Title: |
Small Telescope Astronomy on Global Scales, IAU Colloquium 183
Volume: |
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Editors: |
Paczynski, Bohdan; Chen, Wen-Ping; Lemme, Claudia
Paper Title |
Page |
Authors |
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Opening Remarks |
1 |
Paczyński, Bohdan |
The Whole Earth Telescope: An International Adventure in Asteroseismology |
3 |
Kawaler, Steven D. |
MONET: a MOnitoring NEtwork of Telescopes |
13 |
Hessman, Frederic V. |
The STARBASE Network of Telescopes and the Detection of Extrasolar Planets |
23 |
McGruder, Charles H., III; Everett, Mark E.; Howell, Steve B. |
STARBASE: A Network of Fully Autonomous Telescopes for Hands-on Science Education |
31 |
Gelderman, Richard; Barnaby, David; Carini, Michael; Hackney, Karen; Hackney, Richard; McGruder, Charles; Scott, Roger |
The NORT: Network of Oriental Robotic Telescopes |
33 |
Hajjar, Roger; Querci, François R.; Querci, Monique |
Taiwan Oscillation Network and Small-Telescope Research at Tsing Hua University |
39 |
Chou, Dean-Yi |
Monitoring Variability of the Sky |
45 |
Paczyński, Bohdan |
The All Sky Automated Survey (ASAS-3) System - Its Operation and Preliminary Data |
53 |
Pojmański, G. |
RTLinux Driven Hungarian Automated Telescope for All Sky Monitoring |
59 |
Bakos, Gáspár Á. |
The Grid Giant Star Survey for the Space Interferometry Mission |
65 |
Patterson, Richard J.; Majewski, Steven R.; Slesnick, Catherine L.; Rhee, Jaehyon; Crane, Jeffrey D.; Polak, Allyson A.; Kundu, Arunav; Kunkel, William E.; Geisler, Douglas; Munoz, Ricardo; Arenas, Jose; Seguel, Juan; Gieren, Wolfgang; Smith, Verne V.; Benedict, G. Fritz; Johnston, Kathryn V. |
A Robotic Wide-Angle Hα Survey of the Southern Sky |
75 |
Gaustad, John E.; Rosing, Wayne; McCullough, Peter; Van Buren, Dave |
MOA Extra-Solar Planet Research via Cluster Supercomputing |
77 |
Rattenbury, Nicholas; Bond, Ian; Yock, Phil; Skuljan, Jovan |
YSTAR : Yonsei Survey Telescopes for Astronomical Research |
83 |
Byun, Yong-Ik; Han, Won-Yong; Kang, Yong-Woo; Chun, Moo-Young; Yu, Sung-Yeol; Park, Sun-Youp; Kim, Sang-Chul; Moon, Hong-Kyu; Shin, Jong-Seop; Lee, Kyu-Baek |
The 1.3-meter Robotically Controlled Telescope: Developing a Fully Autonomous Observatory |
89 |
Gelderman, Richard |
The Development of Advanced-Technology Automated/Robotic Telescope Systems and the Future of Small-Telescope Astronomy |
95 |
Williams, Richard J.; Mulherin, James |
Progress Report for the KAO 1.0 meter Robotic Telescope |
103 |
Mack, Peter; Han, Wonyong; Bradstreet, Matthew; Borstad, Anthony; Park, Jang-Hyun; Jin, Ho; Lee, Woo-Baik; Lee, Chung-Uk |
ACE FlexGrid Telescope Flexure and Pointing Software |
111 |
Mack, Peter; Stein, John; Han, Wonyong |
Development of the Far-ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph on KAISTSAT-4 |
113 |
Han, Wonyong; Min, Kyoung Wook; Edelstein, Jerry; Nam, Uk-Won; Seon, Jong-Ho; Seon, Kwang-Il; Park, Jang-Hyun; Yuk, In-Soo; Jin, Ho; Lee, Woo-Baik; Kang, Kyungin; Ryu, Kwangsun; Rhee, Jin-Geun; Lee, Dae-Hee; Korpela, Eric; Van Dyke Dixon, W. |
Design of a Multi-CCD Controller |
115 |
Kang, Yong-Woo; Byun, Yong-Ik; Yu, Sung-Yeol; Park, Sun-Youp; Park, Yeo-Jin |
The Multiple Telescope Telescope, an Inexpensive Fiber Fed Spectroscopic Facility |
117 |
Riddle, Reed L.; Bagnuolo, William G., Jr. |
The Lick Observatory Supernova Search with the Katzman Automatic Imaging Telescope |
121 |
Filippenko, Alexei V.; Li, W. D.; Treffers, R. R.; Modjaz, Maryam |
The Beijing Astronomical Observatory Supernova Survey |
131 |
Qiu, Yulei; Hu, Jingyao; Li, Weidong |
