Title: |
The Fifth Hinode Science Meeting
Volume: |
Year: |
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Editors: |
Leon Golub, Ineke De Moortel and Toshifumi Shimizu
Synopsis: |
The international Hinode mission was launched from Japan on 23
September 2006, and a science meeting has been held every year since
launch, alternating among Japanese, U.S. and European locations. The fifth such meeting occurred during the rise in solar activity following a
deep and extended minimum, and the theme of the meeting was
“Exploring the Active Sun.”
Studies of solar activity with Hinode were started shortly after launch,
but were hindered by the subsequent paucity of activity from mid-2007
until 2010. Activity levels since 2010 have risen rapidly, allowing us to
refocus on that major component of solar physics. There remain major
scientic questions to be addressed in the near future with Hinode and
with the other existing and planned space and ground-based solar
instrumentation. This volume provides a sampling of the exciting
results that we expect to be forthcoming in the next few years.
The meeting was attended by 171 participants from 13 countries. The
conference included 13 invited talks, 38 contributed talks, and 115
posters. A novel feature of the meeting was the introduction of
electronic posters, consisting of at-panel HD screens connected to
laptop computers and real-time internet access. Thirty two e-posters,
selected by having volunteers sign up to supplement their normal poster
presentations, were scheduled during the meeting.
Paper Title |
Page |
Authors |
Front Matter |
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Front Matter |
L. Golub, I. De Moortel and T. Shimizu |
Conference Photos |
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Conference Photos |
1 |
L. Golub, I. De Moortel and T. Shimizu |
Part I. Magnetic Structuring of the Sun From Beneath the Photosphere Through the Corona |
| |
Recent Advances in the Exploration of the Small-Scale Structure of the Quiet Solar Atmosphere: Vortex Flows, the Horizontal Magnetic Field, and the Stokes- V Line-Ratio Method |
3 |
Steiner, O.; Rezaei, R. |
Numerical Simulation
and SOT Magnetogram Analysis
of the Small-scale Magnetic Elements
in a Solar Emerging Flux Region |
33 |
Toriumi, S.; Yokoyama, T. |
Spontaneous Pore Formation in Magneto-Convection Simulations |
39 |
Stein, R.; Nordlund, A. |
Precursor of Sunspot Penumbral Formation Discovered with Hinode SOT Observation |
43 |
Shimizu, T.; Ichimoto, K.; Suematsu, Y. |
Multi-wavelength Observations of an EUV Jet in AR 10960 |
47 |
Matsui, Y.; Yokoyama, T.; Imada, S. |
A High-Resolution Study of Ca II H Time Series |
49 |
de Wijn, A. G. |
Magnetic Field Structures in a Facular Region Derived from
THEMIS and Hinode Vector Magnetic Field |
55 |
Guo, Y.; Schmieder, B.; Bommier, V.; Mein, P. |
Effects of Spectral Line Formation Height in Time-Distance Helioseismology |
57 |
Nagashima, K.; Parchevsky, K. V.; Zhao, J.; Duvall, T. L.; Jr.; Kosovichev, A. G.; Sekii, T. |
A 3D Radiative Transfer Code for Modeling the Hanle Effect in the Lyman α line |
59 |
Štepán, J.; Bueno, J. T. |
Understanding the Differences in Three Consecutive Large Flares |
61 |
Tarr, L.; Longcope, D. |
Some Dynamic Analysis of the Photosphere from Hinode/SOT and SDO/HMI Observations |
65 |
Roudier, T.; Malherbe, J.; Rieutord, M.; Berger, T.; Frank, Z.; Prat, V.; Renon, N.; Gizon, L.; Svanda, M. |
Comparison of Multi-Height Observations with a 3D MHD Sunspot Model |
67 |
Jaeggli, S. A.; Lin, H.; Uitenbroek, H.; Rempel, M. |
Hemispheric Helicity Sign Rule Observed by SP/Hinode |
69 |
Hao, J.; Zhang, M. |
Mass Loading of Quiescent Prominences |
73 |
Schwartz, P.; Heinzel, 2. P.; Kotrč, P.; Anzer, U.; Kupryakov, Y.; DeLuca, E. |
On the Visibility of Solar Prominences in SDO/AIA Channels |
75 |
Heinzel, P.; Schmieder, B.; Parenti, S.; Golub, L. |
On the Nature of Prominence Bubbles and Plumes |
77 |
Schmieder, B.; Zapior, M.; Heinzel, P.; Aulanier, G. |
Part II. Energy Transport and Dissipation Through the Solar Atmosphere and Into the Heliosphere |
| |
Ellerman Bomb as a Manifestation of Chromospheric Fine Scale Activity |
81 |
Kitai, R. |
Spectroscopic Diagnosis of Propagating Disturbances in Coronal Loops:
Waves or flows? |
91 |
Wang, T.; Ofman, L.; Davila, J. M. |
Two Components of the Coronal Emission Revealed by Both Spectroscopic and Imaging Observations |
97 |
Tian, H.; McIntosh, S. W.; De Pontieu, B. |
