Title: |
AGN Physics with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
Volume: |
Year: |
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Editors: |
Richards, Gordon T.; Hall, Patrick B.
Paper Title |
Page |
Authors |
Principal Component and Composite Spectrum Analysis |
| |
Principal Component Analysis of QSO Properties |
3 |
Boroson, T. |
Principal Component Analysis of AGN Spectra |
13 |
Shang, Z.; Wills, B.J. |
Eigenspectra of the SDSS DR1 Quasars |
17 |
Yip, C.-W.; Connolly, A.J.; Vanden Berk, D.E.; Ma, Z.; Frieman, J.A.; SubbaRao, M.; Szalay, A.S. |
Luminosity and Redshift Dependence of Quasar Spectral Properties |
21 |
Vanden Berk, D.E.; Yip, C.-W.; Connolly, A.J.; Jester, S.; Stoughton, C. |
Constraints on Quasar Continuum, BELR, and BALR Physics from SDSS Composite Spectra |
25 |
Richards, G.T.; Hall, P.B.; Reichard, T.A.; Vanden Berk, D.E.; Schneider, D.P.; Strauss, M.A. |
A Composite Extreme Ultraviolet QSO Spectrum from FUSE |
31 |
Scott, J.; Kriss, G.; Brotherton, M.; Green, R.; Hutchings, J.; Shull, J.M.; Zheng, W. |
Spectral Energy Distributions and Physical Parameters |
| |
Spectral Energy Distributions of Quasars and AGN |
37 |
Wilkes, B.J. |
AGN Unification: An Update |
49 |
Urry, C.M. |
Reddening and the Similarity of Shapes of the Infra-Red to X-Ray Spectral Energy Distribution of AGNs: Implications for AGN Surveys and AGN Physics |
61 |
Gaskell, C.M.; Goosmann, R.W.; Antonucci, R.J.; Whysong, D.H. |
SDSS Quasars and Dust Reddening |
65 |
Hall, P.B.; Hopkins, P.; Strauss, M.A.; Richards, G.T.; Brinkmann, J. |
Black-Hole Mass Measurements |
69 |
Vestergaard, M. |
Zero-Point Calibration for AGN Black-Hole Mass Estimates |
75 |
Peterson, B.M.; Onken, C.A. |
Using MgII to Investigate Quasars and Their Black-Hole Masses |
79 |
Jarvis, M.J.; McLure, R.J. |
[OIII] Emission Line Profiles in PG Quasars |
83 |
Nelson, C.; Plasek, A.; Thompson, A.; Gelderman, R.; Monroe, T. |
Evidence for Early or Efficient Black-Hole Growth |
87 |
Vestergaard, M. |
An Intermediate-Mass Black Hole in the Dwarf Seyfert 1 Galaxy POX 52 |
91 |
Barth, A.J.; Ho, L.C.; Sargent, W.L.W. |
The Fundamental Plane of Black Hole Activity and the Census of the Local Black Holes' Population |
95 |
Merloni, A. |
Black Hole Accretion and Outflows at z ~ 2 |
99 |
Wills, B.; Yuan, M.J.; Lacy, M.; Hall, P.B.; Brotherton, M.S.; Vanden Berk, D.E.; Richards, G.T. |
AGN Emission-Line Properties vs. Eddington Ratio |
103 |
Warner, C.; Hamann, F.; Dietrich, M. |
Theory and Modeling |
| |
Quasar Atmospheres: Toward a 'Low' Theory for Quasars |
109 |
Elvis, M. |
Accretion Disks Based on Real Physics |
121 |
Blaes, Omer |
Using Multiwavelength Observations to Estimate the Black Hole Masses and Accretion Rates in Sayfert Galaxies |
127 |
Chiang, J.; Blaes, O. |
Radiatively Inefficient Accretion Flows |
131 |
Quataert, E. |
Effects of Fluid Instabilities on Accretion Disk Spectra |
135 |
Davis, S.; Blaes, O.; Turner, N.; Socrates, A. |
Collisional Effects on the Kinetic MRI |
139 |
Sharma, P.; Hammett, G.W.; Quataert, E. |
Mass Outflows from Accretion Disks: Old and New Challenges |
