of Magnetic Field on Accretion Disk Evaporation |
139 |
Qian, L.; Liu, B.F.; Wu, X.-B. |
Constraining the Connection Between the Far-UV and X-ray Continuum Using a Sample of 11 Quasars |
141 |
Haro-Corzo, S.A.R.; Krongold, Y.; Binette, L. |
On the X-ray Baldwin Effect for the Narrow Fe Kα Emission Line |
143 |
Jiang, P.; Wang, J.-X.; Wang, T.-G. |
A Model for the X-ray Absorption in Compton-thin AGN |
145 |
Lamastra, A.; Perola, G.C.; Matt, G. |
X-ray Variability of Radio-quiet AGN |
149 |
Uttley, P. |
Broad-band X-ray Variability of AGNs with Suzaku |
159 |
Terashima, Y. |
Higher Order Time Series Analysis of Mrk 421 |
163 |
Emmanoulopoulos, D.; Wagner, S.J. |
Suzaku Observations of the Seyfert 2 Galaxy NGC 4388 |
165 |
Fukazawa, Y.; Shirai, H.; Ohno, M.; Yonetoku, D.; Yokota, S.; Murakami, T.; Iwasawa, K.; Terashima, Y.; Awaki, H.; Tsuru, T.; Ozawa, M.; Fujimoto, R.; the Suzaku Team |
Modeling the X-ray Fractional Variability Spectrum of Active Galactic Nuclei Using Multiple Flares |
167 |
Goosmann, R.W.; Dovciak, M.; Karas, V.; Czerny, B.; Mouchet, M.; Ponti, G. |
Broad-band Spectral Properties of Blazars |
169 |
Boettcher, M. |
Probing the Jet–Accretion Disk Connection in Blazars |
179 |
Maraschi, L.; Tavecchio, F. |
On the Role of Relativistic Effects in X-ray Variability of AGN |
183 |
Zycki, P.T.; Niedzwiecki, A. |
Intra-day Optical Variability of BL Lacertae |
187 |
Bian, F.Y.; Zhang, Y.H.; Li, J.Z.; Shang, R.C.; Li, T.P.; Lou, Y.-Q.; Wang, X.F.; Yang, Y.; Zhang, S.N.; Zhou, J.F. |
Multi-epoch Multi-frequency VLBA Observations of 3C 66A |
189 |
Cai, H.-B.; Shen, Z.-Q.; Sudou, H. |
A Bending Jet in the γ-ray Bright Blazar NRAO 530 |
191 |
Feng, S.-W.; Shen, Z.-Q. |
Radio Polarization of BL Lacertae Objects |
193 |
Fan, J.H.; Guo, Q.; Hua, T.X.; Liu, Y.; Su, J.B.; Zhang, Y.W.; Zhang, J.Y.; Zhang, J.S. |
Radio Variability Properties for Radio Sources |
195 |
Fan, J.H.; Liu, Y.; Yuan, Y.H.; Guo, Q.; Hua, T.X.; Zhang, Y.W.; Su, J.B.; Zhang, J.S.; Zhang, J.Y. |
Possible Gamma-ray Emission in Blazar 3C 345 |
197 |
Bai, J.-M.; Zhao, X.; Zhang, Y.H. |
Optical Monitoring of BL Lacertae Object S5 0716+714 with a Novel Multi-peak Interference Filter |
199 |
Wu, J.-H.; Zhou, X.; Ma, J. |
Unusual Radio BAL Quasar 1624 + 3758 |
201 |
Benn, C.; Carballo, R.; Holt, J.; Vigotti, M.; Gonzalez-Serrano, J.I.; Mack, K.-H.; Perley, R.A. |
Probing Radio Source Environments Using 21-cm Absorption |
203 |
Gupta, N.; Salter, C.J.; Saikia, D.J.; Ghosh, T.; Jeyakumar, S. |
Long-term Optical Color Index Variability of Six Blazars |
205 |
Hu, S.-M.; Bi, X.-W.; Zheng, Y.-G.; Mao, W.-M. |
On Magnetic Fields in Broad-line Blazars |
207 |
Moderski, R.; Sikora, M. |
Possible Detection of Faraday Screen |
209 |
Inoue, M.; Asada, K.; Nagai, H. |
Further Evidence of Helical Magnetic Field |
211 |
Asada, K.; Inoue, M.; Nagai, H.; Kameno, S. |
