Title: Formation and Evolution of Galaxy Disks
Volume: 396 Year: 2008 View this Volume on ADS
Editors: Funes, José G.; Corsini, Enrico Maria
These are the proceedings of the international conference “Formation and Evolution of Galaxy Disks” organized by the Specola Vaticana (the Vatican Observatory). The meeting hosted 198 participants from 26 countries. The program consisted of 61 talks and about 130 poster papers.

In 2000 the Vatican Observatory organized a conference on Galaxy Disks and Disk Galaxies, the proceedings of which were published in ASP Conference Series Vol. 230. Since that time, a great amount of work has been done in this very active field. October 2007 was deemed an appropriate time to hold another similar conference where outstanding senior and junior astronomers in this field could air new results.

The conference was focused on the formation and evolution of galaxy disks and covered the following topics: (1) properties of nearby galaxy disks; (2) interstellar medium, star formation, and chemical evolution; (3) disk edges, outskirts, and environment; (4) accretion onto disks, interactions, and mergers; (5) secular evolution of disks and bar/spiral driven evolution of galaxies; (6) evolution of disk structural properties; and (7) disk formation in a hierarchical universe.

This books is of interest for researchers in extragalactic astronomy. It presents an overview of the relevant results and the progress made in the field in the last seven years.

ISBN: 978-1-58381-662-2 eISBN: 978-1-58381-663-9
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Paper Title Page Authors
Volume 396 Cover Funes, J.G.; Corsini, E.M.
Front Matter   
Volume 396 Front Matter 1 Funes, J.G.; Corsini, E.M.
Conference Photograph   
Volume 396 Conference Photograph 2 Funes, J.G.; Corsini, E.M.
Part 1.
Properties of Nearby Galaxy Disks
Formation and Evolution of Galaxy Disks: Overview 3 Freeman, K.C.
Magnetic Effects in the Disk and Halo of the Milky Way 13 Wielebinski, R.; Reich, W.; Han, J.L.; Sun, X.H.
A Journey across the M 33 Disk 19 Corbelli, E.; Magrini, L.; Verley, S.
A Metallicity Map of M 33 23 Simon, J.D.; Rosolowsky, E.
Central Rotation Curves by CO Lines 27 Sofue, Y.
Magnetic Fields in Disks, Spiral Arms, and Bars 35 Beck, R.
Deconstructing Disk Velocity Distribution Functions in the Disk-Mass Survey 41 Westfall, K.B.; Bershady, M.A.; Verheijen, M.A.W.; Andersen, D.R.; Swaters, R.A.
Analysis of the Structural Properties of the Low Surface Brightness Stellar Host in a Sample of Blue Compact Galaxies 47 Amorín, R.O.; Aguerri, J.A.L.; Muñoz-Tuñón, C.
Upper Limits on the Mass of Supermassive Black Holes from Archival Data of the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph 49 Beifiori, A.; Corsini, E.M.; Dalla Bontá, E.; Pizzella, A.; Coccato, L.; Sarzi, M.; Bertola, F.
Molecular Gas in the Disk of M 31 51 Brouillet, N.; Braine, J.; Herpin, F.; Rodriguez-Fernandez, N.J.; Muller, S.
Ultraviolet Variability in the Nucleus of the Giant Elliptical NGC 4278 53 Cardullo, A.; Corsini, E.M.; Beifiori, A.; Pizzella, A.; Buson, L.; Bertola, F.
Morphology and Photometry of Isolated Seyfert Galaxies 55 Cracco, V.; Ciroi, S.; Di Mille, F.; Omizzolo, A.; Funes, J.G.; Rafanelli, P.
Black Hole Mass Estimates in Brightest Cluster Galaxies 57 Dalla Bontá, E.; Ferrarese, L.; Corsini, E.M.; Miralda-Escudé, J.; Coccato, L.; Sarzi, M.; Pizzella, A.
Reality of Moving Groups in the Galaxy and Chemically Tagging the Galactic Disk 59 De Silva, G.M.; Freeman, K.C.; Bland-Hawthorn, J.; Asplund, M.
3D Spectroscopy of the Nuclear Environment of a Selected Sample of Nearby Active Galactic Nuclei: NGC 7319 61 Di Mille, F.; Ciroi, S.; Rafanelli, P.; Moiseev, A.V.; Smirnova, A.; Afanasiev, V.L.; Dodonov, S.N.