141 |
Proga, D. |
Two-Phase Semi-Analytic Magnetocentrifugally and Radiatively Driven AGN Disk Wind Models |
147 |
Everett, J.E. |
Relativistic Outflows in AGNs |
151 |
Vlahakis, N.; Konigl, A. |
The Intimate Link Between Accretion and BELR |
155 |
Nicastro, F.; Martocchia, A.; Matt, G. |
Emission |
| |
The Broad Emission Line Regions of Quasars: Current Status and Future Prospects |
161 |
Ferland, G. |
What is the Broad Line Region? |
169 |
Laor, A. |
What is the Origin of the Baldwin Effect in the BLR and the NLR? |
175 |
Baskin, A.; Laor, A. |
He II Reverberation in AGN |
179 |
Bottorff, M.C.; Baldwin, J.A.; Ferland, G.J.; Ferguson, J.W.; Korista, K.T. |
Active Galaxies With Double-Peaked Emission Lines and What They Imply About the "Broad-Line Region" |
183 |
Eracleous, M. |
A Large Sample of Double-Peaked Hα Lines and AGN Accretion Disks |
189 |
Strateva, I.V.; Strauss, M.A.; Hao, L.; Schlegel, D.J.; Hall, P.B.; Gunn, J.E.; Li, L.; Ivezic, Z.; Richards, G.T.; Zakamska, N.L.; Voges, W.; Anderson, S.F.; Lupton, R.H.; Schneider, D.P.; Brinkmann, J.; Nichol, R.C. |
Long Term Profile Variability of Double-Peaked Emission Lines in AGNs |
193 |
Lewis, K.T.; Eracleous, M.; Halpern, J.P.; Storchi-Bergmann, T. |
Different Velocity Dependences of Physical Conditions of High- and Low-Ionization Lines in Broad-Line Regions |
197 |
Snedden, S.A.; Gaskell, C.M. |
Absorption |
| |
The Diverse Nature of Intrinsic Absorbers in AGNs |
203 |
Hamann, F.; Sabra, B. |
Outflows vs. Clouds in AGN Intrinsic Absorbers |
213 |
Arav, N. |
Broad Absorption Line Quasars in the SDSS |
219 |
Reichard, T.A.; Richards, G.T.; Hall, P.B.; Schneider, D.P. |
BAL Quasars Have the Same Cool Dust Emission as Quasars Without BALs |
223 |
Willott, C.J.; Rawlings, S.; Grimes, J.A. |
An MHD-driven Disk Wind Outflow in SDSS J0300+0048? |
227 |
Hall, P.B.; Hutsemekers, D. |
Modeling AGN Spectra with PHOENIX: A Self-consistent Approach |
231 |
Casebeer, D.; Baron, E.A.; Branch, D.; Leighly, K. |
Kinematic Constraints on UV and X-Ray Absorbers in Seyfert 1 Galaxies |
235 |
Crenshaw, D.M.; Kraemer, S.B.; Gabel, J.R. |
Constraints on Intrinsic UV Absorption in NGC 3783 |
239 |
Gabel, J.R.; Kraemer, S.B.; Crenshaw, D.M. |
Intrinsic Narrow Absorption Lines in the HST/STIS Echelle Archive |
243 |
Ganguly, R.; Sembach, K.R.; Charlton, J.C.; Eracleous, M.; Palma, C.; Tripp, T.M. |
Optical Properties of Low-Redshift Damped Lyman Alpha Systems |
247 |
Urrutia, T.; Becker, R.H.; Gregg, M.D.; Lacy, M.; Storrie-Lombardi, L. |
Quasar Subtypes |
| |
Unusual Quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey |
253 |
Hall, P.B. |
Narrow-Line Seyfert 1s and SDSS: What Can We Learn? |
257 |
Pogge, R.W. |
Are All Narrow-Line Seyfert 1s Ultrasoft and X-ray Bright? |
261 |
Williams, R.J.; Mathur, S.; Pogge, R.W. |
Quasars and Narrow-Line Seyfert 1s: Trends and Selection Effects |
265 |
Shields, J.C.; Constantin, A. |
Emission and Absorption in Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies |
269 |
Constantin, A.; Shields, J.C. |
