Title: |
AGN Winds in Charleston
Volume: |
Year: |
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Editors: |
George Chartas, Fred Hamann, and Karen M. Leighly
Synopsis: |
These are the proceedings of the international conference “AGN
Winds in Charleston” organized by the College of Charleston. The
goal of the AGN Winds in Charleston conference was to bring
together investigators who research the physical characteristics and
broader evolutionary context of AGN accretion disk winds. The
meeting hosted 98 participants from 13 countries. The program
consisted of 47 talks and 39 poster papers.
The conference was focused on AGN outflows and covered the
following topics:
(1) Spectroscopic Observations of AGN Outflows;
(2) Imaging and Spatially Resolved Spectroscopy of AGN Winds;
(3) Simulations and Energetics of AGN Winds; and
(4) Feedback, Evolution and Galaxy Scale Environments.
It has been six years since the “AGN winds in the Caribbean” conference
dedicated to AGN outows was held. Many interesting results
based on theoretical insights and observations from X-ray through
far-infrared wavelengths have been obtained since then. This book
presents an overview of the relevant results and progress made in
the last six years, and is of interest to researchers in a wide range of
extragalactic astronomy topics.
Paper Title |
Page |
Authors |
Front Matter |
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Volume Cover |
Chartas, G.; Hamann, F.; Leighly, K. M. |
Front Matter |
1 |
Chartas, G.; Hamann, F.; Leighly, K. M. |
Conference Photos |
2 |
Chartas, G.; Hamann, F.; Leighly, K. M. |
Part I. Spectroscopic Observations of AGN Outflows: X-rays and Higher Energies |
| |
Anatomy of an Outflow: Mapping the Mrk 509 Warm Absorber |
3 |
Kaastra, J. S.; Pinto, C.; Steenbrugge, K. C.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Bianchi, S.; Arav, N.; Behar, E.; Cappi, M.; Costantini, E.; Detmers, R. G.; Ebrero, J.; Kriss, G. A.; Mehdipour, M.; Paltani, S.; Petrucci, P.; Ponti, G.; de Vries, C. P. |
X-ray Evidence for Ultra-Fast Outflows in Local AGNs |
8 |
Tombesi, F.; Cappi, M.; Sambruna, R. M.; Reeves, J. N.; Reynolds, C. S.; Braito, V.; Dadina, M. |
The Ultra-Fast Outflow in the Quasar PG 1211+143 |
13 |
Reeves, J.; Pounds, K. |
The Suzaku View of Highly-ionized Outflows in AGN |
18 |
Gofford, J.; Reeves, J. N.; Braito, V.; Tombesi, F. |
Variable X-ray Absorption in the Mini-broad Absorption Line Quasar PG 1126-041 |
23 |
Giustini, M.; Cappi, M.; Chartas, G.; Dadina, M.; Eracleous, M.; Ponti, G.; Proga, D.; Tombesi, F.; Vignali, C.; Palumbo, G. G. C. |
A Multi-wavelength Survey of AGN Outflows in a Sample of Local AGNs |
28 |
Winter, L. M. |
Discovery of Relativistic Outflows in Ark 564 |
33 |
Gupta, A.; Mathur, S.; Krongold, Y. |
Winds in Mrk 509: A Common Origin for the X-ray and UV Ionized Gas? |
35 |
Ebrero, J. |
X-ray and UV Observations of Narrow Absorption Line Quasars with High Velocity Outflows |
