Title: |
Diffuse Infrared Radiation and the IRTS
Volume: |
Year: |
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Editors: |
Okuda, H.; Matsumoto, T.; Rollig, T.
Paper Title |
Page |
Authors |
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Introductory talk "Diffuse Infrared Radiation and the IRTS" |
3 |
Okuda, H. |
IRTS mission overview |
13 |
Murakami, H. |
IRTS pointing reconstruction at IPAC |
21 |
Moshir, M.; McCallon, H.; Evans, T.; Marsh, K.; Carlisle, G.; Laughlin, G.; Smith, B.; Beichman, C. |
The absolute sensitivity calibration of the IRTS/MIRS |
25 |
Tanabe, T.; Yamamura, I.; Onaka, T.; Chan, K.-W.; Roellig, T. L.; Cohen, M. |
The structured zodiacal light: IRAS, COBE, and ISO observations |
33 |
Reach, W. T. |
IRTS observation of the zodiacal light |
41 |
Noda, M.; Matsumoto, T.; Kawada, M.; Murakami, H.; Matsuura, S.; Tanaka, M.; Narita, K. |
Optical properties of the interplanetary dust; Symmetry plane and spectral feature of the zodiacal cloud |
50 |
Mukai, T. |
Observations of late-type stars |
61 |
Cohen, M. |
A near infrared stellar catalogue at high Galactic lattitudes |
67 |
Freund, M. M.; Cohen, M.; Matsuura, M.; Murakami, H.; Kawada, M.; Matsumoto, T.; Tanaka, M.; Matsuura, S.; Noda, M. |
Point source observations by the IRTS |
72 |
Yamamura, I.; IRTS Team |
The 2MASS survey and the cosmic infrared background |
82 |
Beichman, C. A. |
Model atmospheres of late-type stars: New possibilities with the new space data |
91 |
Tsuji, T.; Ohnaka, K.; Aoki, W. |
Observations of AGB stars in the Galactic outer disk |
105 |
Jiang, B. W.; Deguchi, S. |
Identification of stars observed by the NIRS at high Galactic latitudes |
109 |
Matsuura, M.; Freund, M. M.; Kawada, M.; Matsumoto, T.; Murakami, H.; Tanaka, M.; Matsuura, S.; Noda, M.; Yamamura, I. |
The NIRS point source extraction program and stellar catalogues |
114 |
Freund, M. M.; Cohen, M.; Matsuura, M.; Murakami, H.; Matsumoto, T.; Tanaka, M.; Matsuura, S.; Noda, M. |
COBE observations of infrared emission from the diffuse ISM: Constraints on interstellar dust models |
121 |
Dwek, E. |
FIRP(Far-Infrared Photometer) observations of the interstellar dust |
131 |
Hirao, T.; Matsumoto, T.; Sato, S.; Ganga, K.; Lange, A. E.; Smith, B. J.; Freund, M. M. |
155 Micron continuum emission from the Galactic plane observed by IRTS |
139 |
Okumura, K.; Hiromoto, N.; Okuda, H.; Shibai, H.; Nakagawa, T.; Makiuti, S.; Matsuhara, H. |
Firstresults of the PRONAOS/SPM two meter submillimeter telescope |
144 |
Ristorcelli, I.; Lamarre, J. M.; Serra, G.; Pajot, F.; Giard, M.; Bernard, J. P.; Torre, J. P. |
A summary of the "UIR" bands |
149 |
Tokunaga, A. T. |
PAR emission in the diffuse ISM: ISO results |
161 |
Bernard, J. P.; Puget, J. L.; Abergel, A.; Boulanger, F.; Desert, F. X.; Reach, W.; Verstraete, L. |
IRTS observations of the unidentified infrared bands in the diffuse Galactic light |
170 |
Onaka, T.; IRTS Team |
Excitation of molecular rotational lines by near infrared PAR photons |
178 |
Ciard, M.; Crete, E.; Puget, J. L. |
Grain temperatures and emission in diffuse interstellar clouds |
183 |
Greenberg, J. M.; Li, A. |
Emission measurement of thermally altered filmy QCC |
