Title: |
Advances in Computational Astrophysics: Methods, Tools, and Outcome
Volume: |
Year: |
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Editors: |
R. Capuzzo-Dolcetta, M. Limongi, A. Tornambè
Synopsis: |
This book contains the proceedings of a conference held on 13-17 June 2011 in Cefalù (Sicily, Italy) to discuss recent progress in the application of modern numerical tools to the solution of open problems in astrophysics, from star formation up to the large scale structure of the universe.
This conference was the sixth in a series of Astronomy and Astrophysics workshops and conferences held in Cefalù devoted to hot topics in modern Astrophysics. It was unique because of the emphasis on both the the computational and the scientific aspects of astrophysics.
In attendance were scientists who are at top of their fields on both the scientific side and that of numerical and computational methods, who are also expert in the use of modern hardware and software resources. The conference was successful, thanks to the high quality of the oral and poster presentations and to the large number of participants from many countries. The graduate students and post docs gave a relevant contribution to the meeting, thanks also totheir ample participation in the debate after each talk.
The content of the book includes 65 papers distributed over Parts covering different specific topics of astrophysics, where important achievements are presented after an introduction to the topic. Parts V and X are specifically devoted to advanced tools in computational astrophysics and to new technologies in computational astrophysics, respectively.
Part XI is dedicated to the summaries of the many poster contributions presented at the conference.
Paper Title |
Page |
Authors |
Front Matter |
| |
Front Matter |
R. Capuzzo-Dolcetta, M. Limongi, A. Torn |
Part I. Stars: Formation |
| |
A Decade of ‘Realistic’ Star Formation Simulations |
3 |
Clarke, C. |
Combined Feedbacks of Magnetic Field and Radiative Transfer on Dense Core Collapse |
13 |
Commerçon, B.; Hennebelle, P.; Audit, E.; Chabrier, G.; Teyssier, R.; and Henning, Th. |
Towards Understanding Simulated Feedback in AMR and SPH Codes and the Multi-Phase Nature of the ISM |
19 |
Mitchell, N. L.; Bower, R. G.; Theuns, T.; Vorobyov, E. I. |
Molecular Cloud Disruption and Chemical Enrichment of the ISM Caused by Massive Star Feedback |
25 |
Fierlinger, K. M.; Burkert, A.; Diehl, R.; Dobbs, C.; Hartmann, D. H.; Krause, M.; Ntormousi, E.; Voss, R. |
Importance of the Initial Conditions for Star Formation |
29 |
Girichidis, P.; Federrath, C.; Banerjee, R.; Klessen, R. S. |
Modeling Star-Forming Regions using a 3D Molecular Transport Code |
33 |
Loughnane, R. M.; Redman, M. P.; Keto, E. R. |
Part II. Stars: Fundamental Physics |
| |
Binary Neutron Star Mergers Naturally form Jets that can Power Short Gamma-Ray Bursts |
41 |
Rezzolla, L. |
Magnetic Field Generation During the Formation of the First Stars |
51 |
Sur, S.; Federrath, C.; Schleicher, D.; Banerjee, R.; Klessen, R. S. |
Numerical Simulations of Relativistic Magnetic
Reconnection with Galerkin Methods |
55 |
Zanotti, O.; Dumbser, M. |
Part III. Stars: Evolution |
| |
2-D Modeling of the Variability of the Solar Interior for Climate Studies |
61 |
Sofia, S.; Li, L. H.; Spada, F.; Ventura, P. |
Numerical Simulations of Magnetic Relaxation in Rotating Stellar Radiation Zones |
69 |
Duez, V. |