RAVEing about the Metal Poor Disk of the Milky Way 63 Fulbright, J.P.; Ruchti, G.; Wyse, R.F.G.; the RAVE Collaboration
Photometric Properties of Galactic Disks 65 Gusev, A.S.; Ezhkova, O.V.; Novikova, A.P.; Shimanovskaya, E.V.; Khramtsova, M.S.
Spectral Energy Distribution of Super-Eddington Flows 67 Heinzeller, D.; Duschl, W.J.; Mineshige, S.
Studies of Six Nearby Galaxies: Is the Disk Mass-to-Light Ratio Constant? 69 Herrmann, K.A.; Ciardullo, R.
Common Far-Infrared Properties of the Galactic Disk and Nearby Galaxies 71 Hirashita, H.; Hibi, Y.; Shibai, H.
Exploring the Milky Way Disk Abundance Transition Zone RGC ∼ 10 kpc with Open Clusters 73 Jacobson, H.R.; Pilachowski, C.A.; Friel, E.D.
Intrinsic Properties of Low-z Sloan Digital Sky Survey Galaxies 75 Maller, A.H.; Berlind, A.A.; Blanton, M.; Hogg, D.W.
Optical/Far-Infrared Properties of the IRAS/ISOCAMDeep Survey Galaxy Sample 77 Mazzei, P.; Bettoni, D.; della Valle, A.
The Intrinsic Equatorial Ellipticity of Bulges 79 Méndez-Abreu, J.; Aguerri, J.A.L.; Corsini, E.M.; Simonneau, E.
Galactic Bulges and Inner Disks, as Seen by SAURON 81 Peletier, R.F.; Ganda, K.; Falcón-Barroso, J.; Bacon, R.; Cappellari, M.; Davies, R.L.; de Zeeuw, P.T.; Emsellem, E.; Krajnovic, D.; Kuntschner, H.; McDermid, R.M.; Sarzi, M.; van de Ven, G.
WINGS: Structural Parameters of Galaxies in Nearby Clusters 83 Sánchez-Janssen, R.; Aguerri, J.A.L.; the WINGS Collaboration
A Multiscale Study of Infrared and Radio Emission from M 33 85 Tabatabaei, F.S.; Beck, R.; Krause, M.; Berkhuijsen, E.M.; Gehrz, R.; Gordon, K.D.; Hinz, J.L.; Rieke, G.H.
Variations of the Radio Synchrotron Spectral Index in M 33 87 Tabatabaei, F.S.; Beck, R.; Krügel, E.; Krause, M.; Berkhuijsen, E.M.; Gordon, K.D.; Menten, K.M.
Black Hole Mass Function from Velocity Dispersion and Luminosity 89 Tundo, E.; Bernardi, M.; Sheth, R.K.; Hyde, J.B.; Pizzella, A.
Spitzer Photometry of Discrete Sources in M 33 91 Verley, S.; Hunt, L.K.; Corbelli, E.; Giovanardi, C.
The Nuclei of Pure Disk Galaxies 93 Walcher, C.J.; Andersen, D.R.; Shields, J.C.
Part 2.
Interstellar Medium, Star Formation, and Chemical Evolution
Star Formation and Interstellar Medium Evolution in Galaxies 97 Koda, J.
The Effect of the Interstellar Medium Model on Star Formation Properties in Galactic Disks 105 Tasker, E.J.; Bryan, G.L.
Predominant Modes of Star Formation in Dwarf Galaxies 109 Lee, J.C.
The Discrete Thick and Thin Disk Abundance Patterns 113 Chiappini, C.
The Spatial Distribution of Cold Dust in Nearby Galaxies 119 Hinz, J.L.; Engelbracht, C.W.; Willmer, C.N.A.; Rieke, G.H.; Rieke, M.J.; Misselt, K.; Smith, P.S.; Blaylock, M.; Gordon, K.D.; the M 31 and M 33 MIPS GTO Teams
Structure and Evolution of the Opacity of Spiral Disks 123 Holwerda, B.W.; González, R.A.; Keel, W.C.; Calzetti, D.; Allen, R.J.; van de Kruit, P.C.