RASS Detected Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies in the SDSS |
273 |
Gallo, L.C.; Boller, T.; Voges, W.; Anderson, S.F.; Agueros, M.A.; Vanden Berk, D.E. |
PHL 1811: The Local Prototype of the Lineless High-z SDSS QSOs |
277 |
Leighly, K.M.; Halpern, J.P.; Jenkins, E.B. |
Type II Quasars from the SDSS |
281 |
Zakamska, N.L.; Strauss, M.A.; Krolik, J.H.; Heckman, T.M. |
Post-Starburst Quasars in the 2dF and SDSS |
285 |
Brotherton, M.S.; Diamond-Stanic, A.; Vanden Berk, D.E.; Burton, R.; Croom, S. |
A Search for Nitrogen Enriched Quasars in the SDSS Early Data Release |
289 |
Bentz, M.C.; Osmer, P.S. |
Optically Identified BL Lacs from SDSS |
293 |
Collinge, M.J.; Strauss, M.A.; Hall, P.B.; Ivezic, Z.; Zakamska, N.L.; Richards, G.T.; Schlegel, D.J.; Voges, W.; Anderson, S.F.; Harris, H.C.; Brinkmann, J. |
The Stellar Population of LINER and Transition Galaxies |
297 |
Schmitt, H.R.; Fernandes, R.C.; Gonzalez Delgado, R.M.; Storchi-Bergmann, T.; Martins, L.; Heckman, T.M. |
X-ray Studies |
| |
X-raying Active Galaxies Found and Missed by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey |
303 |
Brandt, W.N.; Schneider, D.P.; Vignali, C. |
The Power of Exploratory Chandra Observations |
313 |
Gallagher, S.C.; Richards, G.T.; Brandt, W.N.; Chartas, G. |
X-rays from the Dawn of the Modern Universe: Chandra and SMM-Newton Observations of z > 4 Quasars |
317 |
Vignali, C.; Brandt, W.N.; Schneider, D.P. |
X-ray Emitting AGN Unveiled by the Chandra Multiwavelength Project |
321 |
Silverman, J.D.; Green, P.J.; Aldcroft, T.L.; Kim, D.-W.; Barkhouse, W.; Cameron, R.A.; Wilkes, B.J. |
A Sample of X-Ray Active Extragalactic Sources Suitable for NIR Adaptive Optics Observations |
325 |
Zuther, J.; Eckart, A.; Straubmeier, C.; Voges, W. |
XMM-Newton Observations of the FR II Radio-Loud BAL Quasar FIRST J1016+5209 |
329 |
Schaefer, J.J.; Brotherton, M.S.; Gregg, M.D.; Becker, R.H.; Laurent-Muehleisen, S.A.; Lacy, M.; White, R.L. |
Properties and Evolution of the Highly Ionized Gas in MR 2251−178 |
333 |
Kaspi, S.; Netzer, H.; Chelouche, D.; George, I.M.; Turner, T.J.; Nandra, K. |
Evidence for Ionized Accretion Disks from Radio-quiet AGNs with Steep X-ray Spectra |
337 |
Dewangan, G.C. |
Radio Studies |
| |
Unveiling Radio Loudness in Quasars |
343 |
Cirasuolo, M.; Celotti, A.; Magliocchetti, M.; Danese, L. |
Quasar Radio Dichotomy: Two Peaks, or not Two Peaks, That is the Question |
347 |
Ivezic, Z.; Richards, G.T.; Hall, P.B.; Lupton, R.H.; Jagoda, A.S.; Knapp, G.R.; Gunn, J.E.; Strauss, M.A.; Schlegel, D.; Steinhardt, W.; Siverd, R.J. |
Exploring the Radio Properties of Radio Quiet Quasars |
351 |
Glikman, E.; Helfand, D.J.; Becker, R.H.; White, R.L. |
Volume-limited SDSS/FIRST Quasars and the Radio Dichotomy |
357 |
Jester, S.; Kron, R.G. |
A Search for Radio-loud Quasars within the Epoch of Reionization |
361 |
Jarvis, M.J.; Rawlings, S.; Barrio, F.E.; Hill, G.J.; Bauer, A.; Croft, S. |
Mining the Sky for Blazars |
365 |
Perlman, E.S.; Padovani, P.; Landt, H.; Giommi, P.; Perri, M. |
Polarization and Variability |
| |
QSO Polarization in the Era of Deep Surveys and Large Telescopes |
