Title: Astronomical CCD Observing and Reduction Techniques
Volume: 23 Year: 1992 View this Volume on ADS
Editors: Howell, Steve B.
ISBN: 0-937707-42-4 eISBN: 978-1-58381-359-1
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Paper Title Page Authors
History and Advancement of Large Array Scientific CCD Imagers 1 Janesick, James; Elliott, Tom
Details of Noise Sources and Reduction Processes 68 Gilliland, Ronald L.
Basic Photometry Techniques 90 Dacosta, G. S.
Introduction to Differential Time-Series Astronomical Photometry Using Charged-Coupled Devices 105 Howell, Steve B.
Two Dimensional Imagery 130 Gullixson, Craig Alan
Point Source Spectroscopy 160 Wagner, R. Mark
Extended Object Spectrophotometry 195 Pogge, Richard W.
Introduction to CCD Astrometry 221 Monet, David G.
Solar System Applications for CCDs 234 Binzel, Richard P.
CCD Data: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly 240 Massey, Philip; Jacoby, George H.
Observing With Infrared Arrays 258 Joyce, Richard R.
Image Processing, Data Analysis Software, and Computer Systems for CCD Data Reduction and Analysis 285 Hanisch, R. J.
Concluding Remarks 320 Kutter, G. Siefgried