37 |
Chartas, G.; Eracleous, M.; Misawa, T.; Giustini, G.; Charlton, J. |
A Study of the X-ray Outflow of APM 08279+5255 |
39 |
Saez, C.; Chartas, G. |
PHL 1811 Analogs: A Population of X-ray Weak Quasars |
42 |
Wu, J.; Brandt, W. N.; Hall, P. B.; Gibson, R. R.; Richards, G. T.; Schneider, D. P.; Shemmer, O.; Just, D. W.; Schmidt, S. J. |
Part II. Spectroscopic Observations of AGN Outflows: Near-UV and Lower Energies |
| |
Narrow UV Absorption Line Outflows from Quasars |
47 |
Hamann, F.; Simon, L.; Hidalgo, P. R.; Capellupo, D. |
Narrow Absorption Line Outflows in High-Redshift Quasars |
52 |
Simon, L. E.; Hamann, F.; Pettini, M. |
Exploring Micro-Turbulence in Emission and Absorption in AGN |
57 |
Kraemer, S. B.; Crenshaw, D. M.; Bottorff, M. C.; Turner, T. J.; Miller, L. |
Reorienting Our Perspective of Broad Absorption Line Quasars |
62 |
DiPompeo, M. A.; Brotherton, M. S.; De Breuck, C.; Laurent-Muehleisen, S. |
CIV Emission as a Probe of Accretion Disk Winds |
67 |
Richards, G. T. |
Probing High-Column Outflows in BALQSOs Using Metastable Helium |
72 |
Leighly, K. M.; Lucy, A. B.; Dietrich, M.; Terndrup, D.; Gallagher, S. C. |
BAL Quasars with Redshifted Troughs |
78 |
Hall, P. B.; Brandt, W. N.; Petitjean, P.; Ak, N. F.; Pâris, I.; Aubourg, E.; Anderson, S. F.; Schneider, D. P.; Bizyaev, D.; Brinkmann, J.; Myers, A. D.; Malanushenko, E.; Malanushenko, V.; Oravetz, D. J.; Ross, N. P.; Shelden, A.; Simmons, A. E.; Weaver, B. A.; York, D. G. |
Characterizing the UV and X-ray Outflow in Mrk 509 |
83 |
Kriss, G. A.; Arav, N.; Kaastra, J. S.; Ebrero, J.; Pinto, C.; Borguet, B.; Edmonds, D.; Costantini, E.; Steenbrugge, K. C.; Detmers, R. G.; Behar, E.; Bianchi, S.; Blustin, A. J.; Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Cappi, M.; Mehdipour, M.; Petrucci, P.; Ponti, G. |
Variability in Quasar Broad Absorption Line Outflows |
88 |
Capellupo, D. M.; Hamann, F.; Shields, J. C.; Halpern, J.; Hidalgo, P. R.; Barlow, T. A. |
Variability of Mini-BAL and BAL Outflows in Quasars |
93 |
Hidalgo, P. R.; Hamann, F.; Eracleous, M.; Capellupo, D.; Charlton, J.; Shields, J. |
Constraining Variable High Velocity Winds from Broad Absorption Line Quasars with Multi-Epoch Spectroscopy |
98 |
Haggard, D.; Arraki, K. S.; Green, P. J.; Aldcroft, T.; Anderson, S. F. |
Absorption-Line Variability of Broad-Absorption Line Quasars |
101 |
Dietrich, M.; Mathur, S.; Terndrup, D. M.; Hall, P. B.; Leighly, K. M.; Barber, S. D. |
Evidence for Broad-Line Region Outflows and Their Impact on Black Hole Mass Measurements |
103 |
Denney, K. D.; Assef, R. J.; Horne, K.; Peterson, B. M.; Vestergaard, M. |
Determining the Source of Reddening in Low Ionization BAL Quasars |
105 |
Dunn, J. P.; Pate, J. |
Multi-epoch Observation of C IV Absorption Variability in APM 08279+5255 |
107 |
Trevese, D.; Saturni, F. G.; Vagnetti, F.; Paris, D.; Perna, M. |
