Paper Title |
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Authors |
| |
Current Observations of Clustering at Low Redshift |
3 |
Colless, M. |
Star Formation and Structure Formation at 1 <~ z <~ 4 |
13 |
Adelberger, K. |
Evolution of the Correlation Function as Traced by the HDF Galaxies |
24 |
Roukema, B.; Valls-Gabaud, D. |
Clustering of High-Redshift Galaxies: Relating LBGs to Dark Matter Halos |
29 |
Wechsler, R.; Bullock, J.; Somerville, R.; Kolatt, T. S.; Primack, J. R.; Blumenthal, G. R.; Dekel, A. |
Measuring and Modelling the Redshift Evolution of Clustering |
34 |
Arnouts, S. |
Modelling Galaxy Clustering at High Redshift |
39 |
van Kampen, E. |
Deep Redshift Surveys with the VLT-VIRMOS and the NGST |
47 |
Le Fèvre, O. |
The 2dF QSO Redshift Survey |
57 |
Shanks, T.; Boyle, B. J.; Croom, S.; Loaring, N.; Miller, L.; Smith, R. J. |
The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey |
63 |
Maddox, S. |
Galaxy Clustering in the Herschel Deep Field |
68 |
McCracken, H.; Metcalfe, N.; Shanks, T.; Fong, R.; Campos, A.; Gardner, J. P. |
The APM/Matched-Filter Cluster Catalog |
73 |
Kawasaki, W. |
Cosmological Surveys at Submillimetre Wavelengths |
81 |
Hughes, D. |
The Munich Near-IR Cluster Survey (MUNICS) |
91 |
Drory, N.; Hopp, U.; Bender, R.; Feulner, G.; Snigula, J.; Mendes de Oliveira, C.; Hill G. |
ISOCAM Observations of Distant Galaxy Clusters |
96 |
Fadda, D.; Elbaz, D.; Duc, P.-A.; Flores, H. |
An ISOCAM Survey through Gravitationally Lensing Galaxy Clusters |
101 |
Biviano, A.; Metcalfe, L.; Altieri, B.; Leech, K.; Schulz, B.; Kessler, M. F.; McBreen, B.; Delaney, M.; Kneib, J.-P.; Soucail, G.; Okumura, K.; Elbaz, D.; Aussel, H. |
The Evolution of Galaxy Clustering in Hierachical Models |
109 |
Cole, S.; Benson, A.; Baugh, C.; Lacey, C.; Frenk, C. |
Joint Formation of Bright Quasars and Elliptical Galaxies in the Young Universe |
119 |
Monaco, P.; Salucci, P.; Danese, L. |
The Evolution of the Merging Rate of Dark Matter Halos |
124 |
Gottlöber, S.; Klypin, A.; Kravtsov, A. |
Bias and Hierarchical Clustering |
129 |
Coles, P. |
What are the Lyman Break Galaxies? |
134 |
Kolatt, T.; Somerville, R. |
Magnetic Fields and the Large-Scale Structure |
144 |
Battaner, E.; Florido, E. |
Non Radial Motions and the Large Scale Structure of the Universe |
148 |
Del Popolo, A.; Gambera, M. |
Clustering in the VIRMOS Survey: Expected Cosmic Errors |
153 |
Colombi, S.; Charlot, S.; Devriendt, J.; Fioc, M.; Szapudi, I. |
The Density Parameter from Cluster Abundance Evolution |
158 |
Blanchard, A.; Sadat, R.; Bartlett, J.; Le Dour, M. |
Constraints on the Cosmological Constant ΩΛ from Faint Galaxy Counts |
163 |
Rocca-Volmerange, B. |
Structural Properties of Dark Matter Halos |
168 |
Antonuccio-Delogu, V.; Becciani, U.; Pagliaro, A. |
The Nature of Lyman Break Galaxies in Cosmological Hydrodynamic Simulations |
173 |
Davé, R.; Gardner, J.; Hernquist, L.; Katz, N.; Weinberg, D. |
