Paper Title |
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Authors |
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1998 La Palma International Time Programme: Formation and Properties of Planetary Systems |
3 |
Eiroa, C.; Mora, A.; Palacios, J.; Alberdi, A.; Miranda, L. F.; Cameron, A.; Horne, K.; Tsapras, Y.; Davies, L. K.; Deeg, H. J.; Garzón, F.; de Winter, D.; Ferlet, R.; Grady, C. A.; Harris, A.; Rauer, H.; Merín, B.; Montesinos, B.; Solano, E.; Oudmaijer, R.; Penny, A.; Quirrenbach, A.; Schneider, J.; Wesselius, P. R. |
From Disks to Planets: An Overview (Invited Review) |
7 |
Boss, A. P. |
Disk Evolution towards Planet Formation (Invited Review) |
19 |
Terquem, C.; Papaloizou, J. C. B.; Nelson, R. P. |
The Evolution of Giant Protoplanets in Protostellar Disks (Contributed Talk) |
31 |
Nelson, R. P.; Papaloizou, J. C. B.; Masset, F. S.; Kley, W. |
Modeling of Infrared/Millimeter Images of Circumstellar Disks with an Embedded Planet (Contributed Talk) |
38 |
Wolf, S.; Henning, Th.; Kley, W. |
High-Resolution Simulations and Visualization of Protoplanetary Disks |
45 |
Ciecielg, P.; Plewa, T.; Różyczka, M. |
Orbital Motion of Resonant Clumps in Dusty Circumstellar Disks as a Signature of an Embedded Planet |
51 |
Gorkavyi, N. N.; Ozernoy, L. M.; Mather, J. C.; Heap, S. |
Grain Diffusion and Chemical Evolution in Protoplanetary Disks |
56 |
Henning, Th.; Ilgner, M.; Shräpler, R. |
Angular Momentum Transport in Protoplanetary Accretion Disks by Hydrodynamical Turbulence |
63 |
Klahr, H.; Bodenheimer, P. |
The Orbital Evolution of Planets in Disks |
69 |
Kley, W. |
FARGO: A Fast Eulerian Transport Algorithm for Differentially Rotating Disks |
75 |
Masset, F. S. |
Observational Aspects of Protostellar Disks (Invited Review) |
83 |
Ho, P. T. P. |
Accretion Disks (Invited Review) |
95 |
Hartmann, L. |
Observations of Protoplanetary Disks at 7 mm (Contributed Talk) |
108 |
Rodríguez, L. F. |
Rotation in Young Stars and the Evolution of Disks (Contributed Talk) |
115 |
Casali, M.; Greene, T. P.; Eiroa, C.; Andre, P. |
Photometric Studies of Young Stars in Clusters: Rotation and Disks (Contributed Talk) |
121 |
Herbst, W.; Rhode, K. L.; Hillenbrand, L. A.; Maley, J. A.; Bailer-Jones, C.; Mundt, R.; Meisenheimer, K.; Wackermann, R. |
Images of Protoplanetary Disks from Millimeter to Near-Infrared Wavelengths (Invited Review) |
128 |
Dutrey, A. |
Images and Physical Parameters of Accretion Disks (Contributed Talk) |
140 |
Ménard, F.; Stapelfeldt, K.; Duchêne, G.; Duvert, G.; Krist, J.; Padgett, D. |
The Optical Constant of Crystaline Spinel |
150 |
Chihara, H.; Tsuchiyama, A.; Koike, C.; Sogawa, H. |
HST/NICMOS Observations of YSOs: HH 30, HL Tau, and L1551 IRS 5 |
156 |
Cotera, A.; Young, E.; Chen, H. |
Methanol Masers and the Circumstellar Disk Hypothesis |
162 |
de Buizer, J. M. |
Circumbinary Disks around T Tauri Stars: HST/NICMOS Near-Infrared Images and Polarimetric Maps |
169 |
Duchêne, G.; Silber, J.; Ménard, F.; Gledhill, T. |
From Aromatic Molecules to Carbon Dust Grains |
175 |
Moutou, C.; Verstraete, L.; Schmidt, W.; Sellgren, K.; Léger, A. |
The Circumstellar Environment of the TTS SU Aurigae |
181 |
Oliveira, J. M.; Foing, B. H.; van Loon, J. Th. |
Disks and Planets in Binary Systems (Invited Review) |
189 |
Kley, W.; Burkert, A. |
Infall, Accretion, and the Spectroscopic Evidence for Planetesimals (Invited Review) |
202 |
Grady, C. A.; Mora, A.; de Winter, D.; Export |
Photopolarimetric Activity of Pre-Main-Sequence Stars (Invited Review) |
216 |
Grinin, V. P. |
Spectroscopic Monitoring of PMS and Vega-Type Stars (Contributed Talk) |
231 |
Mora, A.; de Winter, D.; Ferlet, R.; Grady, C. A.; Export |
Optical Photopolarimetry and Near-Infrared Photometry of Pre-Main-Sequence and Main-Sequence Objects (Contributed Talk) |
