Title: Numerical Modeling of Space Plasma Flows, Astronum-2009
Volume: 429 Year: 2010 View this Volume on ADS
Editors: Pogorelov, Nikolai V.; Audit, Edouard; Zank, Gary P.
This Volume contains the proceedings of ASTRONUM-2009 — the fourth in a series of international conferences now organized by the Center for Space Plasma and Aeronomic Research at the University of Alabama in Huntsville and the Laboratory for Research into the Fundamental Laws of the Universe at the French Commissariat of Atomic Energy. The subjects of the conference included such topics as turbulence and cosmic ray transport, astrophysical flows, space plasma flows, kinetic and hybrid simulations, numerical methods, algorithms, and frameworks, and data handling and visualization. All of these topics are of great importance for scientists investigating solar structure, the heliosphere, the Sun-Earth connection, and various astrophysical phenomena.

The problems discussed at the conference are characterized by different time and space scales, regions, or particle populations, for which different sets of defning equations or concepts are necessary to understand the physical system in its entirety. This book will be of interest to specialists in applied mathematics, astrophysics, space physics, and computer science working on the application of novel numerical algorithms to contemporary problems arising in these fields. It can also be used by graduate students to get acquainted with the fundamental approaches to solving the fluid dynamic and kinetic equations governing space plasma flows.
ISBN: 978-1-58381-738-4 eISBN: 978-1-58381-739-1

Paper Title Page Authors
Volume Cover Pogolorov, N. P.; Audit, E.; Zank, G. P.
Front Matter 1 Pogolorov, N. P.; Audit, E.; Zank, G. P.
Part I. Turbulence and Cosmic Ray Transport   
Non-ideal MHD Turbulent Decay in Molecular Clouds 3 Downes, T. P.; O’Sullivan, S.
Supersonically Turbulent, Shock Bound Interaction Zones 9 Folini, D.; Walder, R.; Favre, J. M.
Self-organization in Turbulent Molecular Clouds: Compressional Versus Solenoidal Modes 15 Kritsuk, A. G.; Ustyugov, S. D.; Norman, M. L.; Padoan, P.
Star Formation in a Turbulent Cloud Core with Self-gravitational MHD Adaptive Mesh Refinement 22 Matsumoto, T.
Understanding Nonlinear Cascades in Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence by Statistical Closure Theory 28 Müller, W.; Malapaka, S. K.
Relativistic Particle Acceleration in Tangled Magnetic Fields 33 O’Sullivan, S.; Reville, B.; Taylor, A.; Taylor, A.
Turbulence and Magnetic Fields in the Intergalactic Medium of the Universe 39 Ryu, D.; Kang, H.; Cho, J.
Alfvénic Turbulence Simulation in a Realistic Solar Wind 51 Usmanov, A. V.; Goldstein, M. L.
Part II. Astrophysical Flows   
Structure and Fragmentation of Turbulent Interstellar Clouds 59 Audit, E.; Hennebelle, P.
Radiation-Magneto-Hydrodynamics Calculations of a Dense Core Collapse 66 Commerçon, B.; Hennebelle, P.; Audit, E.; Chabrier, G.; Teyssier, R.
Relativistic MHD Simulations of Alfvén QPOs in Magnetars 72 Font, J. A.; Cerdá -Durán, P.; Stegioulas, N.
Large- and Small-Scale Dynamo Action 79 Hughes, D. W.
Self-Similar Evolution of Cosmic-Ray Modified Shocks 85 Kang, H.; Ryu, D.
Relativistic Hydro and Magnetohydrodynamic Models for AGN Jet Propagation and Deceleration 91 Keppens, R.; Meliani, Z.
Feedback Effects in the High Mass and Low Mass Star Formation 97 Klein, R. I.
An Approach to the Riemann Problem for SPH Inviscid Ideal Flows: Consequences for the Equation of State 106 Lanzafame, G.
Reconnection Diffusion and Star Formation Processes 113 Lazarian, A.; Santos-Lima, R.; de Gouveia Dal Pino, E.
Relativistic Two-component Jet Evolutions in 2D and 3D 121 Meliani, Z.; Keppens, R.
Simulation of Relativistic Shocks and Associated Radiation 127 Nishikawa, K.; Niemiec, J.; Medvedev, M.; Zhang, B.; Hardee, P.; Mizuno, Y.; Nordlund, A.; Frederiksen, J.; Sol, H.; Pohl, M.; Hartmann, D. H.; Oka, M.; Fishman, J. F.
Simulations of the Magneto-rotational Instability in Core-Collapse Supernovae 136 Obergaulinger, M.; Cerdá -Durán, P.; Müller, E.; Aloy, M. A.
Modeling the Diversity of Type Ia Supernova Explosions 142 Röpke, F. K.; Hillebrandt, W.; Kasen, D.; Woosley, S. E.
