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Paper: Transiting Planet Simulations from the All Sky Extrasolar Planets Survey
Volume: 366, Transiting Extrasolar Planets Workshop
Page: 303
Authors: Kane, S.R.; Ge, J.
Abstract: Many of the planets discovered via the radial velocity technique are hot Jupiters in 3–5 day orbits with ~ 10% chance of transiting their parent star. However, radial velocity surveys for extra-solar planets generally require substantial amounts of large telescope time in order to monitor a sufficient number of stars due to the single-object capabilities of the spectrograph. A multi-object Doppler survey instrument has been developed which is based on the dispersed fixed-delay interferometer design. We present simulations of the expected results from the Sloan Doppler survey based on calculated noise models and sensitivity for the instrument and the known distribution of exoplanetary system parameters. We have developed code for automatically sifting and fitting the planet candidates produced by the survey to allow for fast follow-up observations to be conducted. A transit ephemeris is automatically calculated by the code for each candidate and updated when new data becomes available. The techniques presented here may be applied to a wide range of multi-object planet surveys.
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