Probing Quasar Winds Using Narrow Intrinsic Absorption Lines |
109 |
Culliton, C.; Eracleous, M.; Charlton, J.; Misawa, T. |
Multiwavelength Campaign on Mrk 509 IX. Lower Limit on the Distance of the Absorber from HST COS and STIS Spectroscopy |
111 |
Edmonds, D.; Arav, N.; Borguet, B.; Kriss, G. A. |
Tomography of the UV Outflow in IRAS-F22456-5125 using High S/N HST/COS Observations |
113 |
Borguet, B.; Edmonds, D.; Arav, N.; Dunn, J. |
Multi-Sightline Spectroscopy of Outflowing Winds in Quasar SDSS
J1029+2623 |
115 |
Misawa, T.; Inada, N.; Ohsuga, K.; Gandhi, P.; Konami, S.; Takahashi, R.; Kawaharada, M. |
Broad Absorption Line Variability in Radio-Loud Quasars |
118 |
Miller, B. P.; Welling, C. A.; Brandt, W. N.; Gibson, R. R. |
Large BALQSO Fractions Inferred from NIR and Radio Surveys:
Implication to AGN and Feedback Models |
120 |
Dai, X.; Morabito, L. K.; Shankar, F.; Sivakoff, G. R.; Leighly, K. M. |
Constraining Accretion Disk Wind Theory With Intrinsic Narrow
Absorption Lines |
122 |
Clausen, D.; Eracleous, M.; Charlton, J. C. |
Monitoring Quasar Color Variability in Stripe 82 |
124 |
Rogerson, J. A.; Hall, P. B.; MacLeod, C.; Ivezić, Ž. |
Characterizing Quasars in the Mid-IR |
126 |
Hill, A. R.; Gallagher, S. C.; Deo, R. P. |
HST/COS Observations of Intrinsic Absorption in Mrk 876 |
128 |
Scott, J.; Arav, N.; Borguet, B.; Danforth, C.; Froning, C.; Winter, L. |
Part III. Imaging and Spatially Resolved Spectroscopy of AGNWinds |
| |
Resolved Outflows in Nearby AGN from Integral Field Spectroscopy |
133 |
Bergmann, T. S. |
Massive Neutral and Molecular Winds in Nearby Galaxies |
139 |
Veilleux, S. |
High-ionization Gas in Active Galactic Nuclei: Line Profiles and Physical Conditions |
144 |
Rodíguez-Ardila, A.; Riffel, R.; Mazzalay, X.; Portilla, J. G. |
Direct Evidence for Termination of Obscured Star Formation by Radiatively Driven Outflows in FeLoBAL QSOs |
149 |
Farrah, D.; Urrutia, T.; Lacy, M.; Efstathiou, A.; Afonso, J.; Coppin, K.; Hall, P. B.; Lonsdale, C.; Jarrett, T.; Bridge, C.; Borys, C.; Petty, S. |
AGN Narrow-Line Kinematics: Determining Inclinations via Outflows |
154 |
Fischer, T. C.; Crenshaw, D. M.; Kraemer, S. B.; Schmitt, H. R.; Turner, T. J. |
Metal Enrichment of AGN Outflows and Lower Limits on the Metallicity of SDSS BALQ Outflows |
159 |
Baskin, A. |
Gas Kinematics and Excitation in the Inner Few Hundred Parsecs of NGC 1068 from Gemini NIFS Observations |
164 |
Vale, T. B.; Storchi-Bergmann, T.; Barbosa, F. K. B. |
Mapping NGC 2110 Nuclear Outflows with GMOS-IFU |
167 |
Müller, A. S.; Storchi-Bergmann, T.; Nagar, N. M. |
Part IV. Simulations and Energetics of AGN Winds |
| |
On Time Variability and Other Complications in Studying the UV Broad Absorption Lines of Quasars: Results from Numerical Simulations of Radiation Driven Disk Winds. |
171 |
Proga, D.; Rodriguez-Hidalgo, P.; Hamann, F. |
Radiation-MHD Simulations of Black Hole Accretion Flows and Outflows |