Simulating the Circum-stellar Environment of Supernova and GRB Progenitors by Combining Stellar Evolution Models and Hydrodynamical Code |
75 |
Georgy, C.; Walder, R.; Folini, D. |
Part IV. Supernovae and Progenitors |
| |
Towards the Core-Collapse Supernova Explosion Mechanism |
81 |
Cardall, C. Y.; Endeve, E.; Budiardja, R. D.; Marronetti, P.; Mezzacappa, A. |
Explosion and Remnant Systematics of Neutrino-driven Supernovae for Spherically Symmetric Models |
91 |
Ugliano, M.; Janka, H.; Arcones, A.; Marek, A. |
Three-dimensional Core-Collapse Supernova Simulations on the Yin-Yang Grid |
95 |
Wongwathanarat, A.; Janka, H.; Müller, E. |
Type Ia Supernovae and the DD Scenario |
99 |
Isern, J.; García–Berro, E.; Lorén–Aguilar, P. |
Three-dimensional Simulations of Thermonuclear
Detonation with α-Network:
Numerical Method and Preliminary Results |
107 |
Khokhlov, A.; Domínguez, I.; Bacon, C.; Clifford, B.; Baron, E.; Hoeflich, P.; Krisciunas, K.; Suntzeff, N.; Wang, L. |
Multidimensional Simulations of Thermonuclear Supernovae from the First Stars |
115 |
Chen, K. J.; Heger, A.; Almgren, A. |
Incomplete Carbon Detonations in Thermonuclear Supernovae\footnotemark |
119 |
Domínguez, I.; Khokhlov, A. |
White Dwarf Mergers and the Origin of R Coronae Borealis Stars |
123 |
Lorén–Aguilar, P.; Longland, R.; José, J.; García–Berro, E.; Althaus, L. G.; Isern, J. |
Part V. Advanced Tools in Computational Astrophysics |
| |
Simulations of Dense Stellar Systems with the AMUSE Software Toolkit |
129 |
McMillan, S.; Portegies-Zwart, S.; van Elteren, A.; Whitehead, A. |
VOGCLUSTERS: An Example of DAME Web Application |
137 |
Castellani, M.; Brescia, M.; Mancini, E.; Pellecchia, L.; Longo, G. |
GEAR: A Window on the World of Dwarf Galaxies |
141 |
Revaz, Y.; Jablonka, P. |
NMAGIC Made-to-Measure Particle Models of Galaxies |
147 |
Morganti, L.; Gerhard, O. |
Turbulence Modelling and Stirring Mechanisms in the Cosmological Large-scale Structure |
151 |
Iapichino, L.; Schmidt, W.; Niemeyer, J. C.; Merklein, J. |
The Nonlinear Evolution of Large Scale Structures in Growing Neutrino Cosmologies |
155 |
Baldi, M. |
Part VI. Compact Interacting Objects and GravitationalWaves |
| |
Physical Simulations for the Merger of Binary Neutron Stars in General Relativity |
161 |
Shibata, M.; Kiuchi, K.; Kyutoku, K.; Sekiguchi, Y. |
Direct Numerical Simulations of the Quasi-interchange Instability in Astrophysical Jets |
171 |
Bonanno, A.; Urpin, V. |
Interacting Compact Binaries: Modeling Mass Transfer in Eccentric
Systems |
175 |
Church, R. P.; Davies, M. B.; Bobrick, A.; Tout, C. A. |
Numerical Simulations of Binary Black Holes |
179 |
Marronetti, P.; Tichy, W. |
Recoiling Black Holes in Merging Galaxies: Relationship to AGN Lifetimes, Starbursts, and the M-sigma Relation |
187 |
Blecha, L.; Cox, T. J.; Loeb, A.; Hernquist, L. |
A Fast Numerical Scheme for the Causal Relativistic Dissipative Hydrodynamics |
191 |
Takamoto, M.; Inutsuka, S. |
Simulations of Electromagnetic Signals from Black Hole Mergers |
195 |
Lodato, G. |
Part VII. Stellar Systems: N-body Problems |
| |
Use of Modern Numerical Methods and Hardware in N-Body Problems |
201 |
Mikkola, S. |
N-body Simulations of Star Clusters, Black Holes, and Their Host Systems using BRIDGE |
211 |
Fujii, M. S.; Iwasawa, M.; Saitoh, T. R.; Portegies-Zwart, S. |
Hybrid SPH and N-body Simulations of Star Clusters |
215 |
Hubber, D. A.; Allison, R. J.; Smith, R.; Goodwin, S. P. |
Globular Cluster Clumpy Tidal Tails |
219 |