Helical Magnetic Fields in the Jet of 3C273 |
213 |
Zavala, R.T.; Taylor, G.B.; Giovannini, G. |
Dynamical Evolution of Hot Spots in Radio-loud AGNs |
215 |
Kawakatu, N.; Kino, M. |
Episodic Activity in Radio Galaxies |
217 |
Saikia, D.J.; Konar, C.; Jamrozy, M.; Machalski, J.; Gupta, N.; Stawarz, L.; Mack, K.-H.; Siemiginowska, A. |
A Radio Study of 13 Powerful FRII Radio Galaxies |
221 |
Kharb, P.; O'Dea, C.P.; Baum, S.A.; Daly, R.A.; Mory, M.P.; Donahue, M.; Guerra, E.J. |
X-ray Properties of Obscured FR II Radio Galaxies |
223 |
Trussoni, E.; Capetti, A.; Balmaverde, B. |
The Kinetic Luminosity of Radio Jets in Active Galactic Nuclei |
225 |
Gu, M.; Cao, X.; Jiang, D.R. |
Synchrotron Flaring in Galactic and Extragalactic Jets |
227 |
Lindfors, E.J.; Tuerler, M. |
A Statistical Study of Jet Motions in Radio-loud AGNs |
229 |
Pan, Y. |
VLBI Observations of GHz-Peaked-Spectrum Radio Sources at 1.6 GHz |
231 |
Liu, X.; Ciu, L. |
The Jet Power, Radio-loudness and Black Hole Mass in Radio-loud AGNs |
233 |
Liu, Y.; Jiang, D.R.; Gu, M. |
Jet Precession in Galactic Nuclei Caused by Accretion Disks |
235 |
Zhou, B.-Y.; Fu Lu, J.-F.; Gu, W.-M. |
Millimeter VLBI Observations of PKS 1749 + 096 |
237 |
Lu, R.-S.; Shen, Z.-Q.; Krichbaum, T.P.; Alef, W.; Iguchi, S.; Kameno, S.; Titus, M. |
The Proper Motion in OQ 208 |
239 |
Luo, W.-F.; Yang, J.; Liu, X.; Shen, Z.-Q. |
Formation and Collimation of Relativistic Jets — Application to the Classification of FR I and FR II Radio Galaxies |
241 |
Meliani, Z. |
Observations of the Blazar OJ 287, 1957–1974: Further Evidence for the Precessing Binary Black Hole Model |
243 |
Rampadarath, H.; Valtonen, M.J.; Saunders, R. |
Binary Black Hole Model for the OJ 287 Periodic Optical Outbursts |
245 |
Shi, W.; Liu, X. |
OJ 287 |
247 |
Sillanpaa, A. |
Optical Monitoring of Candidate TeV Blazars |
249 |
Takalo, L.O.; Nilsson, K.; Lindfors, E.; Pasanen, M.; Berdyugin, A. |
Multiwavelength Variability of TeV Blazars with XMM-Newton |
251 |
Zhang, Y.-H. |
Why Did EGRET Not Detect the Blazar 3C 345? |
253 |
Wang, H.-T. |
Panchromatic Views of Large-scale Extragalactic Jets |
255 |
Cheung, C.C. |
FIRST “Winged” and “X”-shaped Radio Source Candidates |
259 |
Cheung, C.C.; Springman, A. |
Quasar Jets at Large Redshift |
261 |
Schwartz, D.A. |
GRO J1655–40: ASCA and XMM-Newton Observations |
263 |
Zhang, X.-L.; Zhang, S.N.; Sala, G.; Greiner, J.; Feng, Y.; Yao, Y. |
Part 4. Winds and Outflows |
| |
Theory of Winds in AGNs |
267 |
Proga, D. |
AGN Outflows: Observations and Their Interpretation |
277 |
Chelouche, D. |
High-velocity Outflows in Quasars |
287 |
Rodriguez Hidalgo, P.; Hamann, F.; Nestor, D.; Shields, J. |
Probing Quasar Outflows with Intrinsic Narrow Absorption Lines |
291 |
Misawa, T.; Eracleous, M.; Charlton, J.C.; Ganguly, R.; Tytler, D.; Kirkman, D.; Suzuki, N.; Lubin, D. |