Clustering of High Redshift Galaxies |
178 |
Bagla, J. |
Evolution of Galaxy Clustering in Hierarchical Universes |
182 |
Diaferio, A. |
Mergers and Star Formation in SPH Cosmological Simulations |
187 |
Tissera, P. |
High-Redshift Clusters and Protoclusters |
195 |
Postman, M. |
Moderately and Extremely Red Galaxies in the Fields of Radio-Loud Quasars at z = 1 - 2 |
205 |
Hall, P.; Sawicki, M.; Lin, H. |
Tracing the Evolution of the Cluster Abundance |
210 |
Borgani, S. |
A High Fraction of Mergers in the cluster MS1054-03 at z = 0. 83 |
215 |
Franx, M.; van Dokkum, P.; Fabricant, D.; Kelson, D.; Illingworth, G. D. |
RXJ1716.6+6708: a Protocluster at z = 0. 81? |
221 |
Gioia, I. |
Clustering at High Redshift with the Hobby-Eberly Telescope |
226 |
Hill, G. |
Internal Dynamics of Distant Clusters |
231 |
Girardi, M.; Devetak, A.; Mezzetti, M. |
Superclustering of Galaxies and Quasars at z = 1. 1 |
236 |
Yamada, T.; Tanaka, I.; Suto, Y.; Turner, E. |
Using the Comoving Maximum of the Galaxy Power Spectrum to Measure Cosmological Curvature |
241 |
Broadhurst, T.; Jaffe, A. |
Weak Lensing Observations of High-Redshift Clusters of Galaxies |
248 |
Clowe, D.; Luppino, G.; Kaiser, N.; Gioia, I. |
Gas Clouds at High Redshift |
255 |
Rauch, M. |
Spatial Distribution of the Intergalactic Medium from Intervening Lyα Absorption in the Spectra of High Redshift QSOs |
266 |
Petitjean, P.; Colombi, S.; Pichon, C.; Vergely, J.-L. |
On the Possibility that Mg II Absorbers can track the Merger Evolution of Galaxy Groups from High Redshift |
271 |
Churchill, C. |
The Physical Nature of Damped Lyα Systems |
276 |
Prochaska, J. |
The Fluctuation Amplitude of the Dark Matter Density from QSO Absorption Spectra |
281 |
Haehnelt, M. |
Measuring Cosmological Parameters from the Lyα Forest |
286 |
Theuns, T.; Schaye, J. |
Measuring Ωb from the Helium Lyα Forest |
291 |
Wadsley, J.; Hogan, C.; Anderson, S. |
The Spectral Appearence of Primeval Galaxies |
299 |
Guiderdoni, B.; Devriendt, J. |
Properties of High-Redshift Galaxies as Seen Through Lensing Clusters |
309 |
Pelló, R.; Kneib, J.-P.; Le Borgne, J.-F.; Fort, B.; Mellier, Y.; Bolzonella, M.; Campusano, L.; Dantel-Fort, M.; Miralles, J.-M. |
Clustering in the Caltech Faint Galaxy Redshift Survey |
314 |
Cohen, J. |
The Redshift Evolution of Galaxy Clustering |
319 |
Magliocchetti, M. |
Clustering around Powerful Radio Galaxies at z ~ 1 |
327 |
Best, P. |
Galaxy structures around quasars at z ~ 1 |
332 |
Baker, J.; Bremer, M. |
ICM Physics at High Redshift |
339 |
Pierre, M. |
Clustering in the REFLEX Cluster Survey |
349 |
Guzzo, L.; Collins, C.; Schueker, P.; Böhringer, H.; Neumann, D. M.; Schindler, S.; De Grandi, S.; Chincarini, G.; ; Cruddace, R.; Edge, A. C.; Shaver, P. A.; Voges, W. |
Simulations Applied to the Bright SHARC XCLF: Results and Implications |
354 |
Ulmer, M.; Adami, C.; Pildis, R.; Romer, A. K.; Nichol, R. C.; ; Holden, B. |
