Title: Solar Polarization 7
Volume: 489 Year: 2014 View this Volume on ADS
Editors: Nagendra, K. N.; Stenflo, J. O.; Qu, Z. Q.; Sampoorna, M.

Kunming, China
September 9–13, 2013

This volume contains the proceedings of the 7th in a series of international solar polarization workshops that was initiated almost two decades ago. The aim of these workshops has been to explore the Sun and its magnetic field with the tools of spectro-polarimetry.

The theoretical topics discussed herein deal with the physics of the interaction between radiation and matter in magnetized media, including its application to the exploration of the properties of magnetic fields. Observational topics include the design and operation of high-precision imaging Stokes polarimeters for use with both spectrographs and tunable filter systems.

Scientists from many countries converged in Kunming, China during September 2013 to discuss the significant advances that have been made since the previous workshop, which took place three years earlier on Maui, Hawaii.

Examples of topics that were addressed during the seventh workshop include: properties of magnetic fields in the quiet and active Sun, particularly at scales far smaller than the resolution limit of telescopes; scattering polarization and its use to diagnose magnetic fields in regimes not accessible using the Zeeman effect; polarized radiative transfer with partial frequency redistribution, quantum interference, hyperfine structure, optical pumping, and numerical techniques to solve 3-D radiative transfer problems; and various innovative instrumentation projects in ground-based and space-based polarimetry. This proceedings volume captures the discussions during the workshop and provides an updated overview of the state of the art in this rapidly evolving front-line area of solar and stellar astrophysics.
ISBN: 978-1-58381-862-6 eISBN: 978-1-58381-863-3