Intrinsic Narrow Civ Absorbers: Velocity Distribution and Clustering |
295 |
Nestor, D.B.; Hamann, F.; Rodriguez Hidalgo, P. |
Quasar Intrinsic Absorption in the HST Archive |
297 |
Ganguly, R.; Misawa, T.; Lynch, R.; Charlton, J.C.; Eracleous, M.; Hawthorn, M.J.; Grier, C. |
Properties of Absorbers in Quasars at High Redshift: Towards an Understanding of the Near-Quasar Host Environment |
299 |
Simon, L.E.; Hamann, F.W.; Pettini, M. |
Time-evolving Photoionization: The Thin and Compact X-ray Wind of NGC 4051 |
301 |
Nicastro, F.; Elvis, M.; Brickhouse, N.; Krongold, Y.; Binette, L.; Mathur, S. |
Stratified Quasar Winds: Integrating X-ray and Infrared Views of Broad Absorption-line Quasars |
305 |
Gallagher, S.C.; Everett, J.E. |
Busting Myths about BAL Quasars |
315 |
Brotherton, M.S. |
Mass Outflows from Seyfert Galaxies as Seen in Emission and Absorption |
319 |
Crenshaw, D.M.; Kraemer, S.B. |
A Decelerating Wind Observed in Mrk 478 |
329 |
Yuan, Q.; Brotherton, M.S.; Green, R.F.; Ganguly, R.; Shang, Z.; Kriss, G.A. |
Metal-enriched Outflows and Dusty Starburst in the Type II Quasar Q 1321+058 |
331 |
Wang, T.-G.; Zhou, H.; Lu, H.; Yuan, W.; Shan, H.; Dong, X. |
Polarization of Quasars: Rotated and Funnel-shaped Outflow |
335 |
Wang, H.-Y.; Wang, T.-G.; Wang, J.-X. |
Balmer Absorption Lines in FeLoBALs |
337 |
Aoki, K.; Iwata, I.; Ohta, K.; Tamura, N.; Ando, M.; Akiyama, M.; Kiuchi, G.; Nakanishi, K. |
He-like Triplets as X-ray Plasma Diagnostics in AGN |
339 |
Goncalves, A.C. |
Relativistic Inflow in the Seyfert 1 Mrk 335 Revealed through X-ray Absorption |
341 |
Longinotti, A.L.; Sim, S.; Nandra, K.; Cappi, M.; O'Neill, P. |
Fast Neutral Outflows in Nearby Radio Galaxies: A Major Source of Feedback |
343 |
Morganti, R.; Tadhunter, C.; Oosterloo, T.; Holt, J.; Emonts, B. |
Emission-line Outflows — the Evidence for AGN-induced Feedback |
347 |
Holt, J.; Tadhunter, C.N.; Morganti, R. |
Part 5. Broad-line Region |
| |
Emission-line versus Continuum Correlations in Active Galactic Nuclei |
355 |
Shields, J.C. |
Photoionization Models of the Broad-line Region |
365 |
Leighly, K.M.; Casebeer, D. |
BLR: Non-radiative Heating in Strong Fe II Emitters |
376 |
Joly, M.; Veron-Cetty, M.; Veron, P. |
Refining the Radius–Luminosity Relationship for Active Galactic Nuclei |
380 |
Bentz, M.C.; Denney, K.D.; Peterson, B.M.; Pogge, R.W. |
What Can We Learn from the Smallest AGN? |
384 |
Laor, A. |
Long-term Profile Variability in Double-peaked Emission-line AGN |
395 |
Lewis, K.T.; Eracleous, M.; Halpern, J.P.; Storchi-Bergmann, T. |
The Spectral Energy Distributions of AGN with Double-peaked Balmer Lines |
399 |
Strateva, I.; Brandt, W.N.; Eracleous, M.; Garmire, G.; Komossa, S. |
Interpreting the Variability of Double-peaked Emission Lines Using Accretion Disk Structure |
403 |
