Title: Magnetic Fields Across the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram
Volume: 248 Year: 2001 View this Volume on ADS
Editors: Mathys, G.; Solanki, S. K.; Wickramasinghe, D. T.
ISBN: 1-58381-088-9 eISBN: 978-1-58381-584-7
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Paper Title Page Authors
Magnetic Fields across the H-R Diagram 3 Mestel, L.
The Role of the Sun's Magnetic Field 25 Priest, E. R.
Sunspot Magnetic Fields 35 del Toro Iniesta, J. C.
Small-scale Photospheric Structure of the Solar Magnetic Fields outside Sunspots 45 Solanki, S. K.
The Micro-Structure of the Solar Magnetic Fields 55 Sánchez Almeida, J.
Solar Chromospheric Magnetic Fields 61 Keller, C. U.
Observations of Solar Coronal Magnetic Fields 67 White, S. M.
Magnetic Field Diagnostic Techniques Based on the Zeeman and Hanle Effects 73 Landi degl'Innocenti, E.
Metastable-level Atomic Polarization and the Diagnostic Problem of Chromospheric Magnetic Fields 83 Trujillo Bueno, J.; Manso Sainz, R.
Scattering Induced Polarization and Hanle Effect Observations with THEMIS 93 Arnaud, J.; Faurobert, M.; Vigneau, J.; Paletou, F.
Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields: the Molecular Zeeman Effect as a Probe 99 Berdyugina, S. V.; Solanki, S. K.; Frutiger, C.
Theory of Solar Chromospheric and Coronal Magnetic Fields 105 van Ballegooijen, A. A.; Mackay, D. H.
Magneto-Convection 115 Schüssler, M.; Knölker, M.
Symmetry Selection in Solar Cycle Dynamo Models 125 Dikpati, M.; Gilman, P. A.
Long-Term Evolution of Active Regions 131 López Fuentes, M.; Mandrini, C. H.; Démoulin, P.; van Driel-Gesztelyi, L.
Large-Scale Patterns of Solar Magnetic Field and Activity Cycles 135 Benevolenskaya, E. E.; Kosovichev, A. G.; Scherrer, P. H.
Magnetic Evolution of a Long-Lived Active Region: The Sources of Magnetic Helicity 139 Mandrini, C. H.; Démoulin, P.; van Driel-Gesztelyi, L.; Aulanier, G.; Thompson, B.; Plunkett, S.; Kövári, Zs.
Converging Flows in the Penumbra of a δ-Sunspot 143 Lites, B. W.; Socas-Navarro, H.; Skumanich, A.; Shimizu, T.
Scattering Polarization and Hanle Effect: On the Importance of Angle-Dependent Frequency Redistribution 145 Faurobert, M.; Frisch, H.; Nagendra, K. N.
Solar Flare Detection using Neural Networks 149 Fernández Borda, R. A.; Mininni, P. D.; Mandrini, C. H.; Gómez, D. O.; Bauer, O. H.; Rovira, M. G.
Physical-Statistical Models of Solar Magnetic Field Interaction 153 Brockwell, C.; Conway, A.
Magnetic Reconnection in Reduced Magnetohydrodynamics 157 Gómez, D. O.; Dmitruk, P.; Milano, L. J.; Matthaeus, W. H.
Role of Helicity Fluctuations in Kinematic Dynamo Models 161 Mininni, P. D.; Gómez, D. O.
Intensification of Magnetic Field in a Stellar Convection Zone by Conversion of Potential Energy 165 Rempel, M.; Schüssler, M.
Probing Magnetic Structures in the Solar Interior by Helioseismic Tomography 169 Kosovichev, A. G.; Duvall, T. L., Jr.; Scherrer, P. H.
Low-Frequency Eigenoscillations of the Differentially Rotating Solar Interior 173 Dzhalilov, N. S.; Staude, J.
Magnetic Field Measurements for Cool Stars 179 Valenti, J. A.; Johns-Krull, C.
Stellar Dynamos: A Modeling Perspective 189 Charbonneau, P.; Saar, S. H.
Magnetic Activity in Cool Non-degenerate Dwarf Stars 199 Schmitt, J. H. M. M.
Magnetic Fields in Binary Stars 209 Campbell, C. G.
The Search and Modelling of Magnetic Fields on M Dwarfs 219 Kochukhov, O.; Piskunov, N.; Valenti, J.; Johns-Krull, C.
Temperature Surface Imaging as a Tracer for Stellar Magnetic Fields 223 Strassmeier, K. G.; Rice, J. B.; Granzer, T.; Weber, M.
Stellar Irradiance Variations Caused by Magnetic Activity: The Influence of an Inclined Rotation Axis 227 Knaack, R.; Fligge, M.; Solanki, S. K.; Unruh, Y. C.
Further Analysis of Stellar Magnetic Cycle Periods 231 Saar, S.; Brandenburg, A.
Magnetic Cycles and Activity in FGK Stars in the Framework of Babcock-Leighton Dynamos 235 Dikpati, M.; Saar, S. H.; Brummell, N.; Charbonneau, P.