Paper Title Page Authors
Book Cover
Front Matter   
Front Matter 1 Nagendra, K. N.; Stenflo, J. O.; Qu, Z. Q.; Sampoorna, M.
Conference Photos 2 Nagendra, K. N.; Stenflo, J. O.; Qu, Z. Q.; Sampoorna, M.
Session I. Quiet-Sun Magnetic Fields Chair: K. N. Nagendra   
Nature of Quiet-Sun Magnetic Fields 3 Stenflo, J.O.
Conversion of the 6302 / 6301 Stokes V Line Ratio to the 5250 / 5247 Ratio for the Diagnostics of Quiet-Sun Magnetic Fields 21 Demidov, M. L.; Stenflo, J. O.; Bianda, M.; Ramelli, R.
Session II. Active-Region Magnetic Fields Chair: M. L. Demidov   
The Magnetic Configuration of a δ-Spot 39 Balthasar, H.; Beck, C.; Louis, R. E.; Verma, M.; Denker, C.
Transverse Oscillation of a Filament Triggered by an Extreme Ultraviolet Wave 53 Xue, Z. K.; Yan, X. L.; Qu, Z. Q.; Zhao, L.
Computation of the Potential Magnetic Field in Solar Active Regions 59 Sadykov, V.; Zimovets, I.
Session III. Measurements of Magnetic and Electric Fields Chairs: M. L. Demidov and J. Trujillo Bueno   
Magnetic and Electric Field Diagnostics of Chromospheric Jets by Spectropolarimetric Observations of the HI Paschen Lines 67 Anan, T.; Casini, R.; Ichimoto, K.
Understanding the Chromospheric Magnetic Field 77 Jin, C. L.; Harvey, J. W.; Pietarila, A.
Evolution of Small Scale Magnetic Structures from Sunrise Data 83 Anusha, L. S.; Feller, A.; Hirzberger, J.; Solanki, S. K.
Diagnostic of Chromospheric Magnetic Fields with the Mg b2 Line 89 Bai, X.; Deng, Y.; Su, J.; Teng, F.
Theoretical Schemes for the Interpretation of Solar Polarimetric Observations: An Overview and Some New Ideas 99 Landi Degl'Innocenti, E.; Belluzzi, L.
Non Coherent Continuum Scattering as a Polarization Mechanism of the Enigmatic Ba II D1 Line 107 del Pino Alemán, T.; Trujillo Bueno, J.; Uitenbroek, H.
Electron Scattering Redistribution Effect on Atomic Line Polarization 117 Supriya, H. D.; Nagendra, K. N.; Ravindra, B.; Sampoorna, M.
Intrinsically Polarized Blend Lines 125 Sowmya, K.; Nagendra, K. N.; Sampoorna, M.
On the Origin of Linear Polarization in Solar Flares 133 Štěpán, J.; Heinzel, P.
Session V. Solar Diagnostics with Scattering Polarization Chair: V. Bommier   
Polarized Radiation Observables for Probing the Magnetism of the Outer Solar Atmosphere 137 Trujillo Bueno, J.
Inferring Depth-Dependent Quiet Sun Magnetic Fields 157 Milić, I.; Faurober, M,
Solar Cycle Variations of the Second Solar Spectrum 167 Bianda, M.; Ramelli, R.; Gisler, D.; Stenflo, J. O.
Session VI. Polarized Radiative Transfer with Frequency Redistribution Chairs: V. Bommier and E. Landi Degl’Innocenti   
Partial Redistribution Theory and its Applications in the Interpretation of the Second Solar Spectrum 179 Nagendra, K. N.
XTAT: A New Multilevel-Multiline Polarized Radiative Transfer Code with PRD 195 Bommier, V.
Polarized Line Formation with Angle-Dependent Partial Frequency Redistribution 197 Sampoorna, M.
The Role of Quantum Interference and Partial Redistribution in the Solar Ba II D2 4554 Å Line 213 Smitha, H. N.; Nagendra, K. N.; Stenflo, J. O.; Sampoorna, M.
Session VII. Multi-Dimensional Polarized Radiative Transfer Chairs: E. Landi Degl’Innocenti and Z. Q. Qu   
Multi-Dimensional Polarized Radiative Transfer: Methods and Solar Applications 225 Anusha, L. S.; Nagendra, K. N.
PORTA: A Massively Parallel Code for 3D Non-LTE Polarized Radiative Transfer 243 Štěpán, J.
Session VIII. Ground-Based Instrumentation Projects Chairs: Z. Q. Qu and J. X. Wang   
From NVST to CGST 247 Liu, Z.
Prototype FASOT 263 Qu, Z. Q.; Chang, L.; Cheng, X. M.; Allington-Smith, J.; Murray, G.; Dun, G. T.; Deng, L. H.
Fast Solar Polarimeter: Description and First Results 271 Feller, A.; Iglesias, F. A.; Nagaraju, K.; Solanki, S. K.; Ihle, S.
Polarization Calibration of the Advanced Technology Solar Telescope 279 Elmore, D. F.
Reducing Birefringence Uncertainty in the Design of ATST Polarization Components 289 Sueoka, S. R.
Polarization Model for the New Vacuum Solar Telescope 297 Yuan, S.
Session IX. Recent Projects in Spectro-Polarimetry Chairs: J. X.Wang and D. F. Elmore   
A Sounding Rocket Experiment for the Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha Spectro-Polarimeter (CLASP) 307 Kubo, M.; Kano, R.; Kobayashi, K.; Bando, T.; Narukage, N.; Ishikawa, R.; Tsuneta, S.; Katsukawa, Y.; Ishikawa, S.; Suematsu, Y.; Hara, H.; Shimizu, T.; Sakao, T.; Ichimoto, K.; Goto, M.; Holloway, T.; Winebarger, A.; Cirtain, J.; De Pontieu, B.; Casini, R.; Auchère, F.; Trujillo Bueno, J.; Manso Sainz, R.; Belluzzi, L.; Asensio Ramos, A.; Štěpán, J.; Carlsson, M.
Precision VUV Spectro-Polarimetry for Solar Chromospheric Magnetic Field Measurements 319 Ishikawa, R.; Bando, T.; Hara, H.; Ishikawa, S.; Kano, R.; Kubo, M.; Katsukawa, Y.; Kobiki, T.; Narukage, N.; Suematsu, Y.; Tsuneta, S.; Aoki, K.; Miyagawa, K.; Ichimoto, K.; Kobayashi, K.; Auchère, F.; CLASP team
A Progress Update for the COronal Solar Magnetism Observatory for Coronal and Chromospheric Polarimetry 323 de Wijn, A. G.; Tomczyk, S.; Burkepile, J.
Spectropolarimetry and Type Ia Supernovae 337 Wang, B.; Liu, D.
Back Matter   
Author Index 341 Nagendra, K. N.; Stenflo, J. O.; Qu, Z. Q.; Sampoorna, M.
Back Matter 343