Flohic, H.M.L.G.; Eracleous, M. |
Physical Properties of the Broad-line Region |
405 |
Ilic, D.; La Mura, G.; Popovic, L.C.; Shapovalova, A.I.; Ciroi, S.; Chavushyan, V.H.; Rafanelli, P.; Burenkov, A.N.; Marcado, A. |
Resolving the BLR in NGC 3783 |
407 |
Lira, P.; Kishimoto, M.; Robinson, A.; Young, S.; Axon, D.; Elvis, M.; Lawrence, A.; Peterson, B. |
Analysis of the Broad Emission Lines in Fairall 9 |
409 |
Nazarova, L.S.; O'Brien, P.T.; Bochkarev, N.G. |
Investigation of the Innermost Part of Active Galactic Nuclei by Gravitational Microlensing |
411 |
Popovic, L.C.; Jovanovic, P.; Petrovic, T. |
Part 6. Torus |
| |
Unification Issues and the AGN Torus |
415 |
Elitzur, M. |
Spectropolarimetry Surveys of Obscured AGNs |
425 |
Moran, E.C. |
Different Angles on Active Galaxies: Where are We with Regard to Unification? |
435 |
Shastri, P. |
Mid-infrared Interferometric Observations of AGNs |
439 |
Jaffe, W.; Raban, D.; Roettgering, H.; Meisenheimer, K.; Tristram, K. |
Arp 102B: An ADAF and a Torus? |
443 |
Chary, R.-R. |
X-ray Absorption in Active Galactic Nuclei |
447 |
Maiolino, R.; Risaliti, G. |
X-ray Observations of NGC 1365: Time-resolved Eclipse of the X-ray Source |
458 |
Risaliti, G. |
Reverberation Measurements of the Inner Radius of the Dust Torus in Nearby Seyfert 1 Galaxies |
462 |
Suganuma, M.; Kobayashi, Y.; Yoshii, Y.; Minezaki, T.; Tomita, H.; Aoki, T.; Enya, K.; Koshida, S.; Peterson, B.A. |
“Warm Absorbers” and “Warm Mirrors”: One and the Same Gas? |
467 |
Guainazzi, M.; Bianchi, S. |
On the Fraction of X-ray Obscured Quasars |
471 |
Wang, J.; Jiang, P.; Zheng, Z.; Wang, T. |
Spitzer Observations of Powerful Radio Sources |
475 |
Cleary, K.; Lawrence, C.R.; Marshall, J.A.; Hao, L.; Meier, D. |
The Radio Properties of Type 2 Quasars |
479 |
Lal, D.V.; Ho, L.C. |
Spitzer/IRS Observations of Seyfert 1.8 and 1.9 Galaxies: A View through the Torus Atmosphere? |
483 |
Deo, R.P.; Crenshaw, D.M.; Kraemer, S.B. |
Modeling the Polarization of Dusty Scattering Cones in Active Galactic Nuclei |
485 |
Goosmann, R.W.; Gaskell, C.M.; Shoji, M. |
3D Radiative Transfer Modeling of Clumpy Dust Tori Around AGN |
487 |
Hoenig, S.F.; Beckert, T.; Ohnaka, K.; Weigelt, G. |
On the Infrared Properties of Dusty Torus |
489 |
Videla, L.; Lira, P.; Alonso-Herrero, A.; Alexander, D.M.; Ward, M. |
Obscuration of AGNs by Circumnuclear Starbursts |
491 |
Watabe, Y.; Umemura, M. |
NGC 1097 at High Spatial Resolution in the Mid-infrared |
493 |
Mason, R.E.; Levenson, N.A.; Packham, C.; Elitzur, M.; Radomski, J.; Petric, A.; Wright, G. |
Mid-infrared Observations of NGC 1068 with VLT/VISIR |
495 |
Poncelet, A.; Doucet, C.; Perrin, G.; Sol, H.; Lagage, P.O. |
Mid-IR-selected Quasars in the Spitzer First Look Survey |
497 |
Petric, A.O.; Lacy, M.; Storrie-Lombardi, L.J.; Sajina, A.; Armus, L.; Canalizo, G.; Ridgway, S. |
