Paper: |
AKARI Detections of Submm Galaxies, and Vice Versa |
Volume: |
418, AKARI, a Light to Illuminate the Misty Universe |
Page: |
339 |
Authors: |
Serjeant, S.; Negrello, M.; Pearson, C.; the SHADES-AzTEC and FU-HYU Consortia |
Abstract: |
We present a comparison between the SCUBA Half Degree Extragalactic Survey (SHADES) at 450 μm, 850 μm and 1100 μm in the Lockman Hole East with deep AKARI and Spitzer surveys at 3.6–24 μm conducted in guaranteed time. We analysed the AKARI data using bespoke Interactive Data Language (IDL) routines modelled in part on the zerofootprint drizzling and noise-weighted matched filtering developed for SHADES. A provisional flux calibration was performed by cross-matching to the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) data. The outstanding mid-infrared multi-wavelength coverage from AKARI and Spitzer is a superlative diagnostic of the bolometric contributions from active galactic nuclei (AGN), and we find that (53±12)% of submm galaxies well-fit by radiative transfer models have AGN bolometric fractions fAGN > 0.3. We confirm the correspondence between the contributions to the mid-infrared and submm backgrounds found in SHADES paper IX, and find that AKARI 15 μm galaxies with >200 μJy contribute ∼10% of the 450 μm and 850 μm background, but only ∼3% of the 1100 μm background, suggestive of different populations contributing at mm-wavelengths. The ultra-deep 450 μm SCUBA-2 Cosmology Survey will find sources well within the detectability of AKARI. |