Title: Subsurface and Atmospheric Influences on Solar Activity
Volume: 383 Year: 2008 View this Volume on ADS
Editors: Howe, R.; Komm, R.W.; Balasubramaniam, K.S.; Petrie, G.J.D.
The 24th NSO Workshop focused on solar active regions, their origin and evolution on the sun inferred from helioseismology, magnetometry and modeling. The combination of helioseismic, observational and theoretical efforts makes it possible, for example, to follow twist and helicity of magnetic fields/flux tubes from below the solar surface through the solar atmosphere into the interplanetary medium. Helicity-loaded fields are very probably responsible for the most geoeffective solar phenomena such as coronal mass ejections and flares. The main aim of this workshop was to bring together experts in magnetometry, activity, and helioseismology, to further our understanding of solar active regions and their creation and evolution.

The 1 keynote, 12 invited and 27 contributed talks as well as 9 posters combined to provide an overview of the understanding of solar active regions. The key topics for this meeting were flows around active regions: surface and below, flux emergence and cancellation, space weather and active regions: back to front, morphology of active regions and filaments, magnetic flux and magneto-acoustic waves, and influences on coronal complexity.

The NSO workshop series has a strong tradition of focusing on topics of current interest in solar physics. This book is suitable for researchers and graduate students.

ISBN: 978-1-58381-329-4 eISBN: 978-1-58381-330-0

Paper Title Page Authors
Cover, Front Matter and Conference Photograph   
Volume 383 Cover, Front Matter and Conference Photograph Howe, R.; Komm, R.W.; Balasubramaniam, K.S.; Petrie, G.J.D.
Opening Keynote Address   
Solar Active Regions: A Transition from Morphological Observations to Physical Modeling (Opening Keynote Address) 1 Aschwanden, M. J.
Part 1.
Flows Around Active Regions: Surface and Below
Surface Flows From Magnetograms 19 Welsch, B.T.; Fisher, G.H.
Subsurface Flows Near Active Regions and Filaments as Determined by Local Helioseismology 31 Haber, D.A.
Large Eddy Simulation of Solar Photosphere Convection with Realistic Physics 43 Ustyugov, S.D.
On the Polar Field Distribution as Observed by SOLIS 49 Raouafi, N.-E.; Harvey, J.W.; Henney, C.J.
Part 2.
Flux Emergence and Cancellation
Local Helioseismology and Magnetic Flux Emergence 59 Kosovichev, A.G.; Duvall, T.L. Jr.
Hinode Observations of Flux Emergence in Quiet and Active Regions 71 Lites, B.W.; Centeno, R.; Kubo, M.; Socas-Navarro, H.; Berger, T.; Frank, Z.; Shine, R.; Tarbell, T.; Title, A.; Ichimoto, K.; Katsukawa, Y.; Tsuneta, S.; Suematsu, Y.; Shimizu, T.; Nagata, S.
Subsurface Flows near Four Emerging Active Regions Studied with Ring-Diagram Analysis 83 Komm, R.; Howe, R.; Hill, F.; Morita, S.
Shear Flows Driven by the Lorentz Force: An Energy Source for Coronal Mass Ejections and Flares 91 Manchester, W.
In Search of the Origin of the Latitudinal Structure of the Photospheric Magnetic Field 99 Gavryuseva, E.
Automatic Active-Region Identification and Azimuth Disambiguation of the SOLIS/VSM Full-Disk Vector Magnetograms 107 Georgoulis, M.K.; Raouafi, N.-E.; Henney, C.J.
In-situ Flux Losses in Active Regions 115 Sainz Dalda, A.; Martínez Pillet, V.
Magnetic Field Vector Measurements with THEMIS 123 Bommier, V.; Martínez González, M.J.; Schmieder, B.; Landi Degl’Innocenti, E.
Part 3.
Space Weather and Active Regions: Back to Front
Challenges Created by Active Regions in Global Models for Space Weather Uses 133 Luhmann, J.G.; Li, Y.; Riley, P.; Arge, C.N.; Liu, Y.; deToma, G.
Signatures of Seismic Absorption in Magnetic Regions 141 Lindsey, C.; Cally, P.S.
