Title: Preserving the Astronomical Windows
Volume: 139 Year: 1998 View this Volume on ADS
Editors: Isobe, Syuzo; McNally, Derek
ISBN: 1-886733-59-7 eISBN: 978-1-58381-475-8
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Paper Title Page Authors
Adverse Environmental Impact on Astronomy 1 McNally, D.
Preserving the Astronomical "Windows" by/for Education and Culture 7 Percy, J. R.
Light Pollution: The Problem, the Solutions 13 Crawford, D. L.
Natural Optical Sky Background 17 Leinert, Ch.; Mattila, K.
Field Survey of Outdoor Lighting in Japan 21 Narisada, K.; Kawakami, K.
Bilateral Agreements on Limits to Outdoor Lighting; The New GTE Recommendations, Their Origin and Implications 29 Schreuder, D. A.
Japanese Perspective for Interference to Radio Astronomy 43 Kawaguchi, K.
The Space Debris Environment of the Earth-Amounts and Growth 49 Flury, W.
Meteoroids and Space Debris Impacts on Telescopes in Space 65 Yano, H.
Can We Maintain Access to the Space Windows? 87 Wamsteker, W.
Environmental Disturbances of Astronomical Observations 89 Kovalevsky, J.
The Avoidance of Man-Made Pollution in Interplanetary Space 97 Keay, C.
The Process of Frequency Management, International Treaties and the Responsibility of Astronomers 103 Tarter, J.
Public Education to Preserve Dark Skies and Astronomical Windows with Eavesdropping and Robotic Telescopes 109 Baruch, J. E. F.
The Issues of Space Debris and Near-Earth Objects at the United Nations 115 Haubold, H. J.; Remo, J. L.
Bilateral Agreements, Zoning, International Protocol to Preserve Astronomical Windows 119 Isobe, S.
Avoidance of Collisions between Space Debris and Operating Satellites 125 Wnuk, E.
A Method for Searching Potential Observing Sites 135 Querci, F. R.; Querci, M.
Protection of the Observatorio Astrofisico "Guillermo Haro" 141 Carrasco, B. E.; Carraminana, A.; Sanchez-Sesma, F. J.; Lermo, F. J.
Light Pollution and Night Sky Brightness over the Entire Sky at Kottamia Observatory Site 151 Nawar, S.; Morcos, A. B.; Metwally, Z.; Osman, A. I. I.
The Shuffle Glow in the Ultraviolet-A Major Contributor to Surface Brightnesses at Low Earth Orbits 159 Schlosser, W.
A Study of Luminous Intensity Distributions of Lighting Lamps 161 Kawakami, K.; Isobe, S.
A Comparison of Night Sky Brightness under Ordinary Urban Lighting and During Light-Down Periods in Kyoto City 167 Iizuka, T.; Isobe, S.
Star Watching Observations to Measure Night Sky Brightness 175 Isobe, S.; Kosai, H.
Light Pollution Situations of Observatories 185 Isobe, S.
Ejected City Light of Japan Observed by a Defense Meteorological Satellite Program 191 Isobe, S.; Hamamura, S.
Summary of the IEIJ Report on a Field Survey on Outdoor Lighting in Various Areas in Japan 201 Narisada, K.; Kawakami, K.
Economic Consequences of the Deterioration of the Astronomical Environment 243 Woltjer, L.