X-Ray and Optical Analysis of Galaxy Clusters |
359 |
Trèvese, D.; Cirimele, G. |
Predicting the Clustering of X-Ray Clusters |
364 |
Moscardini, L.; Matarrese, S.; Lucchin, F.; de Grandi, S.; Rosati, P. |
Cosmological Constraints from the Intracluster Gas Fraction |
369 |
Ettori, S.; Fabian, A. |
Distant Clusters of Galaxies: X-Ray Properties and their Relations |
374 |
Schindler, S. |
Summary: Comments on the state of our subject |
377 |
Peebles, J. |
The CFH Optical PDCS Survey (COP): First Results |
386 |
Adami, C.; Holden, B.; Mazure, A.; Castander, F.; Nichol, R.; Ulmer, M.; Postman, M.; Lubin, L. |
Large Scale Galaxy Distribution and Merging Clusters in the Shapley Concentration |
388 |
Bardelli, S.; Zucca, E.; Zamorani, G.; Moscardini, L.; Scaramella, R. |
Confirming EIS Clusters. Multi-Object Spectroscopy |
390 |
Biviano, A.; Ramella, M.; Boschin, W.; Bardelli, S.; Scodeggio, M.; da Costa, L.N.; Olsen, L. F.; Nonino, M.; Borgani, S.; Girardi, M. |
A comparative study of HDF-N and HDF-S using Photometric Redshifts |
392 |
Bolzonella, M.; Pelló, R. |
Clustering in the CFDF to z ~ 1 |
394 |
Brodwin, M.; Lilly, S.; Le Fèvre, O.; McCracken, H. J.; Crampton, D. |
The Large Zenith Telescope: Redshifts and Physical Parameters of Faint Objects from a Principal Component Analysis |
396 |
Cabanac, R.; de Lapparent, V. |
Properties of Very Luminous Galaxies |
398 |
Cappi, A.; Benoist, C.; da Costa, L.; Maurogordato, S. |
Metallicity Properties of Galactic Objects in Hierarchical Clustering Scenarios |
400 |
Cora, S.; Tissera, P.; Lambas, D.; Mosconi, M. |
Evolution of Clustering and Bias in a ΛCDM Universe |
402 |
Davé, R.; Hernquist, L.; Katz, N.; Weinberg, D. |
The Las Campanas Infrared Survey |
404 |
Firth, A. |
The Investigation of Substructures in Nearby Clusters |
406 |
Flin, P.; Krywult, J. |
Gravitational Evolution of the Large-Scale Density Distribution: The Edgeworth & Gamma Expansions |
408 |
Fosalba, P.; Gaztañaga, E.; Elizalde, E. |
E+A Galaxies in the Near-IR: Field and Clusters |
410 |
Galaz, G. |
Galaxy Candidates in the Field of a z = 2. 47 Radio Galaxy |
413 |
Giraud, E. |
Comparison of a Modified Press-Schechter Clustering Model with N-Body Simulations |
414 |
Raig, A.; González-Casado, G.; Salvador-Solé, E. |
The Las Campanas Distant Cluster Survey: First Results |
416 |
Gonzales, A.; Zaritsky, D.; Dalcanton, J.; Nelson, A. |
Prospects: Keck Adaptive Optics Observations of Distant Galaxies |
418 |
Jonsson, P.; Phillips, A. |
The Evolution of Stellar Population in Intermediate Redshift Clusters |
420 |
Kelson, D.; Illingworth, G.; Franx, M.; van Dokkum, P. |
Finding Clusters of Galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey using Voronoi Tessellation |
422 |
Kim, R.; Strauss, M.; Bahcall, N.; Gunn, J. E.; Lupton, R.H.; Vogeley, M. S.; Schlegel, D.; the SDSS Collaboration |
Deep Lyα Imaging of Radio Galaxy 1138-262 at redshift 2. 2 |
424 |
Kurk, J.; Röttgering, H.; Pentericci, L.; Miley, G. |