Unification of 3CR Radio Galaxies and Quasars |
499 |
Schulz, B.; Siebenmorgen, R.; Haas, M.; Kruegel, E.; Chini, R. |
Silicate Emission in AGN: Emission from the Torus or (and) Extended Emission? |
501 |
Schweitzer, M.; Lutz, D.; Sturm, E.; Genzel, R.; Veilleux, S.; Rupke, D.; Kim, D.-C.; Baker, A.J.; Groves, B.; Tomono, D.; Netzer, H.; Sternberg, A. |
Detection of Warm Molecular Clouds toward the Obscured AGN IRAS 08572+3915 |
505 |
Shirahata, M.; Nakagawa, T.; Goto, M.; Usuda, T.; Suto, H.; Geballe, T.R. |
Nuclear Obscuration in Seyfert 2 Galaxies with and without Polarized Broad Emission Lines |
507 |
Shu, X.W.; Wang, J.X.; Jang, P.; Fan, L.L.; Wang, T.-G. |
Part 7. Narrow-line Region |
| |
The Narrow-line Region: Current Models and Future Questions |
511 |
Groves, B. |
Properties of the Narrow-line Region in Seyfert Galaxies |
521 |
Bennert, N.; Jungwiert, B.; Komossa, S.; Haas, M.; Chini, R. |
Uncovering the Active Galactic Nuclei in Low-ionization Nuclear Emission-line Regions with Spitzer |
525 |
Rupke, D.; Veilleux, S.; Kim, D.-C.; Sturm, E.; Contursi, A.; Lutz, D.; Netzer, H.; Sternberg, A.; Maoz, D. |
Systematic Study of a Large Sample of NLS1 Galaxies from SDSS: First Results |
529 |
Yuan, W.; Zhou, H.; Wang, T.; Dong, X.; Lu, H.; Wang, J.; Lu, Y.; Fan, L.; Dou, L. |
The Large-scale Structure of LINERs and Seyferts and Implications for Their Central Engines |
533 |
Constantin, A.; Vogeley, M.S. |
The Clustering of Narrow-line AGN in the Local Universe |
537 |
Li, C.; Kauffmann, G.; Wang, L.; White, S.D.M.; Heckman, T.M.; Jing, Y.P. |
The X-ray Nature of the LINER Nuclear Sources |
542 |
Marquez, I.; Gonzalez-Martin, O.; Masegosa, J.; Guerrero, M.A.; Dultzin-Hacyan, D. |
VIMOS Spectroscopy of Extended Emission-line Regions |
546 |
Inskip, K.J.; Villar-Martin, M.; Tadhunter, C.; Morganti, R.; Holt, J.; Dicken, D. |
Integral Field Spectroscopy of Extended Emission-line Regions around QSOs |
550 |
Fu, H.; Stockton, A. |
Emitting Gas Regions in Mrk 493: An Extensive Fe II Line Emission Region |
552 |
Popovic, L.C.; Smirnova, A.; Ilic, D.; Moiseev, A.; Kovacevic, J.; Afanasiev, V. |
Investigation of Forbidden Line Variability in Seyfert Galaxy Nuclei at Crimean Observatory |
554 |
Pronik, I.I. |
Probing the NLR in Narrow-line Seyfert 1 Galaxies |
557 |
Xu, D.; Komossa, S.; Zhou, H.; Wang, T.; Wei, J. |
Part 8. Dust Grains |
| |
Dust in Active Galactic Nuclei |
561 |
Li, A. |
The Distribution of Silicate Strength of AGNs and ULIRGs |
574 |
Hao, L.; Weedman, D.W.; Spoon, H.W.W.; Marshall, J.A.; Levenson, N.A.; Elitzur, M.; Houck, J.R. |
Mid-infrared Spectra of Radio Galaxies and Quasars |
578 |
Ogle, P.M.; Antonucci, R.R.J.; Whysong, D. |
The Far-UV Break in Quasar Energy Distributions: Dust? |
582 |
Binette, L.; Krongold, Y.; Haro-Corzo, S.; Andersen, A. |
Extinction Curves in AGN |
586 |
Czerny, B. |