The Evolution of H I Disks in the Virgo Cluster 127 Chung, A.; van Gorkom, J.H.; Kenney, J.; Crowl, H.; Vollmer, B.; Schiminovich, D.
Probing Cluster Galaxies with Background QSOs 131 Barrientos, L.F.; the QbC Collaboration
Star Formation at Low Densities 133 Boissier, S.
The NUGA Project: The Seyfert 2 Galaxy NGC 3147 135 Casasola, V.; Combes, F.; García-Burillo, S.; Hunt, L.K.; Léon, S.; Baker, A.
Near-Infrared Spectral Diagnostics for Unresolved Stellar Populations 137 Cesetti, M.; Ivanov, V.D.; Morelli, L.; Pizzella, A.
Stellar Population Gradients and Dust Extinction in Disk Galaxies at Intermediate Redshifts in the Hubble Deep Field 139 Cunow, B.
The Star Formation of a Giant H II Region in M 101 141 García-Benito, R.; Pérez, E.; Díaz, Á.I.; Maíz-Apellániz, J.; Cerviño, M.
Chemical Evolution of Dwarf Galaxies: Gas and Photometric Results 143 Gavilán, M.; Mollá, M.
Distribution of Very Young Stellar Cluster in NGC 2997 145 Grosbøl, P.; Dottori, H.
Magnetic Fields and Star Formation in Galaxies of Different Morphological Types 147 Krause, M.
The Age Distributions of Clusters and Field Stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud — Implications for Star Formation Histories 149 Kruijssen, J.M.D.; Lamers, H.J.G.L.M.
The Local Volume Legacy Survey 151 Lee, J.C.; Kennicutt, R.C.; Engelbracht, C.W.; Calzetti, D.; Dale, D.A.; Gordon, K.D.; Dalcanton, J.J.; Skillman, E.; Begum, A.; Funes, J.G.; Gil de Paz, A.; Johnson, B.; Sakai, S.; van Zee, L.; Walter, F.; Weisz, D.; Williams, B.; Wu, Y.; Block, M.
Chemical and Spectrophotometric Evolutionary Models for Emission-Line Star-Forming Galaxies 153 Martín-Manjón, M.L.; Mollá, M.; Díaz, Á.I.; Terlevich, R.
The Chemical Evolution of Low Surface Brightness Galaxies 155 Mattsson, L.; Caldwell, B.; Bergvall, N.
Spatially Resolved Spectral Energy Distributions of Nearby Galaxies 157 Muñoz-Mateos, J.C.; Gil de Paz, A.; Zamorano, J.; Pérez-González, P.G.; Gallego, J.; Boissier, S.; Dale, D.A.; Madore, B.F.; Sánchez, S.; the GALEX and SINGS Science Teams
Age and Metallicity Relations in S0 Galaxies Through Multi-Wavelength Colors 159 Prochaska, L.C.; Rose, J.A.; Courteau, S.; McDonald, M.
Centaurus A: Morphology and Kinematics of the H I Disk 161 Struve, C.; Morganti, R.; Oosterloo, T.A.
Star Formation is Very Rapid in Spiral Galaxies 163 Tamburro, D.; Rix, H.-W.; Walter, F.; Brinks, E.; de Blok, W.J.G.; Kennicutt, R.C.; Mac Low, M.-M.
A New Picture of the Bulge-Disk Connection Imprinted in Elemental Abundances of Metal Rich Disk Stars 165 Tsujimoto, T.
Modelling the Interstellar Medium in the Milky Way 167 Xilouris, E.M.; Misiriotis, A.
Midplane Gas Density and the Schmidt Law 169 Zasov, A.V.; Abramova, O.V.
Part 3.
Disk Edges, Outskirts, and Environment
The Stars and Gas in Outer Parts of Galaxy Disks: Extended or Truncated, Flat or Warped? 173 van der Kruit, P.C.
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Three Types of Disks 183 Pohlen, M.; Beckman, J.E.; Aladro, R.; Dettmar, R.-J.; Erwin, P.; Gutiérrez, L.; Peletier, R.F.; Trujillo, I.; Zaroubi, S.
GHOSTS — Bulges, Halos, and the Resolved Stellar Outskirts of Massive Disk Galaxies 187 de Jong, R.S.; Radburn-Smith, D.J.; Sick, J.N.