Distant Cluster Search: Welcoming some Newcomers from the EIS |
426 |
Lobo, C.; Iovino, A.; Chincarini, G. |
Evolution of Density Profiles of Dark Matter Halos |
428 |
Lokas, E. |
Optical Counterparts to Damped Lyman-alpha Systems |
430 |
Maller, A.; Prochaska, J.; Somerville, R.; Primack, J. |
Galaxy Clustering Dependence on Morphology and Luminosity at z &sim 2 |
432 |
Martínez, H.; Lambas, D.; Valls-Gabaud, D. |
Abell 521: Multiwavelength Analysis of a Currently Forming Cluster |
434 |
Maurogordato, S.; Arnaud, M.; Slezak, E.; Rho, J.; Proust, D.; Beers, T.; Pelló, R.; Cappi, A.; Kriessler, J. R. |
A Doppler-like Redshift observed since 1968 |
436 |
Morret-Bailly, J. |
A New Investigation of MS1054 in X-Rays |
438 |
Neumann, D.; Arnaud, M.; Joy, M.; Patel, S. |
Confirming EIS Clusters / Optical and Infrared Imaging |
440 |
Olsen, L.; Jørgensen, H.; Scodeggio, M.; da Costa, L.; Rengelink, R.; Nonino, M.; Biviano, A.; Ramella, M.; Boschin, W. |
Molecular Clouds in Cooling Flow Clusters of Galaxies |
444 |
Grenacher, L.; Jetzer, P.; Puy, D. |
Estimating the Galaxy Pairwise Velocity Dispersion |
446 |
Quarello, S.; Guzzo, L. |
Galaxy Clustering at z ~ 2 and Halo Radii |
448 |
Roukema, B. |
Cosmic Chemical Evolution |
450 |
Sadat, R.; Guiderdoni, B.; Silk, J. |
The Colour Dependence of the Galaxy Correlation Function and its Evolution in the CNOC2 Redshift Survey |
452 |
Shepherd, C.; Carlberg, R.; Yee, H.; Morris, S. L.; Lin, H.; Sawicki, M.; Hall, P.; Patton, D. |
Analysis of Metallicity Effects in SPH Cosmological Simulations |
454 |
Tissera, P.; Mosconi, M.; Lambas, D. |
A Keck Spectroscopic Study of Substructure in the Massive, X-Ray Luminous Galaxy Cluster MS1054-03 at z = 0. 83 |
456 |
Tran, K.-V.; Illingworth, G.; van Dokkum, P.; Zabludoff, A. |
The High-Redshift Universe as observed with the Constellation-X Observatory |
458 |
Valinia, A.; White, N.; Tananbaum, H.; The Constellation-X Team |
Detecting High-Redshift Clusters with XMM |
460 |
Valtchanov, I.; Gastaud, R.; Pierre, M.; Starck, J.-L. |
A Distant, X-Ray Selected, Gravitationally-Lensing Galaxy Cluster |
462 |
Wambsganss, J.; Hasinger, G.; Giacconi, R.; Gunn, J. E.; Lehmann, I.; Schmidt, M.; Schneider, D.; Stanke, T.; Trümper, J.; Woods, D.; Zamorani, G. |
Cluster Environments around Quasars at 0. 5 <= z <= 0. 8 |
464 |
Wold, M.; Lacy, M.; Lilje, P.; Serjeant, S. |
A Wide-Field Survey of Faint Galaxy Clustering |
466 |
Woods, D.; Fahlman, G.; Rosvick, J.; Richer, H. |
Cluster-Radio Galaxy Connection at Intermediate Redshift |
468 |
Zanichelli, A.; Scaramella, R.; Vigotti, M.; Vettolani, G.; Grueff, G.; Bardelli, S. |
Results from the ESP Galaxy Redshift Survey |
470 |
Zucca, E.; Zamorani, G.; Vettolani, G.; Cappi, A.; Merighi, R.; Mignoli, M.; Stirpe, G. M.; MacGillivray, H.; Collins, C.; Balkowski, C.; Cayatte, V.; Maurogordato, S.; Proust, D.; Chincarini, G.; Guzzo, L.; Maccagni, D.; Scaramella, R.; Blanchard, A.; Ramella, M. |