Title: Polar Motion: Historical and Scientific Problems, IAU Colloquium 178
Volume: 208 Year: 2000 View this Volume on ADS
Editors: Dick, Steven; McCarthy, Dennis; Luzum, Brian
ISBN: 1-58381-039-0 eISBN: 978-1-58381-544-1
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Paper Title Page Authors
Polar Motion: A Historical Overview on the Occasion of the Centennial of the International Latitude Service 3 Dick, S.
On Leonhard Euler's Contribution to the Theory of Precession and Nutation 27 Abalakin, V.
Theories of Polar Motion from Tisserand to Poincaré (1890-1910) 41 Melchior, P.
Early Observational Evidence of Polar Motion 67 Verdun, A.; Beutler, G.
Latitude Observations at Paris Observatory Prior to the ILS 83 Débarbat, S.
Romanian Contribution to the Study of Polar Motion 89 Stavinschi, M.
The Observations of Latitude Changes Measured in Prague 95 šíma, Z.
Küstner's Observations of 1884-85: the Turning Point in the Empirical Establishment of Polar Motion 101 Brosche, P.
Seth Carlo Chandler Jr.: The Discovery of Variation of Latitude 109 Carter, M.; Carter, W.
The Period of Organization of the International Latitude Service: 1889-1899 123 Proverbio, E.
On the Contributions of the Geodetic Institute Potsdam to the ILS 139 Höpfner, J.
History of the International Polar Motion Service/International Latitude Service 147 Yokoyama, K.; Manabe, S.; Sakai, S.
Kitab as One of the Five Stations of the ILS: History and Present 163 163 Ehgamberdiev, Sh.; Eshonkulov, S.; Litvinenko, E.
Browsing through the Observing Books of Carloforte 169 Uras, S.; Poma, A.; Calledda, P.
History of the Bureau International de l'Heure 175 Guinot, B.
E. P. Fedorov as President of Commission 19 of IAU During the Period of the Reorganization of ILS 185 Korsuń, A.
Project MERIT and the Formation of the International Earth Rotation Service 187 Wilkins, G.
The First Decade of the IERS 201 Mueller, I.
Time and Polar Motion in Early NASA Spacecraft Navigation 215 Muller, P.
Polar Motion - An Overview 223 McCarthy, D.
Survey of Observational Techniques and Hipparcos Reanalysis 239 Vondrák, J.; Ron, C.; Pesek, Ivan
VLBI Observations of Earth Orientation 251 Ma, C.; MacMillan, D.
Determination of EOP from VLBI in IAA 261 Skurihkina, E.
SLR Contribution to Investigation of Polar Motion 267 Malkin, Z.
IGS Combined and Contributed Earth Rotation Parameter Solutions 277 Kouba, J.; Beutler, G.; Rothacher, M.
Astrolabe Solar Observations 303 Andrei, A.; Laclare, F.; Penna, J.; Jilinski, E.; Puliaev, S.; Delmas, C.
The TOCAMM Project 317 del Bo, M.; Lattanzi, M.; Massone, G.; Porcu, F.; Salvati, F.; Deiana, G.; Poma, A.; Uras, S.
Analysis of Long Time Series of Polar Motion 321 Schuh, H.; Richter, B.; Nagel, S.
William Markowitz 335 N/A
Long-term Earth Orientation Monitoring Using Various Techniques 337 Gambis, D.
Anomalous Roughness of the Pole Path at the Time of the 1994 Bolivia and Kurile Islands Earthquakes 345 Spada, G.; Alfonsi, L.; Soldati, G.
The Markowitz Wobble 351 Poma, A.
Coseismic Excitation of the Earth's Polar Motion 355 Chao, B.; Gross, R.
Secular Variation of Carloforte Latitude 369 Poma, A.; Uras, S.
A Mechanism of Variations of the Earth Rotation at Different Timescales 373 Barkin, Yu.
Chandler Motion Observations 383 Yatskiv, Ya.
On the Chandler periodicity (Polar Motion, LOD and Climate) 397 Buffa, F.; Poma, A.
ILS Polar Motion Results at Interannual Time Scales 403 Li, Z.; Pâquet, P.
Anaglif Representation of Polar Motion over the Last Century 409 Nagy, S.
Excitation of Polar Motion 411 Wilson, C.
Tectonic and Cryospheric Excitation of the Chandler Wobble and A Brief Review of the Secular Motion of Earth's Rotation Pole 421 Dickman, S.
Atmospheric Excitation of Polar Motion 437 Salstein, D.
Nature and Properties of the Chandler Motion and Mechanism of its Damping and Excitation 447 Ferrándiz, J.; Barkin, Yu.
Excitation of the Chandler Wobble 455 Sidorenkov, N.
Regional Signals in Atmospheric and Oceanic Excitation of Polar Motion 463 Nastula, J.; Ponte, R.; Salstein, D.
Dissipation and Ellipticity of the Chandler Wobble 473 Zhu, Y.; Gao, B.
Free Frequencies for a Three Layered Earth Model 481 Escapa, A.; Getino, J.; Ferrándiz, J.
Study of the Regime of the Polar Motion by Means of Numerical Method 487 Rykhlova, L.; Kurbasova, G.
The Oscillation of a System Earth - Moon 493 Kurbasova, G.; Rykhlova, L.
Nonlinear Dynamics Method for Excitation and Attenuation of Chandler Wobble 495 Wang, W.
On Estimate of Real Accuracy of EOP Prediction 505 Malkin, Z.
Polar Motion with Daily and Subdaily Time Resolution 513 Beutler, G.; Rothacher, M.; Kouba, J.; Weber, R.
The Quality of Subdaily Polar Motion Estimates Based on GPS Observations 527 Weber, R.; Rothacher, M.
Short-Period Oscillations of Earth Rotation 533 Kolaczek, B.; Kosek, W.; Schuh, H.
On High Frequency Polar Motion and Length of Day Variations 545 Arfa-Kaboodvand, K.; Groten, E.
Atmospheric Angular Momentum Variations and Diurnal Polar Motion 555 Zharov, V.; Pasynok, S.
Tidal Variations of the Earth's Rotation 565 Ferrándiz, J.; Barkin, Yu.; Getino, J.
Overview and Proposition for a Modern Definition of the CEP 573 Capitaine, N.
The CEP and Geophysical Interpretation of Modern Earth Rotation Observations 585 Brzeziński, A.
Numerical Convolution Method in Time Domain and Its Application to Nonrigid Earth Nutation Theory 595 Fukushima, T.; Shirai, T.
Determination of the Long Period Nutation Terms from Optical Astrometry and VLBI Data 607 Yaya, P.; Bizouard, C.; Ron, C.
Comparison of the Short Period Rigid Earth Nutation Series 613 Bizouard, Ch.; Folgueira, M.; Souchay, J.
Mathematical Theory of Motion of Revolving Axes on the Surface of Planets 619 Kozhanov, T.; Nizyarov, N.
Advanced Observations of Lunar Physical Librations and Gravitational Fields in Japanese Lunar Missions in the Near Future 627 Hanada, H.; Heki, K.; Kawano, N.; Ooe, M.; Tsubokawa, T.; Tsuruta, S.; Ishikawa, T.; Araki, H.; Matsumoto, K.; Takanezawa, T.; Kono, Y.; Karoji, H.; Iwata, T.; Kaneko, Y.; Yokoyama, T.
Summary and Recommendations 631 McCarthy, D.