The Frequency of Heating in Active Region Cores: Results from the Fifth Coronal Loops Workshop |
103 |
Winebarger, A. R. |
Quantitative Study of Microflares |
117 |
Kamio, S. |
Inversion of Physical Parameters in Solar Coronal Magnetic Structures |
121 |
Arregui, I..; Ballester, J.; Goossens, M.; Oliver, R.; Ramos, A. |
Power-law Index of Nanoflares in a Coronal Loop Modified by Observational Conditions |
125 |
Kitagawa, N.; Yokoyama, T. |
Slow-Mode Oscillations of Hot Loops Excited at Flaring Footpoints |
127 |
Wang, T.; Liu, W.; Ofman, L.; Davila, J. |
Hot Plasma Detected in Active Regions by HINODE/XRT and SDO/AIA |
129 |
Reale, F.; Testa, P.; Guarrasi, M.; DeLuca, E.; Peres, G.; Golub, L. |
DEMs for EIS and AIA |
131 |
Plowman, J.; Kankelborg, C.; Martens, P.; Ritchie, M.; Scott, J.; Sharma, R. |
Elemental Abundances as a New Source of Uncertainty of the
Hinode/XRT Filter-ratio T and EM Analysis |
133 |
Takeda, A.; Kobelski, A.; McKenzie, D. E.; Yoshimura, K. |
X-ray and EUV Filter Responses for Nonthermal κ-Distributions |
135 |
Dzifčáková, E.; Dudík, J.; Karlický, M. |
Temperature Diagnostic of a Brightening Observed by Hinode/XRT |
137 |
Dudík, J.; Reeves, K. K.; Schmieder, B.; Dzifčáková, E.; Golub, L. |
Simultaneous Observation of High Temperature Plasma of Solar Corona By TESIS CORONAS-PHOTON and XRT Hinode. |
139 |
Reva, A.; Kuzin, S.; Bogachev, S.; Shestov, S. |
Temperature Diagnostics of a Solar Active Region Using a Single-Filter Observation of Hinode/XRT |
141 |
Terzo, S.; Testa, P.; Reale, F. |
Part III. Instabilities, Transients and Eruptions |
| |
Coronal Mass Ejections as a Result of Magnetic Helicity Accumulation |
145 |
Zhang, M. |
Solar Coronal Shocks and Particle Acceleration as Deduced from EUV, Radio, and In-situ Observations |
151 |
Kozarev, K. A.; Korreck, K. E.; Lobzin, V. V.; Schwadron, N. A. |
Simulations of the Magnetic Rayleigh-Taylor Instability in the Kippenhahn-Schlüter Prominence Model |
157 |
Hillier, A.; Berger, T.; Shibata, K.; Isobe, H. |
Structure and Dynamics of Quiescent Prominence Eruptions |
165 |
Su, Y.; Lu, M.; van Ballegooijen, A. |
Current Sheet and Reconnection Inflow-Outflow Observations During Solar Eruptions |
169 |
Savage, S. L.; Holman, G.; Reeves, K. K.; Seaton, D. B.; McKenzie, D. E.; Su, Y. |
Spectral Diagnostics of Flare and AR Plasma Based on EUV
Spectra from the SPIRIT Spectroheliograph Aboard CORONAS-F |
177 |
Shestov, S.; Kuzin, S.; Bogachev, S.; Reva, A. |
Solar Chromospheric Flares: Energy Release, Transport and Radiation |
183 |
Fletcher, L. |
Fine Structures of the Reconnecting Current Sheet in Two-Ribbon Flares |
195 |
Lin, J.; Shen, C.; Murphy, N. A.; Wu, N. |
Asymmetric Magnetic Reconnection in Coronal Mass Ejection Current Sheets |
199 |
Murphy, N. A.; Miralles, M. P.; Pope, C. L.; Raymond, J. C.; Reeves, K. K.; Seaton, D. B.; Webb, D. F. |
Influence of Static and Stochastic Electric Fields
on Electron Beams Bombarding the Chromosphere |
203 |
Varady, M.; Karlický, M.; Moravec, Z.; Kašparová, J. |
Coronal Rotation from XBPs Observed with Hinode/XRT |
207 |
Kariyappa, R.; DeLuca, E. |
Detecting Bright Points in Hinode XRT Lightcurves |
211 |
Posson-Brown, J.; Kashyap, V.; Grigis, P. |
Observational Evidence for Interaction Between X-ray Jets and
Multiple Bright Points |
217 |
Pucci, S.; Poletto, G.; Sterling, A.; Romoli, M. |
Physical Parameters of a Blowout Jet Observed by HINODE and STEREO/EUVI |
219 |
Pucci, S.; Poletto, G.; Sterling, A.; Romoli, M. |
Dynamic Features of Current Sheet Associated with the 2010 August 18 Solar Flare |
221 |
Takasao, S.; Asai, A.; Isobe, H.; Shibata, K. |
Part IV. Future Needs |
| |
The Hanle Effect in the Lyα Lines of H I and He II for Measuring the Magnetic Fields of the Solar Transition Region |
225 |
Bueno, J. T.; Štepán, J.; Belluzzi, L. |
The Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha SpectroPolarimeter: CLASP |
233 |
Kobayashi, K.; Kano, R.; Trujillo-Bueno, J.; Ramos, A. A.; Bando, T.; Belluzzi, L.; Carlsson, M.; De Pontieu, R. C. B.; Hara, H.; Ichimoto, K.; Ishikawa, R.; Katsukawa, Y.; Kubo, M.; Sainz, R. M.; Narukage, N.; Sakao, T.; Stepan, J.; Suematsu, Y.; Tsuneta, S.; Watanabe, H.; Winebarger, A. |
Measuring Uncertainties in the Hinode X-Ray Telescope |
241 |
Kobelski, A.; Saar, S.; McKenzie, D. E.; Weber, M.; Reeves, K.; DeLuca, E. |
Back Matter |
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Author Index |
245 |
L. Golub, I. De Moortel and T. Shimizu |
Back Matter |
247 |
L. Golub, I. De Moortel and T. Shimizu |