Title: |
Polar Motion: Historical and Scientific Problems, IAU Colloquium 178
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Dick, Steven; McCarthy, Dennis; Luzum, Brian
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Paper Title |
Page |
Authors |
| |
Polar Motion: A Historical Overview on the Occasion of the Centennial of the International Latitude Service |
3 |
Dick, S. |
On Leonhard Euler's Contribution to the Theory of Precession and Nutation |
27 |
Abalakin, V. |
Theories of Polar Motion from Tisserand to Poincaré (1890-1910) |
41 |
Melchior, P. |
Early Observational Evidence of Polar Motion |
67 |
Verdun, A.; Beutler, G. |
Latitude Observations at Paris Observatory Prior to the ILS |
83 |
Débarbat, S. |
Romanian Contribution to the Study of Polar Motion |
89 |
Stavinschi, M. |
The Observations of Latitude Changes Measured in Prague |
95 |
šíma, Z. |
Küstner's Observations of 1884-85: the Turning Point in the Empirical Establishment of Polar Motion |
101 |
Brosche, P. |
Seth Carlo Chandler Jr.: The Discovery of Variation of Latitude |
109 |
Carter, M.; Carter, W. |
The Period of Organization of the International Latitude Service: 1889-1899 |
123 |
Proverbio, E. |
On the Contributions of the Geodetic Institute Potsdam to the ILS |
139 |
Höpfner, J. |
History of the International Polar Motion Service/International Latitude Service |
147 |
Yokoyama, K.; Manabe, S.; Sakai, S. |
Kitab as One of the Five Stations of the ILS: History and Present 163 |
163 |
Ehgamberdiev, Sh.; Eshonkulov, S.; Litvinenko, E. |
Browsing through the Observing Books of Carloforte |
169 |
Uras, S.; Poma, A.; Calledda, P. |
History of the Bureau International de l'Heure |
175 |
Guinot, B. |
E. P. Fedorov as President of Commission 19 of IAU During the Period of the Reorganization of ILS |
185 |
Korsuń, A. |
Project MERIT and the Formation of the International Earth Rotation Service |
187 |
Wilkins, G. |
The First Decade of the IERS |
201 |
Mueller, I. |
Time and Polar Motion in Early NASA Spacecraft Navigation |
215 |
Muller, P. |
Polar Motion - An Overview |
223 |
McCarthy, D. |
Survey of Observational Techniques and Hipparcos Reanalysis |
239 |
Vondrák, J.; Ron, C.; Pesek, Ivan |
VLBI Observations of Earth Orientation |
251 |
Ma, C.; MacMillan, D. |
Determination of EOP from VLBI in IAA |
261 |
Skurihkina, E. |
SLR Contribution to Investigation of Polar Motion |
267 |
Malkin, Z. |
IGS Combined and Contributed Earth Rotation Parameter Solutions |
277 |
Kouba, J.; Beutler, G.; Rothacher, M. |
Astrolabe Solar Observations |
303 |
Andrei, A.; Laclare, F.; Penna, J.; Jilinski, E.; Puliaev, S.; Delmas, C. |
The TOCAMM Project |
317 |
del Bo, M.; Lattanzi, M.; Massone, G.; Porcu, F.; Salvati, F.; Deiana, G.; Poma, A.; Uras, S. |
Analysis of Long Time Series of Polar Motion |
321 |
Schuh, H.; Richter, B.; Nagel, S. |
William Markowitz |
335 |
N/A |
Long-term Earth Orientation Monitoring Using Various Techniques |
337 |
Gambis, D. |
Anomalous Roughness of the Pole Path at the Time of the 1994 Bolivia and Kurile Islands Earthquakes |
345 |
Spada, G.; Alfonsi, L.; Soldati, G. |
The Markowitz Wobble |
351 |
Poma, A. |
Coseismic Excitation of the Earth's Polar Motion |
355 |
