Paper Title |
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Authors |
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Synoptic Solar Physics |
3 |
Howard, Robert F. |
Understanding the Solar Cycle |
17 |
van Ballegooijen, A. A. |
Helioseismology and the Solar Cycle |
33 |
Hill, F. |
Synoptic Datasets and Solar Activity Predictions |
47 |
Hathaway, David H. |
Solar Magnetic Cycle Inferred from Synoptic Observations |
57 |
Benevolenskaya, Elena E. |
Torsional Oscillation Pattern in the Large - Scale Magnetic Field (1910 - 1993) and in the Solar Corona (1940 - 1993) |
65 |
Makarov, V. I.; Tlatov, A. G.; Callebaut, D. K. |
New Results Concerning the Solar Oblateness |
75 |
Rozelot, J.; Bois, E. |
On the Inner Magnetic Field of the Sun in the Global Magnetic Cycle |
83 |
Makarov, V. I. |
Some Questions on Emerging Flux Addressable with Synoptic Observations |
91 |
Leka, K. D. |
Asymmetric Magnetic Field Distribution in Active Regions |
105 |
Cauzzi, Gianna; van Driel-Gesztelyi, Lidia |
The Role of Magnetic Shear and New Emerging Fluxes in Producing Large Solar Flares |
113 |
Ambastha, Ashok |
Magnetic Synoptic Meteorology |
121 |
Wang, Jingxiu |
Helicity of Solar Active-Region Magnetic Fields |
131 |
Canfield, Richard C.; Pevtsov, Alexei A. |
Histograms of Synoptic Spectromagnetograph Observations |
145 |
Jones, Harrison P. |
New Types and Uses of Synoptic Maps |
155 |
Harvey, J.; Worden, J. |
62 Days Around the Sun: A Search for Supergranular Evolution and Giant Cells |
161 |
Strous, Louis H.; Simon, George W. |
On the Manifestation of Magnetic Flux Tubes in Observations of the Mean and Background Magnetic Fields of the Sun |
171 |
Demidov, M. L. |
Synoptic Data Findings |
181 |
Mouradian, Z. |
H alpha Synoptic Observations of Flare-Filament Eruption Complex 1997 April 6 - 7 |
189 |
Balasubramaniam, K. S.; Milano, L.; Keil, S. L. |
The New "Solar Activity Synoptic Maps" of Observatoire de Paris-Meudon |
197 |
Mouradian, Z. |
An Overview of the Results From Synoptic Observations at Kodaikanal |
205 |
Sivaraman, K. R. |
Chromospheric Structure and Dynamics-Observations |
209 |
Ayres, Thomas R. |
Chromospheric Network Properties Derived From One Year of PSPT Images |
223 |
Ermolli, I.; Berrilli, F.; Florio, A.; Pietropaolo, E. |
Chromospheric Network Properties On Short Time Scales From PSPT Images |
231 |
Ermolli, I.; Pietropaolo, E.; Florio, A.; Berrilli, F. |
Diachronic Photometric Full-Disk Solar Images |
237 |
Chapman, G. A. |
Spectral Irradiance and Magnetic Structures |
247 |
Harvey, Karen L.; White, Oran R. |
Luminosity and Chromospheric Variations of Solar Analog Stars |
261 |
Lockwood, G. W. |
New Measurements of Magnetic Field of the Sun-as-a-Star: Observations at the Sayan Observatory in 1993-1997 |
271 |
Demidov, M. L.; Grigoryev, V. M. |
Solar Total Irradiance Variations |
281 |
Lean, Judith; Frohlich, Claus |
Variability of the Solar Call K Line over the 22 Year Hale Cycle |
293 |
White, O. R.; Livingston, W. C.; Keil, S. L.; Henry, Timothy W. |
NSO/AFRL/Sac Peak K-line Monitoring Program |
301 |
Keil, Stephen L.; Henry, Timothy W.; Fleck, Bernhard |
Modelling Spectral Irradiance Variations obtained by VIRGO |
311 |
Fligge, M.; Solanki, S. K.; Unruh, Y.; Frohlich, C.; Wehrli, Ch. |