Magnetic Activity in FK Com 239 Korhonen, H.; Berdyugina, S. V.; Tuominen, I.
Magnetic Cycles in Binaries and Single Stars 243 Berdyugina, S. V.; Korhonen, H.; Tuominen, I.
Preferred Longitudes of Starspots on Magnetically Active Close Binaries 247 Holzwarth, V.; Schüssler, M.
Saturation of X-ray Emission in Simple Models of Rapidly Rotating Stellar Coronae 251 Ryan, R. D.; Neukirch, T.; Jardine, M. M.
Chandra Spectra of Four Very Active Stars: AB Dor, 44i Boo, σ2 CrB, and AU Mic 255 Linsky, J. L.; Skinner, S.; Osten, R.; Gagné, M.
A Model for the Decline of Coronal X-ray Emission of Cool Giant Stars 259 Holzwarth, V.; Schüssler, M.; Solanki, S. K.
Modelling the Coronal Topology of Late-Type Stars 263 Hussain, G. A. J.; van Ballegooijen, A. A.; Jardine, M.
Magnetic Fields of Ap and Bp Stars 267 Mathys, G.
Recent Advances in Magnetic Field Diagnosis Techniques 277 Landstreet, J. D.
Geometrical Structure of Ap and Bp Star Magnetic Fields 287 Bagnulo, S.
Magnetic Doppler Imaging of CP Stars 293 Piskunov, N.
Catalogue of Magnetic CP Stars: some Preliminary Analysis 299 Romanyuk, I. I.; Kudryavtsev, D. O.
Magnetic Fields in the Ap and Bp Stars: a Theoretical Overview 305 Moss, D.
A Shear-Flow Dynamo as a Proxy for the Ap Star Magnetism 315 Rüdiger, G.; Arlt, R.; Hollerbach, R.
Magnetic Doppler Imaging of α CVn 321 Kochukhov, O.; Piskunov, N.; Ilyin, I.; Ilyina, S.; Tuominen, I.
Mapping Magnetic Fields of Ap and Bp Stars via Direct Inversion of Stokes IQUV Profiles 325 Bagnulo, S.; Wade, G. A.
Magnetic Field Modeling on the CP Stars - Approximation of Central Symmetric Magnetic Dipole 329 Khalack, V.; Shavrina, A. V.; Khalack, J. N.; Polosukhina, N. S.
Modeling and Mapping of Magnetic Stars 333 Gerth, E.; Glagolevskij, Yu. V.
The Magnetic Model of HD 37776 337 Glagolevskij, Yu. V.; Gerth, E.
Time-Resolved Spectroscopy of the roAp Star γ Equ 341 Kochukhov, O.; Ryabchikova, T.; Piskunov, N.
Magnetic Effects in Peculiar, Pulsating Stars 345 Zita, E. J.
The Paschen-Back Effect on Fine and Hyperfine Structure: Impact on Polarized Spectra of Ap and Bp Stars 349 Landolfi, M.; Bagnulo, S.; Landi degl'Innocenti, M.; Landi degl'Innocenti, E.
Low Balmer Profiles in some Cool Magnetic Ap Stars 353 Mathys, G.; Cowley, C. R.; Hubrig, S.
Recent Developments for Balmer Line Photopolarimetry 357 Stehlé, C.; Mathys, G.; Brillant, S.; Lanz, T.
On the Lanthanides and Broad Spectrophotometric Depressions in Magnetic CP Star Spectra 361 Wahlgren, G. M.; Bord, D. J.; Cowley, C. R.
Identification of Emission Lines in the Spectrum of the He-weak Star 3 Cen A 365 Wahlgren, G. M.; Hubrig, S.
The Optical Emission Lines of Late-B Main Sequence Stars 369 Wahlgren, G. M.; Hubrig, S.
Chemical Stratification in Magnetic Ap Stars 373 Wade, G. A.; Ryabchikova, T. A.; Bagnulo, S.; Piskunov, N.
Radiative Diffusion in CP Stars: the Role of Zeeman Splitting 377 Stift, M. J.; Alecian, G.
Element Settling and Stellar Winds in Magnetic Stars: Results Obtained from the Observations of Chemical Abundances and Oscillations 381 Vauclair, S.
Back-and-Forth Magnetometry of a few Hg-Mn Stars 385 Chountonov, G.
Magnetic Field Diagnosis in HgMn Stars 387 Hubrig, S.; Castelli, F.; Mathys, G.; Wahlgren, G. M.
Magnetic Fields in Hot Stars: Indirect Indicators 393 Henrichs, H. F.
Zeeman Detection of Magnetic Fields in Hot Stars 403 Wade, G. A.
Determination of Magnetic Fields in the Winds from Hot Stars Using the Hanle Effect 409 Cassinelli, J. P.; Nordsieck, K. H.; Ignace, R.
Influence of Magnetic Geometry in Be-Star Disk Formation due to Rotation in Line Driven Stellar Winds 415 Curé, M.; Cidale, L.
Search for Magnetic Fields in Be Stars Using the Spectropolarimeter MUSICOS at TBL 419 Neiner, C.; Henrichs, H. F.; Hubert, A.-M.
