Title: Seventy-five Years of Hirayama Asteroid Families: The Role of Collisions in the Solar System History
Volume: 63 Year: 1994 View this Volume on ADS
Editors: Kozai, Yoshihide; Binzel, Richard P.; Hirayama, Tomohiro
ISBN: 0-937707-82-1 eISBN: 978-1-58381-399-7

Paper Title Page Authors
Kiyotsugu Hirayama and His Families of Asteroids (invited) 1 Kozai, Y.
Stochasticity of the Apollo Asteroid 4179 Toutatis 7 Benest, D.; Froeschle, C.; Gonczi, R.
Simulation of Systematic Observational Errors in Orbit Computation. Theorem of the Proper Direction(s) of an Orbital Element 15 Debehogne, H.
Secondary and Secular Resonances inside the Hecuba Gap 21 Henrard, J.; Watanabe, N.; Moons, M.
Close Encounters of Asteroids (invited) 28 Yoshikawa, M.
Stability of Some Degenerate Positions of Relative Equilibrium in the n-Body Problem 39 Elmabsout, B.
Orbits about a Triaxial Spinning Body 45 Chauvineau, B.; Farinella, P.; Mignard, F.
Size Dependence of Asteroid Belt Structure 52 Nakamura, T.
A Study of Asteroid Dynamical Families (invited) 62 Lindblad, B. A.
How Many Families Are There and How Old Are They? (invited) 76 Farinella, P.
Search for Families among ESO-Schmidt-Discoveries (1987-1993) 87 Elst, E. W.
The Statistical Significance of Small Asteroid Dynamical Families 91 Lindblad, B. A.
Co-Genetic Families amongst the Planet-Crossing Asteroids (invited) 97 Steel, D.
New Approach to the Explosive Origin of the Asteroid Belt 109 Drobyshevski, E. M.; Simonenko, V. A.; Demyanovski, S. V.; Bragin, A. A.; Kovalenko, G. V.; Shnitko, A. S.; Suchkov, V. A.; Vronski, A. V.
On the Formation and Ages of Three Large Asteroid Families 116 Marzari, F.; Davis, D. R.
Tumbling Asteroids 125 Harris, A. W.
Galileo's Exploration of 243 Ida and the Scaling Law on Impact Fragmentation Phenomena 126 Takagi, Y.
Asteroid Proper Elements: Past and Present (invited) 129 Knezevic, Z.
Hungaria: A Potential New Family 140 Lemaitre, A.
The Orbits of Flora Asteroid Family Discovered by Hirayama 146 Miaofu, He
Rotation of Comets and Asteroids in Families 150 Watanabe, J.
Research of the Thin Structure of Meteor Falling Flux in Locality of Earth by Radar Tomographic Method 154 Sidorov, V. V.; Filimonova, T. K.; Amer Ali, Rasim; Ganin, V. A.
Dust Impacts on the European Retrievable Carrier (EuReCa) Spacecraft 161 Yano, H.; McDonnell, J. A. M.
Asteroids and Their Meteor Showers (invited) 168 Babadzhanov, P. B.
Meteor Spectra-Possible Link between Meteorite Classes and Asteroid Families 186 Borovicka, J.
Collisional Simulation of a Planetary Ring 192 Hongnan, Zhou
Collisions of Parabolic Giant Comets with Jupiter 198 Batllo, V.; Edelman, C.
CCD Systems for Searching for Near-Earth Asteroids (invited) 203 Harris, A. W.
A Monte Carlo Model for the Evolution of Binary Earth-Approaching Asteroids 214 Chauvineau, B.; Farinella, P.
Proposed Observational Network to Detect Near-Earth Objects in Japan 220 Isobe, S.
Comparison of Outcomes from Impact Experiments with the Koronis Family (invited) 223 Fujiwara, A.
Railgun Collisional Experiments 231 Drobyshevski, E. M.; Rozov, S. I.; Zhukov, B. G.; Kurakin, R. O.; Sokolov, V. M.
Fragmentation of Intact and Pre-Impacted Basalt Targets 237 Nakamura, A. M.; Fujiwara, A.; Kadono, T.; Shirono, S.
Impact Fragmentation Experiments of Porous and Weak Targets 243 Yanagisawa, M.; Itoi, T.
Physical Studies of Hirayama Families: Recent Results and Future Prospects (invited) 251 Binzel, R. P.
Global Phenomena Induced by Asteroid Impacts on the Earth's Ocean-ORIGINS of Mantle Plume, Marine Biomass Extinction and Primitive Life Formation 259 Miura, Y.
Collision Winter by a Giant Land Impact 265 Koshiishi, H.; Matsushima, K.
Expansion Velocity of Impact- Generated Vapor Cloud 273 Kadono, T.; Fujiwara, A.; Nakamura, A. M.; Shirono, S.
A Physical Study of the Asteroid 108 Hecuba 280 Blanco, C.; di Martino, M.; Lazzarin, M.; Cellino, A.; Riccioli, D.
Material Evidence for Compositional Change of Dusts by Collision Applied to the Solar System's Formation and the Asteroid Belt 286 Miura, Y.
Cosmogonic Aspects of Asteroid Rotation 289 Lupishko, D. F.; Velichko, F. P.
Japanese Near-Earth Asteroid Mission (invited) 290 Mizutani, H.; Kawaguchi, J.
Activities of Asteroid Studies by Amateur Astronomers in Japan 297 Kosai, H.; Urata, T.; Nakamura, T.