Optical Identification of Gamma-Ray Bursts at Kenting Observatory |
143 |
Sun, Wei-Hsin; Tseng, Shun-Tang |
Early Results from HETE-2 |
149 |
Kawai, N.; Yoshida, A.; Tamagawa, T.; Matsuoka, M.; Shirasaki, Y.; Ricker, G.; Crew, G.; Doty, J.P.; Levine, A.; Vanderspek, R.; Villasenor, J.; Monnelly, G.; Atteia, J.-L.; Vedrenne, G.; Olive, J.-F.; Boer, M.; Fenimore, E.E.; Galassi, M.; Issler, J.-L.; Colongo, C.; Hurley, K.; Jernigan, J.G.; Lamb, D.Q.; Graziani, C.; Pizzichini, G.; Woosely, S.; Takagishi, K.; Hatsukade, I.; Yamauchi, M.; Cline, T. |
RIBOTS: An Automatic Telescope System for Gamma-Ray Burst Follow-Up Observations |
155 |
Urata, Yuji; Kawai, Nobuyuki; Yoshida, Atsumasa; Kohama, Mitsuhiro; Kawabata, Tetsuya; Ayani, Kazuya |
A Spectrograph for Prompt Observations of Gamma-Ray Bursts with a 1-m Telescope |
157 |
Kawabata, Tetsuya; Ayani, Kazuya; Fujii, Mitsugu; Urata, Yuji; Kawai, Nobuyuki; Ebizuka, Noboru |
Cataclysmic Variables: A 'SWOT' Analysis |
159 |
Warner, Brian |
Optical and Near-IR Monitoring of Symbiotic Binary Systems |
167 |
Mikolajewska, Joanna |
The Rotation and Variability of T Tauri Stars: Results of Two Decades of Monitoring at Van Vleck Observatory |
177 |
Herbst, W. |
High-Speed Photometry of Bright roAp Stars With Small Telescopes |
187 |
Kurtz, D. W. |
The Moscow Long-Term Program of Cepheid Radial Velocities |
197 |
Samus, Nikolai; Gorynya, Natalia |
High Speed CCD Photometry of Flare Stars |
203 |
Park, Sun-Youp; Byun, Yong-Ik |
Search for δ Scuti Type Pulsating Components in Eclipsing Binary Systems |
205 |
Kim, S.-L.; Lee, J. W.; Youn, J.-H.; Moon, H.-K.; Choo, K.J. |
Long-period Red Variables in the Large Magellanic Cloud from the MOA Database |
207 |
Takeuti, Mine; Noda, S.; Abe, F.; Bond, I.A.; Dodd, R.J.; Hearnshaw, J.B.; Honda, M.; Jugaku, J.; Kabe, S.; Kilmartin, P.M.; Matsubara, Y.; Masuda, K.; Muraki, Y.; Nakamura, T.; Nankivell, G.R.; Noguchi, C.; Ohnishi, K.; Rattenbury, N.J.; Reid, M.; Saito, To.; Sato, H.; Sekiguchi, M.; Skuljan, J.; Sullivan, D.J.; Sumi, T.; Watase, Y.; Yanagisawa, T.; Yock, P.C.M.; Yoshizawa, M. |
Spectroscopic Detection of an Extraordinary Flaring-Event on DF Tau |
209 |
Li, J. Z.; Chen, W. P.; Ip, W. H. |
Search for Variable Stars in the Open Cluster NGC 2539 |
211 |
Choo, K. J.; Kim, S.-L.; Yoon, T. S.; Chun, M.-Y.; Sung, H.; Park, B.-G.; Ann, H.B.; Lee, M.G.; Jeon, Y.-B.; Yuk, I.-S. |
The Ongoing Search for Variables in Young Clusters: Up-to-Date Results and Perspectives |
213 |
Pigulski, A.; Kopacki, G.; Kolaczkowski, Z.; Jerzykiewicz, M. |
Variable Stars in the Globular Cluster M92 |
216 |
Kopacki, Grzegorz |
Blazhko Cycles of ω Centauri RRab Stars |
217 |
Jurcsik, Johanna |
A Near Infrared Camera Refrigerated by Two Stirling Machines - an Alternative to Robotic Telescopes |
219 |
José, K.; Ishitsuka, I.; Wada, Takehiko; Ieda, Fumihiko; Tokimasa, Noritaka; Kuroda, Takehiko; Morimoto, Masaki; Miyaji, Takeshi; Kuroda, Tajehiko; Morimoto, Masaki; Miyaji, Takeshi; Omodaka, Toshihiro; Ueno, Munetaka; Hasegawa, Wataru; Narusawa, Shin-ya; Waki, Yoshifumi |
Observations of Variable Stars by the 76-cm SuperLight Telescope of NCU |
221 |
Li, J. Z.; Wu, C. H.; Zhang, Z. W.; Chang, C.P.; Lin, C.Y.; Li, H.H.; Tsay, W.H.; Ip, W.H.; Chen, W.P. |
Observations of Variable Stars With a Small Telescope at Tabriz University |
223 |
Jassur, D. M. Z.; Adabi, F.; Cham, N. A. |
The Role of Small Telescopes in the Discovery and Follow-up of Near Earth Objects |
233 |
Boattini, Andrea |
NEOPAT: Near-Earth Object PATrol program |
240 |
Moon, Hong-Kyu; Chun, Moo-Young; Byun, Yong-Ik; Han, Wonyong; Kim, Seung-Lee; Jeon, Young-Beom; Kang, Yong-Woo |
