Title: |
The Cool Universe: Observing Cosmic Dawn
Volume: |
Year: |
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Editors: |
Lidman, Christopher; Alloin, Danielle
Paper Title |
Page |
Authors |
Cover |
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Volume 344 Cover |
European Southern Observatory; Lidman, C.; Alloin, D. |
Front Matter |
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Volume 344 Front Matter |
1 |
Lidman, C.; Alloin, D. |
Conference Photograph |
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Volume 344 Conference Photograph |
2 |
Lidman, C.; Alloin, D. |
Invited Tutorial |
| |
Observing Procedures at Millimeter and Sub-millimeter Wavelengths: Imaging an Astronomical Object |
3 |
Guelin, M. |
Cosmology and Extragalactic Astronomy |
| |
The Cosmic Microwave Background as a Cosmological Probe |
29 |
Spergel, D.N. |
The CBI Project and Latest Results |
37 |
Bustos, R. |
Sunyaev-Zeldovich Observations of Massive Clusters of Galaxies |
45 |
Gomez, P.L.; Romer, K.A.; Valkonen, L.; Runyan, M.; Goldstein, J.; Kuo, C.; Holzapfel, W.; Ruhl, J.; Peterson, J.; Lange, A. |
Radio Astronomical Probes of Cosmic Reionization and the First Luminous Sources: Probing the 'Twilight Zone' |
50 |
Carilli, C.L. |
[C II] 158 μm Probes of Damped Lyα Systems |
67 |
Wolfe, A.M. |
Damped Lyman Alpha Systems in GRB Afterglows: Probing Dense Regions in GRB Host Galaxies |
79 |
Vreeswijk, P.; Ellison, S.; Ledoux, C.; Wijers, R.; Hjorth, J. |
Unveiling the Dusty Cocoon of High-z Starbursts as Progenitors of Present-day Ellipticals |
85 |
Hanami, H. |
SMA CO(3-2) Observation of the Seyfert 2 Galaxy M51 |
90 |
Matsushita, S.; Lim, J. |
Poster: The Evolution of Galaxy Clustering in MUSYC |
96 |
Padilla, N.D.; Infante, L. |
Poster: The VLT-UVES Survey for H2 in High-redshift Damped Lyman-α Systems |
98 |
Ledoux, C.; Petitjean, P.; Srianand, R. |
Poster: Exploring the Nature of Red Quasars - an Update. |
101 |
Smith, M.G.; Norman, D.; Green, P.; Silverman, J.; Barkhouse, W.; Wilkes, B.; Glikman, E.; Helfand, D. |
Poster: Properties of Quasar Environments at z < 0.2 |
103 |
Coldwell, G.; Lambas, D.G. |
Poster: The Effect of Galaxy Environment on Star Formation in Galaxy Pairs |
107 |
Alonso, M.S.; Lambas, D.G.; Tissera, P.; Coldwell, G. |
Galactic Astronomy |
| |
Dust Formation, Composition and Evolution |
113 |
Dartois, E. |
Emission Processes in the Interstellar Medium |
126 |
Ho, P.T.P |
A New Radio Emission Mechanism in the ISM |
140 |
Casassus, S. |
Molecular Clouds: Fragmentation, ing and Observations |
146 |
Rodriguez, L.F. |
Giant Molecular Clouds in the Magellanic Clouds |
155 |
Fukui, Y. |
H3+ in Dense and Diffuse Clouds, in our Galaxy and beyond |
162 |
Geballe, T.R. |
Observations of the Herbig Ae Star AB Aur using the Submillimeter Array |
168 |
Ohashi, N.; Lin, S. |
The Ara OB1 Association and its Molecular Complex |
173 |
Arnal, E.M.; Romero, G.A.; May, J.; Minniti, D. |
Atomic and Molecular Gas in the Surroundings of the Ring Nebula RCW78 |
179 |
Cappa, C.E.; Rubio, M.; Martin, M.C.; McClure-Griffiths, N.M. |
A Chemical Study of the PDR around Mon R2 |
184 |
Rizzo, J.R; Fuente, A.; Garcia-Burillo, S. |
Studying Young Circumstellar Disks with ALMA |
190 |
Menard, F. |
Circumstellar/Protoplanetary Disks and Bipolar Jets at 5AU Resolution |
200 |
Lim, J.; Takakuwa, S. |
The HDO Abundance in the Solar-type Protostar IRAS 16293—2422 |
206 |
Caux, E.; Parise, B.; Castets, A.; Ceccarelli, C.; Tielens, A. |
Poster: An Unbiased Spectral Survey of the Solar-type Protostar IRAS 16293—2422 |
212 |
Castets, A.; Caux, E.; Bacmann, A.; Cazaux, S.; Ceccarelli, C.; Comito, C.; Helmich, F.; Kahane, C.; Parise, B.; Schilke, P.; Tielens, A.G.G.M.; Van, E.; Dischoeck, Wakelam, V.; Walters, A. |
Poster: SIMBA Observations of the N159/N160 Complex in the LMC |
215 |
Rantakyroe, F.T.; Rubio, M.; Johansson, L.E.B.; Chini, R.; Merkel-Ferreira, E. |
Poster: Molecular Outflows in the R Coronae Australis Region |
218 |
Knee, L. |
Poster: Imaging the Circumstellar Envelopes around Evolved Stars with the SMA |
220 |
Hirano, N.; Muller, S.; Dinh-V-Trung |
Poster: Mid- and Far-infrared Structures around WR Stars |
222 |
Rizzo, J.R.; Manchado, A. |
Astronomical Facilities on the Chajnantor Plateau |
227 |
Rubio, M. |
Status of the Atacama Large Millimeter Array |
232 |
Wilson, T.L.; Beasley, A.J.; Wootten, H.A. |
Progress Report on the Japanese ALMA Project |
237 |
Kawabe, R. |
The Atacama Submillimeter Telescope Experiment |
242 |
Kohno, K. |
Recent Achievements with CEA Filled Bolometer Arrays |
248 |
Rodriguez, L. |
Conference Summary |
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Conference Summary |
257 |
Geballe, T.R. |
Back Matter |
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Volume 344 Back Matter |
263 |
Lidman, C.; Alloin, D. |