Paper Title |
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Authors |
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High-Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy of the Warm Gas in Seyfert 1 Galaxies |
1 |
Kaastra, J. S. |
High-Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy of the Outflow in NGC 3783 |
7 |
Kaspi, S. |
Chandra HETGS Observations of NGC 1068 |
13 |
Ogle, P. M.; Canizares, C.; Dewey, D.; Lee, J.; Marshall, H. |
A Chandra Snapshot Survey of Broad Absorption Line Quasars |
19 |
Green, P. J.; Aldcroft, T. L.; Mathur, S.; Wilkes, B. J.; Elvis, M. |
X-ray Spectroscopy of BAL and Mini-BAL QSOs |
25 |
Gallagher, S. C.; Brandt, W. N.; Chartas, G.; Garmire, G. P. |
XMM-Newton RGS Observations of Soft X-ray Emission Lines from Relativistic Accretion Disks |
31 |
Branduardi-Raymont, G.; Page, M. J.; Sako, M.; Kahn, S. M.; Kaastra, J. S.; Brinkman, A. C. |
A Chandra Observation of the Red Quasar 3C 212 |
37 |
Aldcroft, T. L.; Murray, S. S.; Elvis, M. |
A Physically-Consistent Model for X-ray Emission by Seyfert 2 Galaxies Demonstrated using NGC 1068 |
43 |
Behar, E.; Kinkhabwala, A.; Sako, M.; Paerels, F.; Kahn, S. M.; Brinkman, A. C.; Kaastra, J.; van der Meer, R. |
CXO HETGS Observations of Seyfert 1 Galaxies |
49 |
George, I. M.; Turner, T. J.; Yaqoob, T. |
Ubiquitous Column-Density Variability in Seyfert 2 Galaxies |
55 |
Risaliti, G.; Elvis, M.; Nicastro, F. |
X-ray Absorption Associated with High-Velocity UV Absorbers |
61 |
Sabra, B. M.; Hamann, F.; Shields, J. C.; George, I. M.; Jannuzi, B. |
FUSE Observations of Warm Absorbers in AGN |
69 |
Kriss, G. A. |
OVI Intrinsic Absorption in NGC 3783: FUSE Observations |
75 |
Kaiser, M. E.; Kriss, G. A.; Sembach, K. R. |
The Physical Conditions in the UV Absorbers in the Seyfert 1 Galaxy NGC 3783 |
81 |
Gabel, J. R.; Kraemer, S. B.; Crenshaw, D. M. |
Variable UV Absorption in NGC 3783 and NGC 4151 |
87 |
Crenshaw, D. M.; Kraemer, S. B.; Gabel, J. R. |
Physical Conditions in the UV Absorbers in NGC 4151 |
93 |
Kraemer, S. B.; Crenshaw, D. M.; Hutchings, J. B.; George, I. M.; Gull, T. R.; Kaiser, M. E.; Nelson, C. H.; Weistrop, D. |
The Luminosity Dependence of UV Absorption in AGNs |
99 |
Laor, A.; Brandt, N. |
Ultraviolet Absorption in LINERs |
105 |
Shields, J. C.; Sabra, B. M.; Ho, L. C.; Barth, A. J.; Filippenko, A. V. |
Properties of QSO-Intrinsic Narrow Ultraviolet Absorption |
111 |
Ganguly, R. |
The Outflow Column Density in NGC 5548 |
117 |
Arav, N.; de Kool, M.; Korista, K. T. |
Associated Absorption and Radio Source Growth |
121 |
Baker, J. C. |
Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer Observations of NGC 5548 in a Low State |
127 |
Brotherton, M. S. |
Fe II Absorbers in Arp 102B and Other LINERs and BLRGs |
131 |
Eracleous, M. |
High Resolution Spectra of Quasar AALs: 3C 191 |
137 |
Hamann, F.; Barlow, T. A.; Chaffee, F. C.; Foltz, C. B.; Weymann, R. J. |
Narrow CIV λ1549Å Absorption Lines in Moderate-Redshift Quasars |
143 |
Vestergaard, M. |
A Deep ASCA Spectrum of Broad Absorption Line Quasar PHL 5200: Clues to Quasar Evolution ? |
151 |
Mathur, S.; Matt, G.; Green, P. J.; Elvis, M.; Singh, K. P. |
Radio-Selected Broad Absorption Line Quasars |
157 |
Brotherton, M. S. |
Extreme BAL Quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey |
161 |
Hall, P. B.; Gunn, J. E.; Knapp, G. R.; Narayanan, V. K.; Strauss, M. A.; Anderson, S. F.; vanden Berk, D. E.; Heckman, T. M.; Krolik, J. H.; Tsvetanov, Z. I.; Zheng, W.; Richards, G. T.; Schneider, D. P.; Fan, X.; York, D. G.; Geballe, T. R.; Davis, M.; Becker, R. H.; Brunner, R. J. |
HST UV and Keck HIRES Spectra of BALQSOs |
167 |
Junkkarinen, V.; Cohen, R. D.; Barlow, T. A.; Hamann, F. |
Polarimetric &Infrared Constraints on Absorbing Material in (BAL) QSOs |
173 |
Hines, D. C. |
Ionization Equilibrium and Chemical Abundances in BALQSO PG 0946+301 |
179 |
Arav, N.; de Kool, M.; Korista, K. T.; Crenshaw, D. M. |
Absorption from Excited States as a Density Diagnostic for AGN Outflows |
183 |
de Kool, M.; Becker, R. H.; Gregg, M. D.; Arav, N.; White, R. L.; Korista, K. T. |
Observational Evidence for Multiphase Outflow in QSO FIRST 1044+3656 |
189 |
Everett, J.; Königl, A.; Arav, N. |
Low-Ionization BAL QSOs in Ultraluminous Infrared Systems |
195 |
Canalizo, G.; Stockton, A. |
HST/STIS Spectra of PG 0946+301: Spanning 1000 Å in the UV Rest Frame of a BALQSO |
201 |
Korista, K. T.; Arav, N.; de Kool, M.; Crenshaw, D. M. |
The Polarization Properties of Broad Absorption Line QSOs: Observational Results |
207 |
Hutsemékers, D.; Lamy, H. |
Q0059-2735: A Hybrid Starburst/Broad Absorption Line QSO ? Clues from Spectropolarimetry |
211 |
Hutsemékers, D.; Lamy, H. |
The Importance of Shocks in the Ionization of the Narrow Line Region of Seyferts |
215 |
Schmitt, H. R.; Kinney, A. L.; Hutchings, J. B.; Ulvestad, J. S.; Antonucci, R. R. J. |
Kinematics of the NLR in Mrk 3 |
221 |
Ruiz, J. R.; Crenshaw, D. M.; Kraemer, S. B. |
Resolving the NLR of NGC 1068 with STIS: Associated Absorbers Seen in Emission ? |
227 |
Cecil, G. |
Revealing the Energetics and Structure of AGN Jets |
233 |
Perlman, E. S.; Marshall, H. L.; Biretta, J. A. |
Cygnus A Revisited |
239 |
van Bemmel, I. M. |
Black-Hole Mass and the Formation of Radio Jets in Quasars |
245 |
Kukula, M. J.; Dunlop, J. S.; McLure, R. J. |
General Relativistic Simulation of Jet Formation by a Rapidly-Rotating Black Hole |
251 |
Koide, S.; Meier, D. L.; Shibata, K.; Kudoh, T. |
Spectropolarimetry of Broad Hα Lines and Geometry of the BLR |
255 |
Cohen, M. H.; Martel, A. R. |
How Much of the Broad-Line Region is Outflowing ? |
261 |
Gaskell, C. M.; Mariupolskaya, V. Y. |
Outflow in NGC 3516 |
267 |
Hutchings, J. B. |
Line Profile Variations in Mrk 110: Probing the Velocity Field in the BLR |
271 |
Kollatschny, W. |
Stellar Envelopes Confined by Hot AGN Outflows as Sources of BLR Emission |
277 |
Torricelli-Ciamponi, G.; Pietrini, P. |
Strong Shocks and Supersonic Winds in Inhomogeneous Media |
285 |
Poludnenko, A. Y.; Frank, A.; Blackman, E. G. |
General Relativistic Effects on Emission from Outflows |
291 |
Sivron, R.; Tsuruta, S. |
Are Quasars Fractal ? |
297 |
Bottorff, M. C.; Ferland, G. J. |
Tests of a Structure for Quasars |
303 |
Elvis, M. |
Dynamics of Line-Driven Disk Winds |
309 |
Proga, D. |
Acceleration of Highly Ionized Gas by X-ray Radiation Pressure in AGN |
315 |
Chelouche, D.; Netzer, H. |
Molecular Gas in the Nucleus of NGC 1068: Observations of the H2 2.12 μm and Brγ Emission Lines |
321 |
Galliano, E.; Alloin, D. |
Workshop Summary |
329 |
Weymann, R. J. |