The Origin of Wavelength-dependent Continuum Delays in AGNs — A New Model |
596 |
Gaskell, C.M. |
The Spectral Energy Distribution of the Central Parsecs Region of Galaxies |
600 |
Prieto, M.A.; Reunanen, J.; Beckert, Th.; Tristram, K.; Neumayer, N.; Fernandez, J.A.; Acosta, J. |
UV to Mid-IR SEDs of Low-redshift Quasars |
604 |
Shang, Z.; Brotherton, M.; Dale, D.A.; Hines, D. |
Nuclear Starbursts in the Dusty Tori of Seyfert 1 and 2 Galaxies |
608 |
Imanishi, M. |
Luminous Buried AGNs in the Local Universe |
612 |
Imanishi, M. |
Millimeter Interferometric Observations of Nearby Luminous Infrared Galaxies |
614 |
Imanishi, M. |
Part 9. Stellar Processes |
| |
Stellar Processes near AGN |
619 |
Nayakshin, S. |
Observations of Stellar Processes in Active Galaxies |
629 |
Levenson, N.A. |
Eddington-limited Starbursts in the Central 10 pc of AGN, and the Torus in NGC1068 |
639 |
Davies, R.; Genzel, R.; Tacconi, L.; Mueller Sanchez, F.; Sternberg, A. |
The Stellar Populations of Seyfert 2 Nuclei |
643 |
Sarzi, M.; Shields, J.C.; Pogge, R.W.; Martini, P. |
Compact Starburst in the Central Regions of Seyfert Galaxies |
647 |
Kohno, K.; Nakanishi, K.; Imanishi, M. |
Distribution and Kinematics of Molecular Gas in Perseus A |
651 |
Ao, Y.-P.; Lim, J.; Trung, D.-V. |
Quasar Metal Abundances and Host Galaxy Evolution |
653 |
Hamann, F.; Warner, C.; Dietrich, M.; Ferland, G. |
Metallicity Evolution of Active Galactic Nuclei |
663 |
Nagao, T.; Maiolino, R.; Marconi, A. |
Cosmological Evolution of the Duty Cycle of Quasars |
667 |
Chen, Y.-M.; Wang, J.-M.; Zhang, F. |
Star Formation-dominated Eigenvector 1 as a Clock of AGN |
671 |
Wang, J.; Wei, J.Y.; He, X.T. |
The Possible Relation between Star Formation Rate and Accretion Rate in Different Types of AGNs |
673 |
Wu, Q.; Cao, X. |
Stellar Contributions in Type II AGN Spectra from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey |
675 |
Bian, W.-H. |
Is the Quasar HE 0450−2958 Really Naked? |
677 |
Kim, M.; Ho, L.C.; Peng, C.Y.; Im, M. |
Host Galaxies of Hard X-ray Selected Type 2 Active Galactic Nuclei at Intermediate Redshifts |
679 |
Kiuchi, G.; Ohta, K.; Akiyama, M.; Aoki, K.; Ueda, Y. |
Coevolution of Supermassive Black Holes and Their Host Galaxies |
682 |
Kotilainen, J.K.; Falomo, R.; Labita, M.; Scarpa, R.; Treves, A. |
The Dependence of Some Metallicity Calibrations of Strong-line Ratios on Nitrogen Enrichment History |
684 |
Lian, Y.C.; Yin, S.Y. |
A Study on the Revised R23 − P Method for Metallicity Estimates Based on ∼20,000 SDSS Galaxies |
686 |
Yin, S.Y.; Liang, Y.C.; Zhang, B. |
Results from the Search for Tidal Disruption Flares in the GALEX Deep Imaging Survey |
688 |
Gezari, S. |
On the Nature of the Flares from Three Candidate Tidal Disruption Events |
692 |
Lu, Y.; Zheng, Z.; Zhang, S.N.; Huang, Y.F. |
Part 10. Surveys and Future Missions |