Montuori, M.; Capuzzo-Dolcetta, R.; Mastrobuono-Battisti, A. |
Supermassive Black Hole Binaries in High Performance Massively Parallel Direct N-body Simulations on Large GPU Clusters |
223 |
Spurzem, R.; Berczik, P.; Zhong, S.; Nitadori, K.; Hamada, T.; Berentzen, I.; Veles, A. |
Dry Mergers and the Size Evolution of Early-type Galaxies |
233 |
Nipoti, C. |
The Formation of the Milky Way Nuclear Cluster |
237 |
Mastrobuono-Battisti, A.; Capuzzo-Dolcetta, R. |
Dynamics in Young Star Clusters: From Planets to Massive Stars |
241 |
Olczak, C.; Spurzem, R.; Henning, T.; Kaczmarek, T.; Pfalzner, S.; Harfst, S.; Portegies-Zwart, S. |
Part VIII. Astrophysical Fluid-Dynamics: Eulerian vs Lagrangian Schemes |
| |
Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics: Things I Wish My Mother Taught Me |
249 |
Price, D. J. |
Hydrodynamic Simulations with the Godunov SPH |
259 |
Borgani, S.; Murante, G.; Brunino, R.; Cha, S.-H. |
Hydrodynamical Simulations of Galaxy Cluster Entropy Profiles |
263 |
Sijacki, D.; Vogelsberger, M.; Kereš, D.; Springel, V.; Hernquist, L. |
Part IX. Galaxy Formation and Large Scale Structure |
| |
Spiral Structure Formation in Disk Galaxies |
269 |
D'Onghia, E.; Vogelsberger, M.; Hernquist, L. |
Simulating Supersonic Turbulence in Galaxy Formation |
273 |
Scannapieco, E.; Brüggen, M.; Pan, L. |
Properties of the ISM in Disc Galaxies with Stellar Feedback\footnotemark |
277 |
Dobbs, C. |
AGN Feedback using AMR Cosmological Simulations |
281 |
Dubois, Y.; Devriendt, J.; Slyz, A.; Teyssier, R. |
Baryon and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect Properties of MareNostrum and MultiDark Simulated Clusters (MUSIC) |
285 |
Sembolini, F.; Yepes, G.; De Petris, M. |
Progress and Challenges in SPH Simulations of Disk Galaxy Formation: The Combined Role of Resolution and the Star Formation Density Threshold |
289 |
Mayer, L. |
Modeling the Hot Gaseous Halo in Galaxy Merger Simulations |
301 |
Moster, B. P. |
Dark Satellites: How They Lost Their Baryons |
305 |
Nickerson, S.; Stinson, G.; Couchman, H. M. P.; Baili, J.; Wadsley, J. |
The Injection and Feedback of Cosmic Rays in Large-Scale Structures |
311 |
Vazza, F.; Brüggen, M.; Gheller, C.; Brunetti, G. |
Part X. New Technologies in Computational Astrophysics |
| |
Multi-physics Simulations using a Hierarchical Interchangeable Software Interface |
317 |
Portegies-Zwart, S.; McMillan, S.; Pelupessy, I.; van Elteren, A. |
Bonsai: A GPU Tree-Code |
325 |
Bédorf, J.; Gaburov, E.; Portegies-Zwart, S. |
GPU-Accelerated Monte Carlo Simulations of Dense Stellar Systems |
329 |
Pattabiraman, B.; Umbreit, S.; Liao, W.; Rasio, F.; Kalogera, V.; Choudhary, A. |
Part XI. Poster Contributions |
| |
The Structure of HI in Galactic Disks |
335 |
Acreman, D.; Brunt, C.; Dobbs, C.; Douglas, K. |
Dynamical Friction in Cuspy Galaxies |
337 |
Arca-Sedda, M.; Capuzzo-Dolcetta, R. |
E(A+M)PEC — An OpenCL Atomic & Molecular Plasma Emission Code For Interstellar Medium Simulations |
341 |
de Avillez, M. A.; Spitoni, E.; Breitschwerdt, D. |
A Non-Equilibrium Ionization Model of the Local and Loop I Bubbles - Tracing the OVI Distribution |
343 |
de Avillez, M. A.; Breitschwerdt, D.; Spitoni, E.; Carvalho, N. |
Observing Simulated Clusters: A Novel Virtual X-ray Telescope |
345 |
Biffi, V.; Dolag, K.; Böhringer, H.; Lemson, G. |
On Nuclear Matter Cores and Their Applications |
347 |
Boshkayev, K.; Rotondo, M. |
Searching for Data: Swarming Agent Method |
349 |
Caputo, D. P.; Dolan, R. |