The Outer Banks of the Island Universes: A Spectroscopic Perspective 193 Christlein, D.; Zaritsky, D.
Extended UV (XUV) Emission in Nearby Galaxy Disks 197 Gil de Paz, A.; Thilker, D.A.; Bianchi, L.; Aragón-Salamanca, A.; Boissier, S.; Madore, B.F.; Díaz-López, C.; Trujillo, I.; Pohlen, M.; Erwin, P.; Zamorano, J.; Gallego, J.; Iglesias-Páramo, J.; Vílchez, J.M.; Mollá, M.; Muñoz-Mateos, J.C.; Pérez-González, P.G.; Pedraz, S.; Sheth, K.; Kennicutt, R.C.; Swaters, R.A.; the GALEX Science Team
Understanding the Formation and Evolution of Disk Outskirts: Results from Simulations 201 Debattista, V.P.; Roskar, R.; Stinson, G.; Quinn, T.R.; Kaufmann, T.; Wadsley, J.
Probing the Radial Extent of Nearby Stellar Disks 205 Davidge, T.J.
Trends for Outer Disk Profiles 207 Erwin, P.; Pohlen, M.; Gutiérrez, L.; Beckman, J.E.
Spitzer’s View of Edge-On Spirals 209 Holwerda, B.W.; de Jong, R.S.; Seth, A.; Dalcanton, J.J.; Regan, M.; Bell, E.; Bianchi, S.
Warps in Disk Galaxies 211 Józsa, G.I.G.; Kenn, F.; Klein, U.; Oosterloo, T.A.
Extreme Outer Galaxy: A Laboratory of Star Formation in an Early Epoch of Galaxy Formation 213 Kobayashi, N.; Yasui, C.; Tokunaga, A.T.; Saito, M.
The Milky Way’s External Disk Constrained by Star Counts in the Near Infrared 215 Reylé, C.; Marshall, D.J.; Robin, A.C.; Schultheis, M.
Learning about Disk Formation from Their Outskirts 217 Roskar, R.; Debattista, V.P.; Stinson, G.S.; Quinn, T.R.; Kaufmann, T.; Wadsley, J.
Can the High Velocity Clouds Produce Turbulence in the Outskirts of Galactic Disks? 219 Santillán, A.; Sánchez-Salcedo, F.J.; Franco, J.
Warps of Edge-On Galaxies and Their Effects on the Gradients of Observed Velocity Field 221 Scarano, S.; Lépine, J.R.D.
Resolved Stellar Populations Constituting Extended UV Disks in Nearby Galaxies 223 Thilker, D.A.; Bianchi, L.; Meurer, G.; Gil de Paz, A.; Boissier, S.; Madore, B.F.; Ferguson, A.N.M.; Hameed, S.; Neff, S.; Martin, C.D.; Rich, R.M.; Schiminovich, D.; Seibert, M.; Wyder, T.
Star Formation in the Extreme Outer Galaxy: the Initial Mass Function in a Low Metallicity Environment 225 Yasui, C.; Kobayashi, N.; Tokunaga, A.T.; Saito, M.; Tokoku, C.
Effects of Extragalactic Background Light on Deep Surface Photometry of Galaxies 227 Zackrisson, E.; Östlin, G.
The Red Halos of Disk Galaxies 229 Zackrisson, E.; Bergvall, N.; Flynn, C.; Caldwell, B.; Östlin, G.; Micheva, G.
Part 4.
Accretions onto Disks, Interactions, and Mergers
Fuel for Galaxy Disks 233 Putman, M.E.; Grcevich, J.; Peek, J.E.G.
Minor Mergers and Disk Growth 243 Keel, W.C.
Morphology of Luminous Infrared Galaxies 247 Pizagno, J.; Vavilkin, T.; Evans, A.; Mazzarella, J.; Howell, J.; Armus, L.; Surace, J.; Chan, B.; Barnes, J.
Halo Mergers, Galaxy Mergers, and Why Hubble Type Depends on Mass 251 Maller, A.H.
Mid-Infrared Properties of Interacting Galaxies 255 Charmandaris, V.
Interacting Galaxies with Modified Newtonian Dynamics 259 Tiret, O.; Combes, F.
