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Paper: Remote Visualisation and Previews for ALMA
Volume: 535, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXXI
Page: 195
Authors: Stoehr, F.; Wang, K.; Moraghan, A.; Manning, A.; del Prado, M.; Aguirre, A.; Plunkett, A.; Lipnicky, A.; Sanhueza, P.; Morita, E.; Teuben, P.
Abstract: The amount of data produced by the Atacama Large Millimeter/ sub-millimeter Array (ALMA) is huge (>1PB to date) and the FITS files can be large. In addition to a sophisticated query functionality through the ALMA Science Archive (ASA), users should be able to quickly have a look at the actual data themselves without needing to fully download them first. We have added a powerful remote-visualization system using CARTA ( to the ASA at the beginning of 2021. CARTA has already been remotely accessed extensively by the ALMA users. Moreover, we have created over 450,000 elaborate interactive previews, using the ALMA Data Mining Toolkit (ADMIT) for line-identification.
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