Search for a Robust Index of Long-Term Facular Variations |
317 |
Fligge, M.; Solanki, S. K. |
Synoptic Coronal Temperature; Magnetic Field and He 11083 NM Observations |
325 |
Penn, M.; Altrock, R. C.; Henry, T.; Guhathakurta, M. |
Simultaneous Observations of the Emission Corona |
333 |
Rybansky, M.; Minarovjech, M.; Rusin, V. |
Variation of Solar Coronal Intensity and Temperature in Cycle 22 |
339 |
Altrock, Richard C. |
Polar Activity of the Coming Global Solar Cycle 23 |
347 |
Makarov, V. I.; Makarova, V. V. |
Emission Corona and Prominences over Solar Cycles |
353 |
Rusin, V.; Rybansky, M.; Minarovjech, M. |
Multiwavelength Observations of a Coronal Hole |
363 |
Gopalswamy, N.; Shibasaki, K.; Deforest, C. E.; Bromage, B. J. I.; Del Zanna, G. |
Radio Synoptic Maps and Polar CAP Brightening |
373 |
Shibasaki, Kiyoto |
Synoptic Radio Observations |
387 |
Schmahl, E. J.; Kundu, M. R. |
Comparison of Microwave and SOHO Synoptic Maps of the Sun During the Whole Sun Month, 1996 |
401 |
Gopalswamy, N.; Thompson, B. J.; Shibasaki, K. |
Tomographic Reconstructions of the Corona from UVCS/SOHO Synoptic Observations |
407 |
Panasyuk, A. V.; Strachan, L.; Finesehi, S.; Gardner, L. D.; Raymond, J.; Kohl, J. L.; Antonucci, E.; Giordano, S.; Romoli, M. |
A Search for Systematic Periodicities in Solar Flares |
415 |
Balasubramaniam, K. S.; Radick, R. R.; Fox, J. |
Space Weather Forecasting at NOAA/SEC Using the Wang-Sheeley Model |
423 |
Arge, C. N.; Pizzo, V. J. |
Multitaper Spectral Analysis and Wavelet Analysis of Daily and Monthly Sunspot Numbers |
431 |
Komm, R. W. |
Geomagnetic Activity and the Solar Wind During the Maunder Minimum |
437 |
Cliver, E. W.; Bounar, K. H.; Boriakoff, V. |
National Geophysical Data Center Digital On-Line Database Update |
447 |
Coffey, H. E.; Hanchett, C. D. |
Variation of the Solar Granulation Over the Cycle: Previous Results and Future Observations |
455 |
Roudier, Th.; Reardon, K. |
The Role of Data Archives in Synoptic Solar Physics |
467 |
Reardon, Kevin |
Solar Observational Facilities at Hiraiso/CRL |
475 |
Akioka, Maki |
Long-Term Monitoring Studies of the Sun at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan |
483 |
Sakurai, Takashi |
Synoptic Observing Programs at Big Bear Solar Observatory |
497 |
Wang, Haimin; Goode, Philip R. |
The Advanced System for Observations of Large-Scale Solar Magnetic Fields on the STOP Telescope at the Sayan Observatory: Present Status, Recent Results and Future Plans |
511 |
Demidov, M. L.; Grigoryev, V. M.; Latushko, T. A.; Osak, B. F. |
The USAF Improved Solar Observing Optical Network (ISOON) and its Impact on Solar Synoptic Data Bases |
519 |
Neidig, D.; Wiborg, P.; Confer, M.; Haas, B.; Dunn, R.; Balasubramaniam, K. S.; Gullixson, C.; Craig, D.; Kaufman, M.; Hull, W.; McGraw, R.; Henry, T.; Rentschler, R.; Keller, C.; Jones, H.; Coulter, R.; Gregory, S.; Schimming, R.; Smaga, B. |
Solar Patrol for The Third Millennium |
529 |
Kennewell, John A. |
SOLIS Instrumentation Aspects |
539 |
Keller, C. U.; NSO Staff |
Enhanced Synoptic Observations: A Spacecraft on the Other Side of the Sun |
553 |
Ruzmaikin, A.; Feynman, J.; Harvey, J.; Harvey, K.; Magsonas Team |
Toward a Frequency-Agile Solar Radiotelescope |
563 |
Bastian, T. S.; Gary, D. E.; White, S. M.; Hurford, G. J. |