Probing Evolutionary Mechanisms in Galaxy Clusters: H I Imaging of Abell Cluster 1367 263 Bravo-Alfaro, H.; Scott, T.C.; Brinks, E.; Cortese, L.; Boselli, A.
Old Stellar Counterrotating Components in Elliptical-Spiral Mergers: Exploring the GalMer Database 265 Di Matteo, P.; Combes, F.; Melchior, A.L.; Semelin, B.
Anomalous H I Gas in NGC 4395: Signs of Gas Accretion 267 Heald, G.; Oosterloo, T.A.
Galaxy Evolution in Dense Environments: Properties of Interacting Galaxies in the Abell 901/902 Supercluster 269 Heiderman, A.L.; Jogee, S.; Bacon, D.J.; Balogh, M.L.; Barden, M.; Barazza, F.D.; Bell, E.F.; Böhm, A.; Caldwell, J.A.R.; Gray, M.E.; Häußler, B.; Heymans, C.; Jahnke, K.; van Kampen, E.; Koposov, S.; Lane, K.; McIntosh, D.H.; Meisenheimer, K.; Peng, C.Y.; Rix, H.-W.; Sanchez, S.F.; Somerville, R.; Taylor, A.N.; Wisotzki, L.; Wolf, C.; Zheng, X.
Graphics Interfaces and Remote Numerical Simulations of the Interaction of High Velocity Clouds with Galactic Disks 273 Hernández-Cervantes, L.; González-Ponce, A.; Santillán, A.
Formation and Maintenance of Galactic Warps in Triaxial Halos 275 Jeon, M.W.; Kim, S.S.; Ann, H.B.
An Imaging Survey of Satellite Galaxies 277 Laine, S.; Siopis, C.; Zaritsky, D.; van der Marel, R.P.; Holley-Bockelmann, K.; Gutié rrez, C.; Kotilainen, J.K.
The GALEX UV Emission in Shell Galaxies 279 Marino, A.; Rampazzo, R.; Tantalo, R.; Bettoni, D.; Buson, L.M.; Chiosi, C.; Galletta, G.
The Multiformity of the Evidence of Galaxy Interactions 281 Merkulova, O.A.; Shalyapina, L.
3D Spectroscopy of the Ionized Gas Kinematics in Galactic Rings 283 Moiseev, A.V.
Aperture Effects in the Long Slit Spectrophotometry of the Polar Ring Galaxy IIZw71 285 Pérez-Montero, E.; García-Benito, R.; Díaz, Á.I.; Pérez, E.; Kehrig, C.
The Milky Way is an Exceptionally Quiet Galaxy: Implications for Spiral Formation 287 Puech, M.; Hammer, F.; Chemin, L.; Flores, H.; Lehnert, M.
Search for (Tidal) Streams in Disks and Halos 289 Schmithuesen, O.; Bomans, D.J.; Dettmar, R.-J.
Merging as a Key to the Reforming of Disk and Active Galactic Nuclei Triggering in Seyfert Galaxy Mrk 334 291 Smirnova, A.; Moiseev, A.V.
Photometric Study of the Disk Galaxies in the Poor Group of Galaxies LGG 16 293 Vennik, J.; Hopp, U.
Part 5.
Secular Evolution of Disks, Bar/Spiral Driven Evolution of Galaxies
Secular Evolution in Disk Galaxies: Pseudobulge Growth and the Formation of Spheroidal Galaxies 297 Kormendy, J.; Fisher, D.B.
Distinguishing Pseudobulges and Classical Bulges 309 Fisher, D.; Drory, N.
A New Method for Unveiling Box/Peanut Bulges in Face-On Galaxies 313 Corsini, E.M.; Méndez-Abreu, J.; Debattista, V.P.; De Rijcke, S.; Aguerri, J.A.L.; Pizzella, A.
Tremaine-Weinberg Integrals for Gas Flows in Double Bars 317 Maciejewski, W.; Singh, H.
Spiral and Bar Instabilities Provoked by Dark Matter Satellites 321 Dubinski, J.; Gauthier, J.-R.; Widrow, L.; Nickerson, S.
Secular Evolution of Disk Galaxies 325 Combes, F.
Topics on Bar and Bulge Formation and Evolution 333 Athanassoula, E.