176 |
Ohsuga, K. |
X-ray Absorbers, MHD Winds, and AGN Unification |
181 |
Kazanas, D.; Fukumura, K.; Behar, E.; Contopoulos, I |
Quasar Structure Emerges from the Three Forms of Radiation Pressure |
186 |
Elvis, M. |
Modelling the Spectra of (BAL)QSOs |
194 |
Higginbottom, N.; Long, K. S.; Knigge, C.; Sim, S. A. |
Looking for the Wind in the Dust |
199 |
Gallagher, S. C.; Everett, J. E.; Keating, S. K.; Hill, A. R.; Deo, R. P. |
Dust-Driven Winds from the ‘Torus’ Simulated Using Monte Carlo Radiative Transfer |
204 |
Roth, N.; Kasen, D.; Hopkins, P. F.; Quataert, E. |
X-ray Signatures of AGN Outflows: Multi-Dimensional Radiative
Transfer Simulations |
209 |
Sim, S. A.; Long, K. S.; Proga, D.; Miller, L.; Turner, T. J.; Reeves, J. N. |
Effects of an Accretion Disk Wind on the Profile of AGN Emission Lines |
214 |
Eracleous, M.; Flohic, H. M. L. G.; Bogdanović, T. |
Photoionization Modeling with TITAN Code, Distance to the Warm Absorber
in AGN |
218 |
Różańska, A. |
Relativistic Winds from Supermassive Black Holes |
220 |
Mościbrodzka, M.; Gammie, C. |
MHD Disk Winds and Line Width Distributions |
222 |
Chajet, L. S.; Hall, P. B. |
Line-Driven Disk Wind Model for BALQSOs |
224 |
Nomura, M.; Ohsuga, K.; Wada, K.; Susa, H.; Misawa, T. |
Testing Disk-Wind Models with Quasar CIV 1549Å Associated Absorption Lines |
226 |
Vestergaard, M. |
Parker Winds Revisited: An Extension to Disk Winds |
229 |
Waters, T. R.; Proga, D. |
Time-dependent Photoionization Modeling |
231 |
García, J.; Bautista, M.; Kallman, T. |
Part V. Feedback, Evolution and Galaxy Scale Environments |
| |
AGN Winds and the Black-Hole - Galaxy Connection |
235 |
Zubovas, K.; King, A. R. |
Quasar Absorption Lines from Radiative Shocks: Implications for Multiphase Outflows and Feedback |
240 |
Faucher-Giguère, C.-A. |
Gas Accretion onto a Supermassive Black Hole: A Step to Model AGN Feedback |
245 |
Nagamine, K.; Barai, P.; Proga, D. |
Observations of QSO Feedback in Galaxy Mergers |
251 |
Rupke, D. S. N. |
Momentum-driven Feedback and the M-σ
Relation in Non-isothermal Galaxies |
256 |
McQuillin, R. C.; McLaughlin, D. E. |
Measuring Feedback in Nearby AGN |
261 |
Crenshaw, D. M.; Fischer, T. C.; Kraemer, S. B.; Schmitt, H. R.; Turner, T. J. |
The Bardeen-Petterson Effect as the Precession Mechanism for the Radio Galaxy 3C 84 (NGC 1275) |
266 |
Morales-Teixeira, D.; Abraham, Z.; Caproni, A.; Falceta-Gonçalves, D. |
What's in a Fermi Bubble: A Quasar Episode in the Galactic Center |
268 |
Zubovas, K.; Nayakshin, S.; King, A. R. |
Revealing the Impact of AGN Wind using X-ray Imaging Spectroscopic Observations: A Pilot Study with NGC 4151 |
270 |
Wang, J.; Fabbiano, G.; Elvis, M.; Risaliti, G. |
Author Index |
273 |
Chartas, G.; Hamann, F.; Leighly, K. M. |
Subject Index |
276 |
Chartas, G.; Hamann, F.; Leighly, K. M. |
Back Matter |
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Back Matter |
280 |