Paper Title |
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Authors |
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Dynamical Approximations for Gravitational Clustering |
3 |
Shandardin, S. F. |
Optimizing higher-Order Lagrangian Perturbation Theory for CDM Models |
13 |
Weiss, A. G.; Gottlober, S.; Buchert, T. |
Gravitational Dynamics using the Deformation Tensor |
19 |
Audit, F.; Alimi, J.-M. |
Lagrangian Dynamics of Collisionless Matter |
25 |
Matarrese, S.; Terranova, D. |
Cosmological Collapses of Irrotational Dust |
31 |
Bruni, M. |
Modelling the Clustering of Objects |
37 |
Salvador-Sole, F. |
Tidal Fields and Structure Formation |
49 |
van de Weygaert, R. |
Evolution of the Angular Momentum of Protogalaxies from Tidal Torques |
57 |
Catelan, P.; Theuns, T. |
Gravitational Collapse in a Clumpy Environment |
63 |
Antonuccio-Delogu, V. |
The Structure Formation Resonance and its Time Evolution in a Quasistatic Approximation |
69 |
Macedo, P. O.; de Carvalho, J. P. M. |
Three Temperatures Hydrodynamics of Cosmological Pancakes |
75 |
Teyssier, R.; Chieze, J.-P.; Alimi, J.-M. |
Numerical and Analytical Studies of Galaxy Formation |
83 |
Frenk, C. S.; Baugh, C. M.; Cole, S. |
Modelling Generic Patches of the Universe |
95 |
Saar, F.; Suisalu, I. |
The Virgo Project: Cosmological Simulations using Hydra |
101 |
Thomas, P. A.; Pearce, F. H.; Couchman, H. M. P.; Colberg, J. M.; White, S. D. M.; Jenkins, A. R.; Frenk, C. S. |
Cosmic Structure on Small Scales: Results on Cluster Cores and Redshift-Space Power Spectra |
107 |
Bromley, B. C.; Brainerd, T. C.; Warren, M. S.; Zurek, W. H. |
A Hydrodynamic Cosmological Code: Preliminary Results |
119 |
Ibanez, V.; Quilis, J. M.; Saez, D. |
Numerical Simulations of Galaxy Formation: Effects of Star Formation and Gas Dynamics |
125 |
Yepes, C.; Kates, R.; Klypin, A.; Khokhlov, A. |
The Structure of Dark Matter Haloes |
131 |
Tormen, G. |
The Distribution of the Ly-alpha Absorption Clouds Tracing the Dark Matter Filaments |
137 |
Mucket, J. P. |
Present and Future Redshift Surveys: ORS, DOGS and 2dF |
145 |
Lahav, O. |
Redshift Surveys and Large-Scale Structure |
157 |
Guzzo, L. |
IRAS Galaxy Redshift Surveys |
171 |
Rowan-Robinson, M. |
Mapping the Universe through 3D Visualization of Galaxy Redshifts |
177 |
Christensen, L. L. |
Large-Scale Structure at Z approximately equals 2.5 |
183 |
Williger, G. M.; Hazard, C.; Baldwin, J. A.; McMahon, R. G. |
Projection Effects in the Abell Catalogue |
191 |
van Haarlem, M. P. |
Galaxy Cluster Luminosity Functions and the Distances to Clusters |
197 |
Jones, B. J. T.; Mazure, A. |
Luminosity Function of Early-Type Galaxies in Cluster Cores (as selected by ANN) |
205 |
Alolinari, E.; Smareglia, R. |
X-ray Selected Clusters of Galaxies |
209 |
Gioia, I. M. |
Comparison of Optical and X-ray Structures of Galaxy Clusters |
215 |
Baier, F. W.; Lima Neto, G. B.; Wipper, H.; Braun, M. |
The Galaxy Velocity Dispersion - X-ray Temperature Helation in Galaxy Clusters |
221 |
Girardi, M.; Fadda, D.; Giuricin, G.; Mardirossian, F.; Mezzetti, M.; Biviano, A. |
The 2D Power Spectrum of Slices in the Las Campanas Redshift Survey: Excesss Power and Quasi-Coherent Structures |
229 |
Landy, S. D. |
Large- and Superlarge-Scale Structure in the Universe: Core-Sampling Approach |
235 |
Doroshkevich, A.; Fong, R. |
Multiscaling |
241 |
Martinez, V. J.; Pons-Borderia, M. J. |
Analyzing Galaxy Catalogues with Minkowski Functionals |
247 |
Kerscher, M.; Schmalzing, J.; Buchert, T. |
The Statistics of the Large-Scale Velocity Field |
253 |
Bernardeau, F. |
Redshift Space |
259 |
Heavens, A. F. |
The Amplitude of the Initial Density Fluctuation Spectrum from Lensing Statistics |
265 |
van Kampen, E. |
Do Galaxies of Different Characteristics Trace the Same Density Field? |
271 |
Dominguez-Tenreiro, R. |
The Large-Scale Cluster Velocity Field and the Value of Betac |
277 |
Plionis, M.; Branchini, F. |
CDM--like VS CHDM Models: the Distribution of Galaxy Clusters |
283 |
Borgani, S. |
The Cluster Velocity Field |
289 |
Moscardini, L.; Branchini, E.; Brunozzi, P. Tini; Borgani, S.; Plionis, M.; Coles, P. |
Cold + Volatile Dark Matter Models: Linear Evolution and Large-Scale Structure Predictions |
295 |
Pierpaoli, E. |
The Matter Distribution on CDM Models with Different Primordial Perturbation Spectra |
301 |
Gottlober, S. |
What can we learn from CMB Anisotropies? |
309 |
Sugiyama, N. |
Non-linear Gravity and Anisotropies in the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation |
315 |
Sanz, J. L.; Cayon, L. |
On the Microwave Background Anisotropy produced by Great Cosmological Structures |
325 |
Fullana, M. J.; Saez, D.; Arnua, J. V. |
Is Tenerife Sampling an Active Region of the CBR Temperature Fluctuation Sky |
329 |
Atrio-Barandela, F.; Cayon, L. |
Global Textures and the Doppler Peaks |
335 |
Gangui, A.; Durrer, R.; Sakellariadou, M. |
Contributions to the CMBR Three-Point Function from the Rees-Sciama Effect |
341 |
Mollerach, S.; Gangui, A.; Lucchin, F.; Mattarese, S. |
Averaging hypotheses in Newtonian Cosmology |
349 |
Buchert, T. |
Cepheids. Supernovae and the Value of H0 |
357 |
Hendry, M. A.; Kanbur, S. M. |
Minimal Information and the Flatness Problem |
363 |
Coles, P.; Evrard, C. |
Modelling the Number Counts |
369 |
Campos, A. |
Can the Dark Matter be Fully Baryonic? |
375 |
Alimi, J.-M.; Serna, A. |