High Precision Simulations of the Evolution of a Super Star Cluster Around a Massive Black Hole |
351 |
Capuzzo-Dolcetta, R.; Spera, M. |
Feeding a Disk: The Mechanical Mass Loss of Be Stars from a Numerical Point of View |
353 |
Ekström, S.; Georgy, C.; Granada, A.; Wyttenbach, A.; Meynet, G. |
The STructure Finder: Using Velocity Space to Identify Substructures in N-Body Haloes |
355 |
Elahi, P. J.; Thacker, P. J.; Widrow, L. M. |
Adaptive Gravitational Softening in GADGET |
359 |
Iannuzzi, F.; Dolag, K. |
Interaction Between Dark Matter Sub-halos and Gaseous Galactic Disk |
361 |
Kannan, R.; Macciò, A.; Pasquali, A.; Moster, B. P.; Walter, F. |
Simulations of Barred Galaxies in Triaxial Dark Matter Haloes: The Effects of Gas |
363 |
Machado, R. E. G.; Athanassoula, E.; Rodionov, S. |
The Effect of AGN Feedback on the Brightest Cluster Elliptical Galaxies |
365 |
Martizzi, D.; Teyssier, R.; Moore, B. |
Global Mass Segregation in Hydrodynamical Simulations of Star Formation |
367 |
Maschberger, T.; Clarke, C. |
The Morphology and Pattern Speed of Spiral Structure |
369 |
Nelson, D.; D'Onghia, E.; Hernquist, L. |
Classical Bulge Formation with P-DEVA, a Chemodynamical AP3M-SPH Code |
371 |
Obreja, A.; Domínguez-Tenreiro, R.; Martínez-Serrano, F.; Doménech-Moral, M.; Serna, A. |
Dry Minor Mergers and Size Evolution of Early-type Galaxies in High Density Environments |
373 |
Oogi, T.; Habe, A. |
Galaxy Cluster Mergers |
375 |
Planelles, S.; Quilis, V. |
Radiation Hydrodynamics of Core-Collapse Supernovae: The “Key” Asset for a
Self-consistent Modelling of These Events |
377 |
Pumo, M. L.; Zampieri, L. |
High Performance Astrophysics Computing |
379 |
Capuzzo-Dolcetta, R.; Arca-Sedda, M.; Mastrobuono-Battisti, A.; Punzo, D.; Spera, M. |
Intracluster Medium Reheating by Relativistic Jets |
383 |
Quilis, V.; Perucho, M.; Marti, J. M. |
Numerical Studies of the Accretion Disc Response to BH Recoil |
385 |
Rosotti, G.; Lodato, G. |
Numerical Simulations of Rotating Jets: Comparison with Observations |
389 |
Rubini, F.; Maurri, L.; Inghirami, G.; Bacciotti, F. |
Magnetically Driven Outflows During Massive Star Formation |
391 |
Seifried, D.; Banerjee, R.; Klessen, R. S.; Duffin, D.; Pudritz, R. E. |
Scalable Parallel Algorithm for Solving the Collisionless
Boltzmann — Poisson System of Equations |
393 |
Snytnikov, N. |
The Sun as a Climate Driver: Modelling the Variability of the Solar Interior Structure |
395 |
Spada, F.; Li, L. H.; Sofia, S.; Ventura, P. |
The Role of Episodic Accretion in Low-mass Star Formation |
397 |
Stamatellos, D.; Hubber, D. A.; Whitworth, A. |
Unsteady Motion In Self-gravitating Inhomogeneous Gas |
399 |
Tagirova, R. R.; Krasnobaev, K. V. |
Software in the Investigation of Exposure: Jupiter and Mars to Solar Activity |
401 |
Timofeev, V. E.; Samsonov, S. N.; Skryabin, N. G. |
Jets From Young Massive Stars |
403 |
Vaidya, B.; Fendt, C.; Beuther, H.; Porth, O. |
Numerical Viscosity Effects and Turbulent Properties of the ICM in SPH Simulations of Galaxy Clusters |
405 |
Valdarnini, R. |
Formation and Survivability of Massive Giant Planets and Brown Dwarfs on Wide Orbits\footnotemark |
407 |
Vorobyov, E. I.; Basu, S. |
Numerical Stellar Hydrodynamics and its Application to the Evolution of Galaxies |
409 |
Vorobyov, E. I.; Mitchell, N. L.; Hensler, G. |
Back Matter |
| |
Author Index |
411 |
R. Capuzzo-Dolcetta, M. Limongi, A. Torn |
Back Matter |
415 |
R. Capuzzo-Dolcetta, M. Limongi, A. Torn |