238 |
Oudmaijer, R. D.; Davies, J. K.; Eiroa, C.; Palacios, J.; Garzón, F.; de Winter, D.; Export |
ISO Observations of Pre-Main-Sequence and Vega-Type Stars (Invited Review) |
242 |
van den Ancker, M. E. |
ISO-SWS Observations of EXPORT Targets (Contributed Talk) |
255 |
Palacios, J.; Wesselius, P. R.; Export |
ISO Observations of Isolated Herbig Ae/Be Stars (Contributed Talk) |
261 |
Malfait, K.; Waelkens, C. |
Mid-Infrared Observations of Disks (Invited Review) |
268 |
Telesco, C. M. |
ADONIS Detection and Models of the Pre-Main-Sequence Disk of HD 100546 (Contributed Talk) |
281 |
Pantin, E.; Waelkens, C.; Malfait, K.; Lagage, P. O. |
Pericenter Glow: A Signature of Hidden Planets in HR 4796? (Contributed Talk) |
289 |
Wyatt, M. C.; Dermott, S. F.; Telesco, C. M. |
Submillimeter Studies of Dusty Debris around Nearby Stars (Invited Review) |
296 |
Greaves, J. S.; Holland, W. S. |
Models of β Pictoris and Disks around Main-Sequence Stars (Invited Review) |
308 |
Lecavelier Des Etangs, A. |
Dust-Gas Interaction in the Early Solar Nebula: The Role of Coherent Structures (Contributed Talk) |
322 |
Tanga, P.; Michel, P. |
NICMOS Imaging of Dusty Circumstellar Disks (Contributed Talk) |
329 |
Weinberger, A. J.; Becklin, E. E.; Schneider, G. |
Dust Disks around Old Pre-Main-Sequence Stars: HST/NICMOS2 Scattered-Light Images and Modeling |
335 |
Augereau, J.-C.; Lagrange, A.-M.; Mouillet, D.; Ménard, F. |
The Evolution of the IR Excesses in Vega-Like Stars |
342 |
Barrado Y Navascués, D.; Song, I.; Caillault, J.-P.; Stauffer, J. R. |
G Dwarfs and the Vega Phenomenon |
349 |
Decin, G.; Malfait, M.; Waelkens, C.; Dominik, C.; Mayor, M. |
Spectro- and Photopolarimetric Monitoring of the HAeBe Star VV Serpentis |
356 |
de Winter, D.; Mora, A.; Eiroa, C.; Palacios, J.; Oudmajier, R. D.; Garzón, F.; Export |
The UXOR-Type Star RY Ori |
363 |
Eiroa, C.; Garzón, F.; Miranda, L. F.; Export |
Preliminary Results from a Mid-IR Survey of Vega-Like Sources |
369 |
Fisher, R. S.; Telesco, C. M.; Piña, R. K.; Knacke, R. F. |
Dust Distribution in Gas Disks: A Model for the Ring around HR 4796A |
375 |
Klahr, H.; Lin, D. |
The Two-Star Photometer at Kourovka Observatory: Design and Noise Analysis |
381 |
Kozhevnikov, V. P.; Zakharova, P. |
Size Distribution of Dust in the Disk of β Pictoris |
387 |
Krivova, N. A.; Krivov, A. V.; Mann, I. |
The β Pictoris Dust Disk at 20 Microns |
393 |
Lagage, P.-O.; Pantin, E. |
Determination of Spectral Types for Stars in the EXPORT Sample |
399 |
Merín, B.; Montesinos, B.; Export |
Spectroscopic Observations of BD +31°643, BH Cep, LkHα 234, and LkHα 262 |
405 |
Miranda, L. F.; Eiroa, C.; Garzón, F.; Export |
The Behavior of Vega-Type Stars in the EXPORT Sample |
411 |
Mora, A.; Eiroa, C.; Palacios, J.; de Winter, D.; Ferlet, R.; Garzón, F.; Oudmaijer, R. D.; Export |
Dust and Disks of Ae/Be Stars |
416 |
Polomski, E.; Telesco, C. M.; Piña, R. K. |
Rotational Velocities for the EXPORT Sample |
422 |
Solano, E.; Montesinos, B.; Mora, A.; Export |
Non-LTE Modeling of Accretion Disks of UX Ori-Type Stars |
428 |
Tambovtseva, L. V.; Grinin, V. P. |
Herbig Ae/Be and Vega-Type Stars as Objects at Different Stages in their Circumstellar Shell Evolution |
433 |
Yudin, R. V. |
Mass Function and Distributions of the Orbital Elements of Substellar Companions (Invited Review) |
441 |
Mayor, M.; Udry, S. |
The Search for Extended Atmospheres around the Planets Orbiting 51 Peg and τ Boo (Contributed Talk) |
454 |
Harris, A. W.; Rauer, H.; Cameron, A. C.; Export |
Present and Near-Future Reflected-Light Searches for Close-In Planets (Contributed Talk) |
461 |
Charbonneau, D.; Noyes, R. W. |
Probable Detection of Reflected Starlight from τ Boo b (Contributed Talk) |
468 |
Horne, K.; Collier-Cameron, A.; Penny, A.; James, D. |