193 |
Coto, M.; Iwai, J.; Terada, H.; Imanishi, M.; Maihara, T.; Wada, S.; Narisawa, T. |
The structure of Quenched Carbonaceous Composite (QCC) |
197 |
Wada, S.; Hayashi, S.; Narisawa, T.; Tokunaga, A. T. |
4.5 to 11.7 MU M spectrophotometric observations of the Galactic center region by the MIRS/IRTS |
202 |
Chan, K.; Roellig, T. L.; Onaka, T.; Yamamura, I.; Tanabe, T. |
Cold Galactic dust observed with COBE data |
205 |
Lagache, G.; Abergel, A.; Boulanger, F.; Bernard, J. P.; Desert, F. X.; Puget, J. L. |
COBE observations of interstellar line emission |
211 |
Wright, E. L. |
FILM observation of the [C II] line |
218 |
Shibai, H.; FILM Team |
Far-Infrared [C II] line survey observations with a balloon-borne telescope |
228 |
Nakagawa, T.; Okuda, H.; Shibai, H.; Yui, Y. Y.; Doi, Y.; Mochizuki, K.; Tohya, T.; Makiuti, S.; Ishii, K.; Nishimura, T.; Low, F. J. |
Rocket observations of the [C II] 158 micron line and the Far-Infrared continuum emission from the diffuse interstellar medium at high Galactic latitudes |
237 |
Matsuhara, H.; Tanaka, M.; Fukui, Y.; Kawada, M.; Matsumoto, T.; Matsuura, S.; Bock, J. J.; Lange, A. E. |
The CO 2-1/1-0 ratio in the southern Milky Way and the Large Magellanic Cloud |
244 |
Hasegawa, T.; Morino, J.; Sorai, K.; Handa, T.; Sato, K.; Oka, T.; Seta, M.; Sakamoto, S.; Hayashi, M.; Booth, R.; Nyman, L. K.; Bronfman, L.; Rubio, M.; Shaver, P. |
First detection of [C I] absorption lines toward SGR B2 and W49A |
251 |
Sato, K.; Hasegawa, T.; White, G. J. |
Heating and cooling of the interstellar medium |
255 |
Tielens, A. G. C. M. |
The chemistry of interstellar clouds |
264 |
Spaans, M. |
UV radiation in the Rho OPH dark cloud |
272 |
Yui, Y. Y.; Tomono, D.; Onaka, T.; Nakagawa, T.; Shibai, H.; Okuda, H. |
Observations of the rho Ophiuchi Cloud with the ISO/LWS and SWS |
278 |
Tomono, D.; Onaka, T.; Yamashita-Yui, Y.; Nakagawa, T.; Shibai, H. |
[C II] line observations of the Galactic plane by the IRTS/FILM |
283 |
Makiuti, S.; Shibai, H.; Okuda, H.; Nakagawa, T.; Matsuhara, H.; Okumura, K.; Hiromoto, N. |
Diffuse [C II] 158 micron emission from the Cygnus X Region |
287 |
Doi, Y.; Nakagawa, T.; Yui, Y. Y.; Okuda, H.; Shibai, H.; Nishimura, T.; Low, F. J. |
Gaseous CO absorption toward the objects near the Galactic center |
291 |
Nakagawa, T.; Okuda, H.; Shibai, H.; Nagata, T.; Matsuhara, H.; Geballe, T. R.; Kobayashi, Y. |
A photodissociation-region model for global properties of the Galaxy |
296 |
Mochizuki, K.; Nakagawa, T. |
Near-infrared molecular hydrogen emission in the Orion Nebula |
300 |
Usuda, T.; Sugai, H.; Kawabata, H.; Inoue, M. Y.; Kataza, H.; Tanaka, M. |
Near-Infrared wide-field imaging of the Orion Nebula |
304 |
Mori, A.; Okumura, S.; Nishihara, E.; Yamashita, T. |
Observation of [Ne II] 12.8 micron line from the W5ld Ultracompact H II Region - MIRFI first results |
307 |
Watarai, H.; Takahashi, H.; Hayata, E.; Matsuhara, H.; Matsumoto, T. |
The Mt. Fuji submillimeter-wave telescope |
310 |
Sekimoto, Y.; Yamamoto, S.; Yoshida, H.; Habara, H.; Arikawa, Y.; Hirota, T.; Ikeda, M.; Maezawa, H.; Salto, S.; Ozeki, H.; Fujiwara, H.; Inatani, J.; Ohishi, M.; Tatematsu, K.; Miyazawa, K.; Yang, J.; Shiki, S. |