Calibration of the Far Side Seismic-Holography Signature of Active Regions 155 González Hernández, I.; Hill, F.; Lindsey, C.
Initiation of Solar Eruptions 163 Sterling, A.C.; Moore, R.L.
Role of Magneto-Convection in Plasma Dynamic and Energy Balance Above the Supergranular Network 173 Aiouaz, T.
GONG Synoptic Magnetogram Program: Near-real-time Coronal Magnetic Field Model 181 Petrie, G.J.D.; Bolding, J.; Clark, R.; Donaldson-Hanna, K.; Harvey, J.W.; Hill, F.; Toner, C.; Wentzel, T.M.
Part 4.
Morphology of Active Regions and Filaments
Life and Death of Solar Active Regions 191 van Ballegooijen, A.A.
Magnetic Helicity, Coronal Heating and Solar Flaring Activity: A Review of the Role of Active Region Twist 201 Nandy, D.
What is the Most Important Origin of the Coronal Helicity? 213 Tian, L.
Flare Energy and Magnetic Field Variations 221 Hudson, H.S.; Fisher, G.H.; Welsch, B.T.
Temporal Variations of High-Cadence GONG+ Magnetic Field Images 227 Hill, F.; Bolding, J.; Clark, R.; Donaldson-Hanna, K.; Harvey, J.W.; Petrie, G.J.D.; Toner, C.G.; Wentzel, T.M.
Filament Substructures and their Interrelation 235 Lin, Y.; Martin, S.F.; Engvold, O.
Topological Analyses of Symmetric Eruptive Prominences 243 Panasenco, O.; Martin, S.F.
Limits to the Radiative Asymmetry of the Quiet Solar Disk 253 Livingston, W.; Sheeley, N.R. Jr.
Application of Data Assimilation Methods to Non-Linear Solar Dynamo Models 255 Kitiashvili, I.
Part 5.
Magnetic Flux and Magneto-Acoustic Waves
Interaction between Magneto-Acoustic Waves and Magnetic Fields 265 Crouch, A.D.
Coronal Loop Seismology: Selective Examples 266 De Moortel, I.
Evershed Flow, Oscillations, and Sunspot Structure 279 Balasubramaniam, K.S.; Pevtsov, A.A.; Olmschenk, S.
Modeling Non-Uniform Distribution of Acoustic Sources and Wave Leakage in Sunspots 289 Karchevsky, K.V.; Kosovichev, A.G.
Recent Developments in Solar Quakes Studies 297 Besliu-Ionescu, D.; Donea, A.-C.; Cally, P.; Lindsey, C.
Helioseismic Frequency Shifts in Active Regions 305 Howe, R.; Haber, D.A.; Hindman, B.W.; Komm, R.; Hill, F.; González Hernández, I.
Part 6.
Influences on Coronal Complexity
The Solar Interior-Atmospheric System 315 Athay, R.G.; Low, B.C.; White, O.R.
Connecting the Quiet-Sun Convection Zone and Corona 327 Abbett, W.P.
Solar Torsional Oscillations and Their Relationship to Coronal Activity 335 Altrock, R.; Howe, R.; Ulrich, R.
Ephemeral Bipolar Regions in Coronal Holes 343 Hagenaar, H.; Schrijver, C.; DeRosa, M.
Photospheric Source Regions of Coronal Mass Ejections 347 Muglach, K.
The Parker Scenario for Coronal Heating as an MHD Turbulence Problem 353 Rappazzo, A.F.; Velli, M.; Einaudi, G.
Part 7.
Active regions: Evolution and Effect on Time-Distance Measurements 365 Burtseva, O.; Hill, F.; Kholikov, S.
FLCT: A Fast, Efficient Method for Performing Local Correlation Tracking 373 Fisher, G.H.; Welsch, B.T.
Longitudinal Structure Originated in the Tachocline Zone of the Sun 381 Gavryuseva, E.
Multi-Spectral Analysis of Acoustic Mode Characteristics in Active Regions 389 Jain, K.; Hill, F.; Tripathy, S.C.; González-Hernández, I.; Armstrong,J.D.; Jefferies, S.M.; Rhodes E.J. Jr.; Rose, P.
The Subsequent Decaying Regions of NOAA AR7978 397 Li, Y.; Welsch, B.T.
The Tilted Solar Dipole: Coronal Streamer and Polar Cap Geometry Observed Near Solar Minimum 405 Norton, A.A.; Raouafi, N.-E.
Magnetohydrostatic Solar Prominences in Near-Potential Coronal Magnetic Fields 413 Petrie, G.J.D.; Blokland, J.W.S.; Keppens, R.
Relationship Between CME-Associated Waves Observed on 5 March 2000 421 Raouafi, N.-E.; Tripathi, D.
On the Origin of Strong-Field Polarity Inversion Lines 429 Welsch, B.T.; Li, Y.
Back Matter   
Volume 383 Back Matter 437 Howe, R.; Komm, R.W.; Balasubramaniam, K.S.; Petrie, G.J.D.
Volume 383 Photographs 999 Howe, R.; Komm, R.W.; Balasubramaniam, K.S.; Petrie, G.J.D.