Late Planetesimal Delivery and the Composition of Giant Planets (Invited Review) |
475 |
Guillot, T.; Gladman, B. |
Theoretical Models for Substellar Objects (Contributed Talk) |
486 |
González, J.-F.; Allard, F.; Baraffe, I.; Chabrier, G.; Hauschildt, P. H. |
Towards the Detection of Planets around Brown Dwarfs (Contributed Talk) |
493 |
Martín, E. L. |
Substellar Companions to Nearby Stars from NICMOS Surveys (Contributed Talk) |
499 |
Schneider, G.; Becklin, E. E.; Lowrance, P. J.; Smith, B. A. |
Ground-Based Direct-Imaging Search for Substellar Companions Next to Young Nearby Stars (Contributed Talk) |
506 |
Alves, J.; Neuhäuser, R. |
Very Young Free-Floating Planets in the σ Orionis Star Cluster (Contributed Talk) |
515 |
Rebolo, R.; Zapatero Osorio, M. R.; Béjar, V. J. S.; Barrado Y Navascués, D.; Bailer-Jones, C.; Mundt, R.; Martín, E. L. |
Chemical-Abundance Trends among Stars with Planets (Invited Review) |
523 |
Gonzalez, G. |
The Stability of the Orbits of Terrestrial Planets in the Habitable Zones of Known Exoplanetary Systems |
534 |
Jones, B. W.; Sleep, P. N. |
The Galactic Exoplanet Survey Telescope: A Proposed Space-Based Microlensing Survey for Terrestrial Extrasolar Planets (Contributed Talk) |
542 |
Bennet, D. P.; Rhie, S. H. |
The PLANET Microlensing Collaboration Search for Extrasolar Planets: Status Report (Contributed Talk) |
550 |
Beaulieu, J. P.; Albrow, M.; An, J.; Caldwell, J. A. R.; Depoy, D. L.; Dominik, M.; Gaudi, B. S.; Gould, A.; Greenhill, J.; Hill, K.; Kane, S.; Martin, R.; Menzies, J.; Naber, R.; Pogge, R.; Pollard, K. R.; Sackett, P. D.; Sahu, K. C.; Vermaak, P.; Watson, R.; Williams, A.; The PLANET Collaboration |
Detecting Planets Using Transit Observations (Invited Review) |
557 |
Brown, T. M. |
EXPORT: Search for Transits in Open Clusters with the Jakobus Kapteyn and the Lick 1 m Telescopes (Contributed Talk) |
566 |
Quirrenbach, A.; Cooke, J.; Mitchell, D.; Safizadeh, N.; Deeg, H.; Export |
A Search for Planetary Transits in Open Clusters (Contributed Talk) |
572 |
Street, R. A.; Horne, K.; Penny, A.; Tsapras, Y.; Quirrenbach, A.; Safizadeh, N.; Cooke, J.; Mitchell, D.; Cameron, A. C. |
Detection Limits in Space-Based Transit Observations (Contributed Talk) |
578 |
Deeg, H.; Favata, F.; The Eddington Science Team |
The STARE Project: a Transit Search for Hot Jupiters |
584 |
Brown, T. M.; Charbonneau, D. |
The MELODIE M-Dwarf Planet Survey |
590 |
Delfosse, X.; Forveille, T.; Ségransan, D.; Perrier, C.; Beuzit, J.-L.; Mayor, M.; Udry, S. |
G Dwarf Planet Search |
596 |
Latham, D. W. |
A Planetary Companion around the Young G6 Dwarf Gliese-Jahreiss 3021 |
602 |
Naef, D.; Mayor, M.; Pepe, F.; Queloz, D.; Santos, N. C.; Udry, S.; Burnet, M. |
First Results of the EMILIE Spectrograph with the AAA System on Extrasolar Planets |
607 |
Schmitt, J.; Bouchy, F.; Bestaux, J. L. |
Spectra, Lightcurves, and Polarization of Close-In Extrasolar Giant Planets |
615 |
Seager, S. |
Shadow of the Planet Orbiting HD 209458 |
621 |
Street, R. A.; Lister, T. A.; Cameron, A. C.; Horne, K. |
EXPORT Observations of 1998 Microlensing Events |
626 |
Tsapras, Y.; Street, R. A.; Horne, K.; Penny, A.; Clarke, F.; Deeg, H.; Garzón, F.; Kemp, S.; Zapatero Osorio, M. R.; Oscoz Abad, A.; Madruga Sánchez, S.; Export |
Planet Detection from the Ground: Can the VLTI Help? (Invited Review) |
635 |
Coudé Du Foresto, V. |
The ALMA Project (Invited Review) |
645 |
Guilloteau, S. |
COROT: A Space Mission for the Search for Extrasolar Planets (Contributed Talk) |
656 |
Deleuil, M.; Barge, P.; Defay, C.; Léger, A.; Rouan, D.; Schneider, J. |
Infrared Space Interferometry-The DARWIN Mission (Invited Review) |
663 |
Fridlund, C. V. M. |
A Mini-History of Disks and Their Progeny |
677 |
Natta, A. |