Paper: |
A New Bibliographical Feature for SIMBAD: Highlighting the Most Relevant Papers for One Astronomical Object |
Volume: |
492, LISA VII: Open Science: At the Frontiers of Librarianship |
Page: |
284 |
Authors: |
Oberto, A.; Lesteven, S.; Derriere, S.; Bonnin, C.; Buga, M.; Brouty, M.; Bruneau, C.; Brunet, C.; Eisele, A.; Genova, F.; Guéhenneux, S.; Neuville, M.; Ochsenbein, F.; Perret, E.; Son, E.; Vannier, P.; Vonflie, P.; Wenger, M.; Woelfel, F. |
Abstract: |
The number of bibliographical references attached to an astronomical object in SIMBAD is has been growing continuously over the years. It is important for astronomers to retrieve the most relevant papers, those that give important information about the object of study. This is not easy since there can be many references attached to one object. For instance, in 2014, more than 15,000 objects had been attached to more than 50 references. The location of the object's citations inside the paper and its number of occurrences are important criteria to extract the most relevant papers. Since 2008, because of the DJIN application (a semi-automatic tool to search for object names in full text) this information has been collected. For each article associated with an astronomical object, we know where it is cited and how many times and with which name it appears. Since September 2013, the users of SIMBAD web site can choose to retrieve the most relevant references for an astronomical object depending on its location in the publication. A new formula to sort references by combining all locations, number of occurrences, total number of objects studied, citation count, and year is presented in this paper. |