Frequency and Impact of Galaxy Mergers and Interactions over the Last 7 Gyr 337 Jogee, S.; Miller, S.; Penner, K.; Bell, E.F.; Conselice, C.; Skelton, R.E.; Somerville, R.S.; Rix, H-W.; Barazza, F.D.; Barden, M.; Borch, A.; Beckwith, S.V.; Caldwell, J.A.R.; Häußler, B.; Heymans, C.; Jahnke, K.; McIntosh, D.; Meisenheimer, K.; Papovich, C.; Peng, C.Y.; Robaina, A.; Sanchez, S.; Wisotzki, L.; Wolf, C.
Dynamical Evolution of Disk Galaxies 341 Sellwood, J.A.
Bars in Local Galaxies: Evidence for a Higher Optical Bar Fraction in Disk-Dominated Galaxies 351 Barazza, F.D.; Jogee, S.; Marinova, I.
The Tremaine-Weinberg Method for Pattern Speeds Using Hα Emission from Ionized Gas 353 Beckman, J.E.; Fathi, K.; Piñol, N.; Toonen, S.; Hernandez, O.; Carignan, C.
The Impact of the Star Formation on the Bar Instability 355 Curir, A.; Mazzei, P.; Murante, G.
Lopsidedness in Disk Galaxies 357 Dury, V.; De Rijcke, S.; Debattista, V.P.; Dejonghe, H.
Secular Evolution of Bulges Induced by Satellite Accretion 359 Eliche-Moral, M.C.; González-Garcí a, A.C.; Balcells, M.; Aguerri, J.A.L.; Gallego, J.; Zamorano, J.
An Observational Study of Density Waves in M 81 361 Kendall, S.; Kennicutt, R.C.; Clarke, C.
Analysis of Gaseous Arms in Spiral Galaxies 363 Kenn, F.; Józsa, G.I.G.; Klein, U.
Angular Momentum and Mass Redistribution Induced by Gravitationally (Jeans-) Unstable Spiral Density Waves in Disks of Flat Galaxies 365 Liverts, E.; Griv, E.; Gedalin, M.; Mond, M.
Orbits in Corotating and Counterrotating Double Bars 367 Maciejewski, W.
Properties of Bars in the Local Universe 369 Méndez-Abreu, J.; Aguerri, J.A.L.; Corsini, E.M.
The Pseudobulge of NGC 1292 371 Morelli, L.; Pompei, E.; Pizzella, A.; Méndez-Abreu, J.; Corsini, E.M.; Coccato, L.; Saglia, R.P.; Sarzi, M.; Bertola, F.
Gas Fueling to the Galactic Center 373 Namekata, D.; Habe, A.; Matsui, H.; Saitoh, T.R.
Observational Evidence of Secular Evolution in Barred Galaxies 375 Pérez, I.; Sánchez-Blázquez, P.; Zurita, A.
Dynamical Influence of Bars on the Star Formation in Isolated Galaxies 377 Verley, S.; Combes, F.; Verdes-Montenegro, L.; Bergond, G.; Leon, S.
Part 6.
Evolution of Disk Structural Properties
Implications of a Universal Scaling Relation for Galaxies 381 Zaritsky, D.; Zabludoff, A.I.; Gonzalez, A.H.
The Evolving Disk Galaxy Population 389 Bell, E.
Nine Billion Years of Galaxy Evolution: Disentangling Recent Evolution and Selection Biases in Disk Galaxies 397 Vogt, N.P.
Stellar Disk Truncations at High z 401 Trujillo, I.; Azzollini, R.; Pohlen, M.; Beckman, J.E.
ULIRGs at z = 1.5 as Scaled up Spiral Disks 405 Daddi, E.; Dannerbauer, D.; Elbaz, D.; Dickinson, M.; Morrison, G.; Stern, D.; Ravindranath, S.
The Mass-Metallicity Relation at z > 3 409 Maiolino, R.; Nagao, T.; Grazian, A.; Cocchia, F.; Marconi, A.; Mannucci, F.; Cimatti, A.; Pipino, A.; Fontana, A.; Granato, G.L.; Matteucci, F.; Pentericci, L.; Risaliti, G.; Salvati, M.; Silva, L.
The Size Function of Galaxy Disks in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey 413 Simard, L.