371 |
Schmidt, G.D. |
VLT-Spectropolarimetry of BAL QSOs |
377 |
Burch, U.; Schmid, H.M. |
The Shape of the Big Blue Bump as Revealed by Spectropolarimetry |
381 |
Antonucci, R.; Kishimoto, M.; Boisson, C.; Blaes, O. |
Optical/UV Quasar Continuum Variability: Time Lag, Luminosity, Wavelength, Redshift, Radio, X-Ray, and BAL Dependence |
385 |
Wilhite, B.; Vanden Berk, D.; Kron, R. |
Multiepoch Sky Surveys and the Lifetime of Quasars |
389 |
Martini, P.; Schneider, D.P. |
Variable Galactic Nuclei Detected with the Hubble Space Telescope |
393 |
Sarajedini, V.L. |
Optical Continuum Variability of Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 Galaxies |
397 |
Klimek, E.S.; Gaskell, C.M.; Hedrick, C.H. |
Metallicity |
| |
High Redshift Quasars as Probes of Early Star Formation |
403 |
Dietrich, M.; Hamann, F.; Vestergaard, M. |
A Metallicity—Accretion-Rate Relation in AGN |
407 |
Shemmer, O.; Netzer, H.; Maiolino, R.; Oliva, E.; Croom, S.; Corbett, E. |
Iron Emission in z ≈ 6 QSOs and its Possible Implications |
411 |
Corbin, M.R.; Freudling, W.; Korista, K.T. |
FeII/MgII, [Fe/Mg] Ratios and High-z Quasars |
415 |
Korista, K.; Kodituwakku, N.; Corbin, M.; Freudling, W. |
The Origin of Fe II Emission in AGN |
419 |
Baldwin, J.A.; LaCluyze, A.; Ferland, G.J.; Hamann, F.; Korista, K.T. |
Quasar Surveys, Clustering, Counts, and Evolution |
| |
The SDSS Quasar Survey |
425 |
Schneider, D.P.; Fan, X.; Hall, P.B.; Jester, S.; Richards, G.T.; Stoughton, C.; Strauss, M.A.; SubbaRao, M.; Vanden Berk, D.E.; Anderson, S.F.; Brandt, W.N.; Gunn, J.E.; Trump, J.R.; York, D.G.; the SDSS Collaboration |
z ∼ 6 Quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey |
431 |
Fan, X.; Strauss, M.A.; Richards, G.T.; Gunn, J.E.; Lupton, R.H.; Schneider, D.P.; Pentericci, L.; Rix, H.-W.; the SDSS Collaboration |
Counts of Low-redshift SDSS Quasar Candidates |
437 |
Ivezic, Z.; Lupton, R.H.; Johnston, D.E.; Richards, G.T.; Hall, P.B.; Schlegel, D.; Fan, X.; Munn, J.A.; Yanny, B.; Strauss, M.A.; Knapp, G.R.; Gunn, J.E.; Schneider, D.P. |
A Deep Wide-Field Infrared Survey for Quasars |
441 |
Green, R.F.; Croom, S.; Warren, S.; Hall, P.B.; Brown, M.; Dey, A.; Jannuzi, B.; Smith, M.G.; Norman, D.; Tiede, G.; Smith, P.S. |
AGN Population and Luminosity Function in the Sloan Digital Sky |
445 |
Hao, L.; Strauss, M. |
Uncovering the Missing Active Galactic Nuclei: The 2MASS Bright Seyfert Sample |
449 |
Malkan, M. |
The Cosmological Evolution of Quasars and Their Environments |
453 |
Matteo, T.D.; Springel, V.; Croft, R.A.C.; Hernquist, L. |
AGN Physics from QSO Clustering |
457 |
Croom, S.M.; Boyle, B.J.; Shanks, T.; Outram, P.; Smith, R.J.; Miller, L.; Loaring, N.; Kenyon, S.; Couch, W. |
Probing the Evolution of AGN |
463 |
Hoyle, F.; Vogeley, M.; Vanden Berk, D.; Voges, W.; Fan, X. |
Clustering of Identical Quasars in the SDSS First Data Release |
467 |
Trump, J.R.; Schneider, D.P.; Richards, G.T. |
Finding Large Structures in Inhomogeneous Surveys |
471 |
Newman, P.R. |
SDSS DR1 Data Distribution |
475 |
Stoughton, C.; Jester, S. |