Paper Title |
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Authors |
Part 1. Dark Energy and Other Models for the Accelerating Universe |
| |
Observing Dark Energy: Welcome |
3 |
Mould, J.R. |
Why is the Universe Accelerating? |
4 |
Carroll, S.M. |
Cosmokinetics |
27 |
Blandford, R.D.; Amin, M.; Baltz, E.A.; Mandel, K.; Marshall, P.J. |
Part 2. Supernovae |
| |
Kinematics and Dark Energy from Supernovae at z > 1 |
39 |
Riess, A.G. |
The Carnegie Supernova Project |
50 |
Freedman, W.L.; Carnegie Supernova Project, the |
SNLS -- The Supernova Legacy Survey |
60 |
Pritchet, C.J.; SNLS Collaboration, the |
A New Method to Calibrate the Magnitudes of Type Ia Supernovae at Maximum Light |
69 |
Prieto, J.L.; Rest, A.; Suntzeff, N.B. |
Absolute Magnitudes of Type Ia Supernovae in the Near-Infrared |
75 |
Krisciunas, K. |
DESTINY: The Dark Energy Space Telescope |
79 |
Lauer, T. R.; DESTINY Science Team |
Observing Dark Energy with SNAP |
87 |
Linder, E.V.; SNAP Collaboration, the |
Part 3. Gravitational Lensing |
| |
LSST and Dark Energy |
95 |
Tyson, A. |
Weak Lensing and Supernovae: Complementary Probes of Dark Energy |
107 |
Knox, L.; Albrecht, A.; Song, Y.S. |
Part 4. Galaxy Clusters |
| |
Direct Constraints on the Properties and Evolution of Dark Energy |
117 |
Daly, R.A.; Djorgovski, S.G. |
Constraining Dark Energy with the DEEP2 Redshift Survey |
128 |
Davis, M.; Gerke, B.F.; Newman, J.A.; DEEP2 Team, the |
Cluster Survey Studies of the Dark Energy |
140 |
Mohr, J.J. |
Dark Energy Survey and Camera |
152 |
Wester, W.; the Dark Energy Survey Collaboration |
Recent Results from the SuZIE Experiment: An Investigation of SZ Scaling Relationships |
157 |
Church, S.E.; Benson, B.A.; Thompson, K.L. |
Optimal Weighting Scheme in Redshift-Space Power Spectrum Analysis and Prospect for Measuring the Equation of State of Dark Energy |
167 |
Yamamoto, K. |
The Alcock-Paczynski Test for the Lyα Forest: First Results from Magellan and the MMT |
172 |
Eriksen, K.A.; Marble, A.R.; Impey, C.D.; Bai, L.; Petry, C.E. |
The Atacama Large Millimeter Array: Observing the Distant Universe |
177 |
Radford, S.J.E. |
GM = tc3 Space/Time Explanation of Supernova Data |
181 |
Riofrio, L. |
Part 5. Acoustic Oscillations |
| |
Dark Energy and Cosmic Sound |
187 |
Eisenstein, D.J. |
Probing Dark Energy with Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations |
195 |
Seo, H.; Eisenstein, D.J. |
Part 6. Cosmic Microwave Background |
| |
Can We Hope To Detect Dark Energy Perturbations? |
203 |
Bean, R.; Dore, O. |
Dark Energy Probes in Light of the CMB |
215 |
Hu, W. |
Joint Parameter Estimation for Dark Energy Models with the CMB |
235 |
Gold, B.M.; Albrecht, A. |
Photos |
| |
Conference Photograph |
999 |
Wolff, S.C.; Lauer, T.R. |