Spectropolarimetric Measurements of Longitudinal Fields Using LSD 423 Shorlin, S. L. S.; Landstreet, J. D.; Sigut, T. A. A.; Strasser, S.; Wade, G. A.; Donati, J.-F.; Petit, P.
Magnetic Field in RR Lyrae: Mission (Im)possible? 427 Chadid, M.
Magnetic Field Analysis - A Matter of Choosing Appropriate Spectral Lines 431 Nielsen, K.; Wahlgren, G. M.
ADONIS Observations of X-ray Emitting Late B-Type Stars in Lindroos Systems 435 Huélamo, N.; Brandner, W.; Brown, A.; Neuhäuser, R.; Zinnecker, H.
Dynamos in AGB Stars and Magnetic Shaping of Planetary Nebulae 439 Thomas, J. H.; Blackman, E. G.; Frank, A.; van Horn, H. M.; Markiel, J. A.
Magnetic Fields in Isolated White Dwarfs: Overview 443 Schmidt, G. D.
Magnetic Field Structure of Isolated and Binary Magnetic White Dwarfs 453 Wickramasinghe, D.
Zeeman Split Lines from Accretion Funnels in AM Herculis Systems 463 Ferrario, L.; Wickramasinghe, D. T.; Schmidt, G. D.
Magnetic Fields of Neutron Stars: an Overview 469 Reisenegger, A.
Observations of the Magnetic White Dwarf EUVE J0317-855 479 Vennes, S.; Ferrario, L.; Wickramasinghe, D. T.; Manson, K.; Schmidt, G.; Christian, D.
Exposing the Cyclotron Fundamental in the 150 MG Magnetic Cataclysmic Variable V884 Her 483 Schmidt, G. D.; Ferrario, L.; Wickramasinghe, D. T.; Smith, P. S.
Magnetic Fields in Low-Mass Pre-Main Sequence Stars 489 Guenther, E. W.
Magnetic Flaring in Pre-Main Sequence Stars 495 Feigelson, E. D.
Spin-Down of Young Stars: The Role of Magnetic Fields 505 MacGregor, K. B.
Star Formation Models with Magnetic Fields 515 Mouschovias, T.
New Measurements of T Tauri Magnetic Fields: Testing Magnetospheric Accretion 527 Johns-Krull, C. M.; Valenti, J. A.; Piskunov, N. E.; Saar, S. H.; Hatzes, A. P.
X-ray Emission of Multiple T Tauri Stars in Taurus 531 König, B.; Neuhäuser, R.; Stelzer, B.
Some Reflections on Magnetic Field Measurements of Herbig Ae/Be Stars 535 Glagolevskij, Yu. V.; Chountonov, G. A.
Magnetic Fields in Bok Globules 537 Wolf, S.; Henning, T.; Launhardt, R.; Waters, R.
Ground-based Instrumentation for Solar Magnetic Field Studies, with Special Emphasis on the Zurich Imaging Polarimeters ZIMPOL-I and II 543 Povel, H. P.
Space-Based Instrumentation for Inference of the Solar Magnetic Field 553 Lites, B. W.
Spectropolarimetry on Giant Telescopes 563 Donati, J.-F.
Current Ground-Based Stellar Spectropolarimeters and their Use for Zeeman-Doppler Imaging 575 Semel, M.; López Ariste, A.
Resolved Structures on Stellar Surfaces: Prospects for SpectroPolarimetric Interferometry (SPIN) 581 Vakili, F.; Chesneau, O.; Rousselet-Perraut, K.; Stehlé, C.
Radio Pulsar Polarimetry 587 Stairs, I. H.
Space-based Instrumentation for Magnetic Field Studies of Solar and Stellar Atmospheres 597 Fineschi, S.
New Circumstellar Magnetic Field Diagnostics 607 Nordsieck, K. H.
THEMIS Multi-Line Spectropolarimetry 617 Paletou, F.; Molodij, G.
Real-Time Inversion of Spectropolarimetric Data 621 López Ariste, A.
A New Zeeman Spectrograph for the TLS 2-m Telescope 625 Lehmann, H.; Laux, U.; Guenther, E.; Hatzes, A. P.
Simulation of Interfero-Polarimetric Observations for Magnetic Stars 629 Rousselet-Perraut, K.; Stehlé, C.; Kilbinger, M.; Chesneau, O.; Vakili, F.; Lanz, T.; Mathys, G.
Principle and Signal Processing of SpectroPolarimetric INterferometry (SPIN) 633 Chesneau, O.; Vakili, F.; Rousselet-Perraut, K.; Stehlé, C.
Limitations and Opportunities for the Diagnostics of Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields 639 Stenflo, J. O.
Observable Effects of B Fields on the Winds and Envelopes of Hot Stars 651 Cassinelli, J. P.
Towards a Global Picture: Observable Effects Induced by or Related to Magnetic Fields 659 Judge, P. G.; Charbonneau, P.
Theory and the Solar-Stellar Connection 671 Rosner, R.