Evolution of Disk Profile Break Radii with Redshift 417 Azzollini, R.; Trujillo, I.; Beckman, J.E.
The (Anti-) Hierarchical Evolution of Disk Galaxies 419 Böhm, A.; Ziegler, B.L.
Probing the Dynamics of High-Redshift 1 < z < 2 Galaxies with VLT/SINFONI 3D NIR Spectroscopy 421 Contini, T.; Lemoine-Busserolle, M.; Garilli, B.; Kissler-Patig, M.; Le Févre, O.; Lamareille, F.; Queyrel, J.; Epinat, B.; Amram, P.; Perez-Montero, E.; Vergani, D.; Moultaka, J.; Tresse, L.
The Evolution of Intermediate-Redshift Luminous Compact Blue Galaxies 425 Hoyos, C.; Díaz, Á.I.
Connecting Galaxy Disk and Extended Halo Gas Kinematics 427 Kacprzak, G.G.; Churchill, C.W.; Steidel, C.C.; Ceverino, D.; Klypin, A.A.; Murphy, M.T.
Understanding Star Formation and Dynamical States of Large Disk Galaxies at z = 2 − 3 429 Kanwar, A.; Simard, L.; Rudnick, G.; Labbé, I.
What Are the Luminous Compact Blue Galaxies? 431 Pisano, D.J.; Garland, C.A.; Guzmán, R.; Pérez-Gallego, J.; Castander, F.J.; Gruel, N.
Dynamics of High Redshift Galaxies Using Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics and Integral Field Spectroscopy 433 Wright, S.A.; Larkin, J.E.; Law, D.R.; Steidel, C.C.; Erb, D.K.; Shapley, A.E.
The Impact of Nebular Emission on the Broadband Fluxes of High Redshift Galaxies 435 Zackrisson, E.; Bergvall, N.; Leitet, E.
Part 7.
Disk Formation in a Hierachical Universe
Simulating the Gaseous Halos of Galaxies 439 Kaufmann, T.; Bullock, J.S.; Maller, A.; Fang, T.
Constraining the NFW Potential with Integral Field Spectroscopy of Low Surface Brightness Galaxies 445 Kuzio de Naray, R.
Cold Dark Matter Cusps in Low Surface Brightness Galaxies by Means of Stellar Kinematics 449 Pizzella, A.; Corsini, E.M.; Morelli, L.; Bertola, F.; Magorrian, J.; Sarzi, M.; Méndez-Abreu, J.; Coccato, L.
The Formation of Galaxy Disks 453 Governato, F.; Mayer, L.; Brook, C.
Simulations of Galactic Disks Including a Dark Baryonic Component 459 Revaz, Y.; Pfenniger, D.; Combes, F.; Bournaud, F.
Confronting Scaling Relations of Spiral Galaxies with Hierarchical Models of Disk Formation 463 Dutton, A.A.; Courteau, S.
The Tully-Fisher Zero Point Problem 467 Dutton, A.A.; van den Bosch, F.C.; Courteau, S.
Conference Summary 471 Kennicutt, R.C.
Kinematics of Low Surface Brightness Galaxies 479 Cardullo, A.; Pizzella, A.; Corsini, E.M.; Bertola, F.
VLT/VIMOS Integral-Field Kinematics of the Giant Low Surface Brightness Galaxy ESO 323-G064 481 Coccato, L.; Swaters, R.; Rubin, V.C.; D’Odorico, S.; McGaugh, S.
Dark Matter Content in the Polar Disk Galaxy NGC 4650A 483 Iodice, E.; Arnaboldi, M.; Napolitano, N.R.; Oosterloo, T.A.; Józsa, G.I.G.
Dark Matter in Gas-Rich Dwarf Galaxies 485 Klein, U.; Gentile, G.; Salucci, P.; Józsa, G.I.G.; Kenn, F.
The Star Formation, the Bar, and the Cosmological Halo 487 Mazzei, P.; Curir, A.
H I-Selected Galaxies as a Probe of Galactic Disks 489 Okoshi, K.; Nagashima, M.; Gouda, N.; Minowa, Y.
Back Matter   
Volume 396 Back Matter 491 Funes, J.G.; Corsini, E.M.
Volume 396 Photographs 999 Funes, J.G.; Corsini, E.M.