An Education Program Using Tera-Byte NEA Observation Data |
245 |
Asami, A.; Asher, D. J.; Hashimoto, T.; Isobe, S.; Nishiyama, S.; Ohshima, Y.; Terazono, J.; Urata, T.; Yoshikawa, M. |
CCD Photometry of Two Asteroids (895) Helio and (165) Loreley |
251 |
Woo, H.-S.; Kim, S.-L.; Chun, M.-Y.; Park, M.-G. |
The Taiwan-America Occultation Survey for Kuiper Belt Objects |
253 |
King, Sun-Kun |
Distinguishing KBO from Asteroid Occultations in TAOS |
259 |
Lemme, Claudia; Liang, Chyng-Lan |
The Humps of KBO's Size Distribution |
261 |
Chen, Cheng-Pin; Jiang, Ing-Guey |
The True Colors of KBOs |
263 |
Hsu, Hui-Chun; Ip, Wing-Huen |
Revealing Variety of Comets by Long-Term Monitoring Observation with a 50-cm Telescope |
265 |
Watanabe, Jun-Ichi; Fukushima, Hideo |
A Simulation of Shell Structures of Comet Hale-Bopp in February 1997 |
271 |
Tao, J.; Qian, B. C. |
Cometary Polarimetry |
275 |
Sen, Asoke K. |
Observation of Comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR) |
277 |
Lin, C. Y.; Ip, W. H. |
High Spatial Resolution Observations of the 1998 and 1999 Leonid Meteors |
279 |
Jiang, X. J.; Hu, J. Y. |
Project MONICA for the Study of Time-Variable Phenomena of the Jovian Sodium Cloud and the Io Plasma Torus |
281 |
Chang, Chien-Pang; Ip, Wing |
Long-Term Coudé Radial-Velocity Studies With a 1.2-m Telescope |
283 |
Scarfe, C. D. |
INTEGRAL and Small Telescopes |
289 |
Mowlavi, Nami; Kretschmar, Peter; Türler, Marc; Produit, Nicolas |
The Carl Sagan Observatory: A Telescope for Everyone |
295 |
Saucedo-Morales, J.; Sánchez-Ibarra, A.; Lunt, D. |
The NCU Lu-Lin Observatory |
299 |
Tsay, Wean-Shun; Chen, Alfred Bing-Chih; Chang, Kuang-Hsiang; Li, Huan-Hsin |
Monitoring of AGNs at the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory |
305 |
Qian, B. C.; Tao, J. |
Fast Drift-Scan CCD Imaging and Photometry with Small Telescopes: Lunar Occultations and Speckle Interferometry |
309 |
Núñez, Jorge; Fors, Octavi |
The Automated Telescope of Novosibirsk State University |
315 |
Nesterenko, A.; Nikulin, M.; Vyprentsev, D.; Zaytsev, A.; Nesterenko, I.; Prosvetov, V.; Tsukanov, V.; Valishev, A. |
Some Aspects of Astronomy at Maidanak Observatory |
317 |
Hojaev, Alisher S. |
Observational Results with the 1 Meter Telescope at Yunnan Observatory During 1990-2000 |
324 |
Chen, P. S.; Zhang, W. Y. |
Systematic Spectroscopic Observations on Small Telescopes: Past and Future Research of Stellar Kinematics |
327 |
Sachkov, M. E.; Glushkova, E. V.; Rastorguev, A. S. |
Advantages and Drawbacks of the ISM Method in Globular Cluster Photometry |
329 |
Benko, József M. |
Spatial Structure of Star Clusters by the 2MASS Database |
331 |
Chen, J. W.; Chen, W. P. |
The Kinematics of Globular Cluster NGC 288 |
333 |
Chang, Chan-Kao; Chen, Alfred B.; Tsay, Wean-Shun; Chen, Wen-Ping; Lu Phillip K. |
Bright Young Star Candidates in the Rosette Nebula |
335 |
Chiang, P. S.; Chen, W. P.; Li, J. Z.; Chu, Y.-H. |
Deprojection of Planetary Nebulae |
337 |
Zhang, Z. W.; Ip, W. H. |
Chemical Abundances of the Planetary Nebulae NGC 2392 and NGC 3242 |
339 |
Wu, C. H.; Li, J. Z.; Chang, Z. W.; Lin, C.Y.; Hu, J.Y.; Ip, W.H. |
Former Soviet Union / West Europe Consortium for AGN Monitoring |
341 |
Bochkarev, N. G.; Shapovalova, A. I.; Burenkov, A. N. |
Russian/Former Soviet Union Experience in Small Telescope Usage for Investigation of Interstellar Matter (ISM) and Nebulae |
343 |
Bochkarev, N. G. |
Russian/Former Soviet Union Experience in Professional Small Telescope Usage |
345 |
Bochkarev, N. G. |
Concluding Remarks |
353 |
Warner, Brian |
Appendix: a List of Robotic Telescopes |
357 |
Hessman, Frederic V. |