Monte Carlo Radiative Transfer Simulations: Applications to Astrophysical Outflows and Explosions 148 Sim, S. A.; Kromer, M.; Röpke, F. K.; Sorokina, E. I.; Blinnikov, S. I.; Kasen, D.; Hillebrandt, W.
A Galaxy in the Making 154 Slyz, A.; Devriendt, J.; Powell, L.
A Numerical Model for Multigroup Radiation Hydrodynamics 160 Vaytet, N.; Audit, E.; Dubroca, B.
Implicit Hydrodynamic Simulations of Stellar Interiors 167 Viallet, M.; Baraffe, I.; Mulet-Marquis, C.; Lévêque, E.; Walder, R.; Freytag, B.; Winisdoerffer, C.
Recurrent Novae: Progenitors of SN Ia? 173 Walder, R.; Folini, D.; Favre, J. M.; Shore, S. N.
Part III. Space Plasma Flows   
Small-scale Dynamo Action in Compressible Convection 181 Bushby, P. J.; Proctor, M. R. E.; Weiss, N. O.
Physics of Thrust Prediction of the Solar Wind Electric Sail Propulsion System 187 Janhunen, P.
Grid Convergence of the HYB-Venus Hybrid Simulation 193 Jarvinen, R.; Kallio, E.; Janhunen, P.; Pohjola, V.; Sillanpää, I.
Three-Dimensional Simulations of the Parker’s Model of Solar Coronal Heating: Lundquist Number Scaling due to Random Photospheric Footpoint Motion 201 Ng, C. S.; Lin, L.; Bhattacharjee, A.
4D Model for the Solar Environment 207 Oran, R.; Sokolov, I. V.; Roussev, I. I.; Van Der Holst, B.; Manchester, W. B.; Gombosi, T. I.
Multi-Ion Magnetohydrodynamics 213 Toth, G.; Glocer, A.; Ma, Y.; Najib, D.; Gombosi, T.
Breakout Coronal Mass Ejection or Streamer Blowout: the Bugle Effect 219 van der Holst, B.
Part IV. Kinetic and Hybrid Simulations   
Kinetic Modeling of Interstellar Hydrogen in the Heliosphere 227 Heerikhuisen, J.; Pogorelov, N. V.
The Kinetic Approach to Model Space Plasmas 233 Pierrard, V.
Part V. Numerical Methods, Algorithms, and Frameworks   
A New Scheme to Solve Gas Disks around Stars 241 Hanawa, T.
Exploiting the Extensibility of the FLASH Code Architecture for Unsplit Time Integration 247 Lee, D.; Dubey, A.; Olson, K.; Weide, K.; Antypas, K.
(Semi-)Analytical Solutions of 1D Partial Differential Equations 253 Lesaffre, P.
High Order Finite Difference Schemes for MHD 258 Mignone, A.; Tzeferacos, P.
Modeling Heliospheric Phenomena with the Multi-Scale Fluid-Kinetic Simulation Suite 266 Pogorelov, N. V.; Borovikov, S. N.; Heerikhuisen, J.; Kryukov, I. A.; Zank, G. P.
Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics: Turbulence and MHD 274 Price, D. J.; Federrath, C.
ADER Schemes for Time-Dependent PDEs: Review and Applications to Astrophysics 281 Toro, E. F.; Dumbser, M.
Characteristic Boundary Conditions for Numerical Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Simulation of Solar and Laboratory Plasma Flows 294 Wu, S. T.; Wang, A. H.; Cassibry, J.
Part VI. Data Handling and Visualization   
The Virtual Model Repository (VMR) 305 De Zeeuw, D. L.; Ridley, A. J.; Bashkirov, V.
Visualizing the Reionization of the Universe on Programmable Graphics Hardware 311 Kaehler, R.; Alvarez, M.; Abel, T.
PRACE: Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe Preparation of a Petascale Supercomputing Infrastructure for European Scientists 317 Turunen, A.; Nominé , J.-P.; Robin, F.; Erwin, D.; Huber, H.; Berg, A.; Murri, R.; Simpson, A.
VAPOR: Visual, Statistical, and Structural Analysis of Astrophysical Flows 323 Clyne, J.; Gruchalla, K.; Rast, M.
Recent Advances in VisIt: AMR Streamlines and Query-driven Visualization 329 Weber, G. H.; Ahern, S.; Bethel, E. W.; Borovikov, S.; Childs, H. R.; Deines, E.; Garth, C.; Hagen, H.; Hamann, B.; Joy, K. I.; Martin, D.; Meredith, J.; Prabhat; Pugmire, D.; Rübel, O.; Van Straalen, B.; Wu, K.
Back Matter 335 Pogolorov, N. P.; Audit, E.; Zank, G. P.