Chao, B.; Gross, R. |
Secular Variation of Carloforte Latitude |
369 |
Poma, A.; Uras, S. |
A Mechanism of Variations of the Earth Rotation at Different Timescales |
373 |
Barkin, Yu. |
Chandler Motion Observations |
383 |
Yatskiv, Ya. |
On the Chandler periodicity (Polar Motion, LOD and Climate) |
397 |
Buffa, F.; Poma, A. |
ILS Polar Motion Results at Interannual Time Scales |
403 |
Li, Z.; Pâquet, P. |
Anaglif Representation of Polar Motion over the Last Century |
409 |
Nagy, S. |
Excitation of Polar Motion |
411 |
Wilson, C. |
Tectonic and Cryospheric Excitation of the Chandler Wobble and A Brief Review of the Secular Motion of Earth's Rotation Pole |
421 |
Dickman, S. |
Atmospheric Excitation of Polar Motion |
437 |
Salstein, D. |
Nature and Properties of the Chandler Motion and Mechanism of its Damping and Excitation |
447 |
Ferrándiz, J.; Barkin, Yu. |
Excitation of the Chandler Wobble |
455 |
Sidorenkov, N. |
Regional Signals in Atmospheric and Oceanic Excitation of Polar Motion |
463 |
Nastula, J.; Ponte, R.; Salstein, D. |
Dissipation and Ellipticity of the Chandler Wobble |
473 |
Zhu, Y.; Gao, B. |
Free Frequencies for a Three Layered Earth Model |
481 |
Escapa, A.; Getino, J.; Ferrándiz, J. |
Study of the Regime of the Polar Motion by Means of Numerical Method |
487 |
Rykhlova, L.; Kurbasova, G. |
The Oscillation of a System Earth - Moon |
493 |
Kurbasova, G.; Rykhlova, L. |
Nonlinear Dynamics Method for Excitation and Attenuation of Chandler Wobble |
495 |
Wang, W. |
On Estimate of Real Accuracy of EOP Prediction |
505 |
Malkin, Z. |
Polar Motion with Daily and Subdaily Time Resolution |
513 |
Beutler, G.; Rothacher, M.; Kouba, J.; Weber, R. |
The Quality of Subdaily Polar Motion Estimates Based on GPS Observations |
527 |
Weber, R.; Rothacher, M. |
Short-Period Oscillations of Earth Rotation |
533 |
Kolaczek, B.; Kosek, W.; Schuh, H. |
On High Frequency Polar Motion and Length of Day Variations |
545 |
Arfa-Kaboodvand, K.; Groten, E. |
Atmospheric Angular Momentum Variations and Diurnal Polar Motion |
555 |
Zharov, V.; Pasynok, S. |
Tidal Variations of the Earth's Rotation |
565 |
Ferrándiz, J.; Barkin, Yu.; Getino, J. |
Overview and Proposition for a Modern Definition of the CEP |
573 |
Capitaine, N. |
The CEP and Geophysical Interpretation of Modern Earth Rotation Observations |
585 |
Brzeziński, A. |
Numerical Convolution Method in Time Domain and Its Application to Nonrigid Earth Nutation Theory |
595 |
Fukushima, T.; Shirai, T. |
Determination of the Long Period Nutation Terms from Optical Astrometry and VLBI Data |
607 |
Yaya, P.; Bizouard, C.; Ron, C. |
Comparison of the Short Period Rigid Earth Nutation Series |
613 |
Bizouard, Ch.; Folgueira, M.; Souchay, J. |
Mathematical Theory of Motion of Revolving Axes on the Surface of Planets |
619 |
Kozhanov, T.; Nizyarov, N. |
Advanced Observations of Lunar Physical Librations and Gravitational Fields in Japanese Lunar Missions in the Near Future |
627 |
Hanada, H.; Heki, K.; Kawano, N.; Ooe, M.; Tsubokawa, T.; Tsuruta, S.; Ishikawa, T.; Araki, H.; Matsumoto, K.; Takanezawa, T.; Kono, Y.; Karoji, H.; Iwata, T.; Kaneko, Y.; Yokoyama, T. |
Summary and Recommendations |
631 |
McCarthy, D. |