| |
AGN Research with Future Interferometric Arrays |
697 |
Quirrenbach, A. |
AGN Science with the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope |
707 |
Green, R.F.; Brandt, W.N.; Vanden Berk, D.E.; Schneider, D.P.; Osmer, P.S. |
AGN Variability Surveys: DASCH from BATSS to EXIST |
711 |
Grindlay, J.E. |
The Next-generation Space VLBI Project: VSOP-2 |
715 |
Inoue, M.; Murata, Y.; the Next-generation Space VLBI Working G |
First Observations with the Southern African Large Telescope (SALT) |
717 |
Romero-Colmenero, E.; Buckley, D.; Kniazev, A.; Vaisanen, P.; Loaring, N.; Still, M.; Hashimoto, Y.; Potter, S.; O'Donoghue, D.; Nordsieck, K.; Burgh, E.; Williams, T.; Sanchez, R.; Rangwala, N. |
Radio-loud Narrow-line Seyfert 1 Galaxies |
719 |
Komossa, S. |
An X-ray and Optical AGN Survey in SA 57 |
722 |
Trevese, D.; Vagnetti, F.; Zitelli, V.; Puccetti, S.; Boutsia, K.; Fiore, F.; Bershady, M. |
The Realm of the First Quasars in the Universe: The X-ray View |
724 |
Vignali, C.; Brandt, W.N.; Shemmer, O.; Steffen, A.; Schneider, D.P.; Kaspi, S. |
A Multiwavelength Study of AGN with COSMOS: Do Low-Eddington Ratio Type 1 AGN Exist? |
726 |
Trump, J.R.; Impey, C.D.; Gabor, J.M.; McCarthy, P.J.; Elvis, M.; Huchra, J.; Brusa, M.; Hasinger, G.; Schinnerer, E.; Scoville, N. |
High-redshift Obscured Quasars |
728 |
Martinez-Sansigre, A.; Rawlings, S. |
Effect of Eddington Bias on the Calculation of Hard X-ray Luminosity Function |
732 |
Zhang, W.-M.; Zhang, S.N. |
Preselect Quasar Candidates by Automated Methods |
734 |
Zhang, Y.; Zhao, Y. |
Search For Optical Variability of Narrow-line Seyfert 1 Galaxies from SDSS SN Survey Data |
736 |
Ai, Y.-L.; Yuan, W.-M.; Zhou, H.-Y.; Dong, X.-B. |
Radio and Optical Properties of the Faint Radio Population |
738 |
Gregorini, L.; Prandoni, I.; Mignano, A.; Parma, P.; de Ruiter, H.R.; Wieringa, M.H.; Vettolani, G.; Ekers, R.D. |
BL Lac Objects in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey |
741 |
Gupta, A.C.; Yuan, W.; Dong, X.; Ji, T.; Zhou, H.-Y.; Bai, J.M. |
Intra-day Variability Observations at 5 GHz with the Urumqi 25-meter Radio Telescope |
743 |
Song, H.-G.; Liu, X. |
Activation of Quiescent Black Holes in AGN? |
745 |
Jimenez Bailon, E.; Loiseau, N.; Guainazzi, M.; Matt, G.; Rosa-Gonzalez, D.; Piconcelli, E.; Santos Lleo M. |
A Radio, Millimeter and IR Study of z ≈ 2 Luminous QSOs |
747 |
Petric, A.O.; Carilli, C.L.; Mason, R.E.; Bertoldi, F.; Beelen, A.; Cox, P.; Omont, A.; Helfand, D. |
The Early X-ray Afterglows of Optical Transient and Dark GRBs |
749 |
Lin, Y.-Q. |
The Properties of Unobscured AGN Observed by XMM-Newton |
751 |
Bianchi, S.; Guainazzi, M.; Matt, G.; Bonilla, N.F. |
Part 11. Summary |
| |
Conference Summary |
755 |
Netzer, H.; Shields, J.C. |
Back Matter |
| |
Volume 373 Back Matter |
767 |
Ho, L.C.; Wang, J.-M. |