The far-infrared cosmic background and foregrounds: Constraints; correlations; and caveats from the analysis of COBE FIRAS data |
317 |
Shafer, R. A.; Mather, J. C. |
Cold component of the galactic emission and extragalactic sub-mm background observed by COBE |
325 |
Abergel, A.; Boulanger, F.; Bernard, J. P.; Desert, F. X.; Lagache, C.; Puget, J. L.; Burton, W. B.; Hartmann, D. |
Limits on the cosmic infrared background from clustering in COBE/DIRBE maps |
329 |
Kashlinsky, A.; Mather, J. C.; Odenwald, S. |
IRTS observation of the near infrared diffuse background |
334 |
Matsumoto, T.; Kawada, M.; Murakami, H.; Tanaka, M.; Noda, M.; Matsuura, S.; Freund, M. M.; Cohen, M. |
ISO (CAM; PHT) Mid-IR spectro-imaging of the diffuse ISM of the edge-on galaxy NGC 5907: PARs are there! |
343 |
Rouan, D.; Lecoupanee, P.; Lacombe, F.; Tiphene, D.; Gallais, P.; Giard, M.; Leger, A. |
Wide-field and deep galaxy surveys |
348 |
Wainscoat, R. J. |
Models of the extragalactic infrared background |
356 |
Franceschini, A. |
Balloon observations of the diffuse near-IR sky emission |
367 |
Mandolesi, N.; Franceschini, A.; Attolini, M. R.; Cortiglioni, S.; Morigi, C.; Valenziano, L.; Ventura, G.; Danese, L.; Boscaleri, A.; Partridge, R. B. |
Dust absorption feature by the obscuring torus around AGNs and its applications |
372 |
Imanishi, M.; Terada, H.; Goto, M.; Maihara, T. |
MIR spectroscopy of the type 2 quasar IRAS P09104+4109 |
376 |
Sato, Y.; Taniguchi, Y.; Kawara, K.; Murayama, T.; Mouri, H. |
A new MIR test of the dusty torus model for Active Galactic Nuclei |
381 |
Murayama, T.; Mouri, H.; Taniguchi, Y. |
ISOPHOT far-infrared survey in the Lockman hole: First report |
386 |
Kawara, K.; Taniguchi, Y.; Sato, Y.; Okuda, H.; Matsumoto, T.; Sofue, Y.; Wakamatsu, K.; Matsuhara, H.; Hasegawa, T.; Chambers, K. C.; Cowie, L. L.; Joseph, R. D.; Sanders, D. B.; Wynn-Williams, C. G. |
Preliminary results from ISO: US guaranteed time projects |
393 |
Helou, G.; Becklin, E. E.; Stencel, R. E.; Wilkes, B. J. |
First Results of the ISO Short-Wavelength Spectrometer |
399 |
de Graauw, T. |
First results of Japanese Guaranteed Time Observations |
405 |
Okuda, H. |
SOFIA: The next airborne observatory |
415 |
Erickson, E. F. |
The NASA Space Infrared Telescope Facility |
424 |
Gautier, T. N., III |
The Wide-Field Infrared Explorer (WIRE) Mission |
432 |
Hacking, P.; Herter, T.; Stacey, C.; Houck, J. R.; Shupe, D. L.; Lonsdale, C.; Gautier, T. N.; Schember, H. R.; Werner, M. W.; Soifer, B. T.; Moseley, S. H.; Graf, P. |
The Next Generation Space Telescope, NGST |
441 |
Mather, John C. |
The Next Generation Space Telescope; NGST |
449 |
Thronson, H. A. |
NASA's Origins Theme and the future of IR space astronomy |
449 |
Thronson, H. A. |
Infrared Imaging Surveyor: IRIS |
454 |
Matsumoto, T. |
The Far-Infrared and Submillimeter Space Telescope (FIRST) |
465 |
Genzel, R. |
Cobras-Samba |
474 |
Giard, M.; Gispert, R.; Puget, J. L.; Bouchet, F. |
An all sky cirrus confusion noise map for WIRE |
482 |
Gautier, T. N., III |
New results and questions they raised at this Symposium |
489 |
Harwit, M. |