Title: Mapping, Measuring, and Modelling the Universe
Volume: 94 Year: 1996 View this Volume on ADS
Editors: Coles, Peter; Martinez, Vincent; Pons-Borderia, Maria-Jesus
ISBN: 1-886733-15-5 eISBN: 978-1-58381-430-7

Paper Title Page Authors
Dynamical Approximations for Gravitational Clustering 3 Shandardin, S. F.
Optimizing higher-Order Lagrangian Perturbation Theory for CDM Models 13 Weiss, A. G.; Gottlober, S.; Buchert, T.
Gravitational Dynamics using the Deformation Tensor 19 Audit, F.; Alimi, J.-M.
Lagrangian Dynamics of Collisionless Matter 25 Matarrese, S.; Terranova, D.
Cosmological Collapses of Irrotational Dust 31 Bruni, M.
Modelling the Clustering of Objects 37 Salvador-Sole, F.
Tidal Fields and Structure Formation 49 van de Weygaert, R.
Evolution of the Angular Momentum of Protogalaxies from Tidal Torques 57 Catelan, P.; Theuns, T.
Gravitational Collapse in a Clumpy Environment 63 Antonuccio-Delogu, V.
The Structure Formation Resonance and its Time Evolution in a Quasistatic Approximation 69 Macedo, P. O.; de Carvalho, J. P. M.
Three Temperatures Hydrodynamics of Cosmological Pancakes 75 Teyssier, R.; Chieze, J.-P.; Alimi, J.-M.
Numerical and Analytical Studies of Galaxy Formation 83 Frenk, C. S.; Baugh, C. M.; Cole, S.
Modelling Generic Patches of the Universe 95 Saar, F.; Suisalu, I.
The Virgo Project: Cosmological Simulations using Hydra 101 Thomas, P. A.; Pearce, F. H.; Couchman, H. M. P.; Colberg, J. M.; White, S. D. M.; Jenkins, A. R.; Frenk, C. S.
Cosmic Structure on Small Scales: Results on Cluster Cores and Redshift-Space Power Spectra 107 Bromley, B. C.; Brainerd, T. C.; Warren, M. S.; Zurek, W. H.
A Hydrodynamic Cosmological Code: Preliminary Results 119 Ibanez, V.; Quilis, J. M.; Saez, D.
Numerical Simulations of Galaxy Formation: Effects of Star Formation and Gas Dynamics 125 Yepes, C.; Kates, R.; Klypin, A.; Khokhlov, A.
The Structure of Dark Matter Haloes 131 Tormen, G.
The Distribution of the Ly-alpha Absorption Clouds Tracing the Dark Matter Filaments 137 Mucket, J. P.
Present and Future Redshift Surveys: ORS, DOGS and 2dF 145 Lahav, O.
Redshift Surveys and Large-Scale Structure 157 Guzzo, L.
IRAS Galaxy Redshift Surveys 171 Rowan-Robinson, M.
Mapping the Universe through 3D Visualization of Galaxy Redshifts 177 Christensen, L. L.
Large-Scale Structure at Z approximately equals 2.5 183 Williger, G. M.; Hazard, C.; Baldwin, J. A.; McMahon, R. G.
Projection Effects in the Abell Catalogue 191 van Haarlem, M. P.
Galaxy Cluster Luminosity Functions and the Distances to Clusters 197 Jones, B. J. T.; Mazure, A.
Luminosity Function of Early-Type Galaxies in Cluster Cores (as selected by ANN) 205 Alolinari, E.; Smareglia, R.
X-ray Selected Clusters of Galaxies 209 Gioia, I. M.
Comparison of Optical and X-ray Structures of Galaxy Clusters 215 Baier, F. W.; Lima Neto, G. B.; Wipper, H.; Braun, M.
The Galaxy Velocity Dispersion - X-ray Temperature Helation in Galaxy Clusters 221 Girardi, M.; Fadda, D.; Giuricin, G.; Mardirossian, F.; Mezzetti, M.; Biviano, A.
The 2D Power Spectrum of Slices in the Las Campanas Redshift Survey: Excesss Power and Quasi-Coherent Structures 229 Landy, S. D.
Large- and Superlarge-Scale Structure in the Universe: Core-Sampling Approach 235 Doroshkevich, A.; Fong, R.
Multiscaling 241 Martinez, V. J.; Pons-Borderia, M. J.
Analyzing Galaxy Catalogues with Minkowski Functionals 247 Kerscher, M.; Schmalzing, J.; Buchert, T.
The Statistics of the Large-Scale Velocity Field 253 Bernardeau, F.
Redshift Space 259 Heavens, A. F.
The Amplitude of the Initial Density Fluctuation Spectrum from Lensing Statistics 265 van Kampen, E.
Do Galaxies of Different Characteristics Trace the Same Density Field? 271 Dominguez-Tenreiro, R.
The Large-Scale Cluster Velocity Field and the Value of Betac 277 Plionis, M.; Branchini, F.
CDM--like VS CHDM Models: the Distribution of Galaxy Clusters 283 Borgani, S.
The Cluster Velocity Field 289 Moscardini, L.; Branchini, E.; Brunozzi, P. Tini; Borgani, S.; Plionis, M.; Coles, P.
Cold + Volatile Dark Matter Models: Linear Evolution and Large-Scale Structure Predictions 295 Pierpaoli, E.
The Matter Distribution on CDM Models with Different Primordial Perturbation Spectra 301 Gottlober, S.
What can we learn from CMB Anisotropies? 309 Sugiyama, N.
Non-linear Gravity and Anisotropies in the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation 315 Sanz, J. L.; Cayon, L.
On the Microwave Background Anisotropy produced by Great Cosmological Structures 325 Fullana, M. J.; Saez, D.; Arnua, J. V.
Is Tenerife Sampling an Active Region of the CBR Temperature Fluctuation Sky 329 Atrio-Barandela, F.; Cayon, L.
Global Textures and the Doppler Peaks 335 Gangui, A.; Durrer, R.; Sakellariadou, M.
Contributions to the CMBR Three-Point Function from the Rees-Sciama Effect 341 Mollerach, S.; Gangui, A.; Lucchin, F.; Mattarese, S.
Averaging hypotheses in Newtonian Cosmology 349 Buchert, T.
Cepheids. Supernovae and the Value of H0 357 Hendry, M. A.; Kanbur, S. M.
Minimal Information and the Flatness Problem 363 Coles, P.; Evrard, C.
Modelling the Number Counts 369 Campos, A.
Can the Dark Matter be Fully Baryonic? 375 Alimi, J.-M.; Serna, A.